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Topical Would'Ya..

Rebbeca Brooks, NOTW boss... Its a yes from me.









  • Looks like she'd rough you up, mark you out of ten afterwards, and then kick you out of the's a yes from me, utter filth.
  • Carefull what you say lads, she is probably tapping your phone.............and its a no from me.
  • She needs to be destroyed (People can take that in any way they like)
  • She definitely looks like she'd want to manhandle you. Ordinarily I like a bit of discipline, but on this occasion I'd have to say no. She's got a face like a slapped arse
  • definitely YES (at my age a chance'd be a fine thing),  .. had a lean mean redheaded machine of a girlfriend a while ago, Charlotte from Burnley, still have the scars to remind me
  • Fiery red head with zero morals. In would ya terms that's a home banker !
  • edited July 2011
    leroy said, She's got a face like a slapped arse
    very good description lol 

    and i'd have to agree you leroy and say no from w2.

    it is very interesting to see the vast difference in people's lustometer. i mean she does absolutely nothing for me and that mass of hair really puts me off. do you think she has the same amount of hair under her armpits?%-{>
  • She needs to be destroyed (People can take that in any way they like)
  • Sorry but yes.

    Ginge mi**e an all that. 

  • no way, she looks like carol decker
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  • Its a no from me......ugly cow!
  • no way, she looks like carol decker
    are you saying  you wouldn't condescend to do Ms Decker . (is she Desmond's sister .. de israelites)
  • no way, she looks like carol decker
    are you saying  you wouldn't condescend to do Ms Decker . (is she Desmond's sister .. de israelites)
    She used to rehearse with her shit band in the hallway across from us back when i was in a band. Every time you went out for a piss or a drink they were singing that same fucking song. Hideous wailing bint.
  • think she's still doing it now on the Butlins tour
  • no way, she looks like carol decker
    are you saying  you wouldn't condescend to do Ms Decker . (is she Desmond's sister .. de israelites)
    She used to rehearse with her shit band in the hallway across from us back when i was in a band. Every time you went out for a piss or a drink they were singing that same fucking song. Hideous wailing bint.
    China in Your Hands?
  • no way, she looks like carol decker
    are you saying  you wouldn't condescend to do Ms Decker . (is she Desmond's sister .. de israelites)
    She used to rehearse with her shit band in the hallway across from us back when i was in a band. Every time you went out for a piss or a drink they were singing that same fucking song. Hideous wailing bint.
    China in Your Hands?
    bit of a fan then lincs?
  • Absolutely.
  • Had the misfortune to be on the same plane with her, Ross Kemp and their hangers on when they were on their way back from their wedding in Vegas.  Divorced now of course.   The slovenly bitch left her part of the Upper Class cabin in a disgraceful state.

    I can also tell you that Ross Kemp is short enough to feature as our right back.

    Anyway, if you want a dirty cow - she's for you.  Perhaps best not to take her home though!


  • Perhaps this is one we should throw open to the inmates of Holloway Prison - her next likely residence.
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  • no way, pig ugly face, shit hair and a complete **** to boot, nothing going for her in my eyes
  • Didn't she give Grant Mitchell a slap once ?
  • Sorry but yes.

    Ginge mi**e an all that. 

  • I'm sure we're being watched... so it's a "yes" from me - she is an intelligent attractive lady.

    What's that? We're not being watched? It's a no from me then!
  • Didn't she give Grant Mitchell a slap once ?

    Yep! (and it's a no from me!)

  • nicky bailey in a wig !

    so NO !
  • Not if she was the last woman on earth. Does nothing for me. At. All.
  • no way, she looks like carol decker

    You say that like it's a bad thing ?!?!?!

  • It is....

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