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First Class train travel

edited July 2011 in Not Sports Related
Just on my way up to Birmingham for a spot of business and have got a nice comfy seat in a virtually empty carriage and the nice lady has just brought me some fresh OJ, a cup of splosh and a bacon roll.

All this for £22 - because I booked in advance. Coming back I've paid 60 sheets for a cattle class ticket because I don't know what time I'll be travelling.

I know I've got a bargain going up there, but it's still not right how they can fcuk you over with such a complicated ticketing system.

And I thought, where better to discuss trains than on a Charlton message board?!


  • Thieving c***s - all of them
  • Bloody hell, they won't leave me alone. Been asked if I want tea (twice), coffee (twice), OJ and a bacon/sausage roll - and we're only at MK.

    Am fully expecting to be offered a BJ by Coventry - "Jason" looks very keen to please!
  • What does Coventry look like?
  • yes - we got a special offer for the Bournemouth game - two of us 1st class return from Lancaster only £130, which is cheaper than advanced cattle class but still a very expensive day out - they had better win
  • OJ as in orange juice but is BJ beetroot juice
  • Just book a time and if they say you're on the wrong train, tell them that your sorry but your best friends funeral lasted longer than it should have. Make sure you're wearing a black tie.
  • OJ as in orange juice but is BJ beetroot juice
    Yuck! Why would anyone want a BJ?!
  • She used to be a looker, but then some big ugly German had his way with her, big time, and since then it's a bit of a mess.
  • Got the train 1st Class to the Hartlepool game last season - top value and a quality service.
  • The other week i travelled from Lincolnshire to Kings Cross 1st class and it cost me £31.00.  The standard class ticket cost £31.50 - WTF???
  • Sponsored links:

  • I dont think Virgin dole out free alcohol on the weekend first class tickets anymore, according to my pals who went to liverpool last month. I had told them it was free stella all the way up there (as it was for me a few years back now) but all they got was free tea or coffee.

  • The bar was probably still dry form last time you went.
  • yes thats right, I remember now, I went up on a Friday night, you're right.  I just didn't realise.... i got dogs abuse for the promise that they would.

  • stop clogging plaaayer, you mug.
  • edited July 2011
    stop clogging plaaayer, you mug.
    She says, not mentioning trains or signal boxes at all. Booooo!
  • There we go then. My cheap first class fare on the way up is clearly being subsidided bus us poor c***s on this one back. Hf the train is desigmated forst class - and is empty - whilst the rest of us are all crammed into four carriages. And the dough is more than double this morning - and no sign of a bacon roll or Jason!

  • edited July 2011
    Slightly disappointed by this thread for three reasons
    1. It has kept on track
    2. There has been a complete absence of puns (except in point 1., above)
    3. There has been no mention of twitter (bloke walks into Dr's and says ''help me, I am addicted to twitter.'' Dr replies, 'I'm sorry, I dont follow you')
  • Remedy the situation then Floyd - go on , do your worst!
  • Please don't let this thread go off the rails.
  • Slightly disappointed by this thread for three reasons
    1. It has kept on track
    2. There has been a complete absence of puns (except in point 1., above)
    3. There has been no mention of twitter (bloke walks into Dr's and says ''help me, I am addicted to twitter.'' Dr replies, 'I'm sorry, I dont follow you')
    So what are your points ; )
  • Sponsored links:

  • Please don't let this thread go off the rails.
    Oh, you'd be chuffed to bits to close another thread wouldnt you? Just when it was getting up a head of steam.
  • I can always see the signs signals
  • Thieving c***s - all of them
    Lol. My wages have to be paid somehow. LOADS OF MONEY!!!  Good old Bob Crow.
  • There you go, just the ticket!
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