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Ed Miliband/ Daffy Duck



  • and Cameron is Wile E Coyote crossed with Mr Charles Burns
  • Norman Tebbit is Mr Burns, surely? How old is he, 150?
  • Norman Tebbit is Mr Burns, surely? How old is he, 150?
    agreed Tebbit is a ringer for Mr B
  • I think he looks more like Beeker from the Muppets
  • Did Ed model himself on Ralph?           Ralph Wiggum
  • edited July 2011
  • I am writing on behalf of Daffy Duck to complain about this wicked slur on his character ! Whoever did this should be up before the Beak.
  • I think he looks more like Beeker from the Muppets
    Nah, Beaker from the Muppets is Danny Alexander.
  • and Cameron is Wile E Coyote crossed with Mr Charles Burns

    Allegedly the character of Montgomery Burns was based on Rupert Murdoch. The Simpsons is broadcast on Fox News in the US and there are lots of in-jokes and sometimes more subtle jokes aimed at Fox News and its owners.
  • and Cameron is Wile E Coyote crossed with Mr Charles Burns
    Allegedly the character of Montgomery Burns was based on Rupert Murdoch. The Simpsons is broadcast on Fox News in the US and there are lots of in-jokes and sometimes more subtle jokes aimed at Fox News and its owners.
    That's interesting that despite all his egotism and arrogance. Rupert M retains the priceless Aussie trait of not taking himself tooooo seriously.
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  • and Cameron is Wile E Coyote crossed with Mr Charles Burns
    Allegedly the character of Montgomery Burns was based on Rupert Murdoch. The Simpsons is broadcast on Fox News in the US and there are lots of in-jokes and sometimes more subtle jokes aimed at Fox News and its owners.
    That's interesting that despite all his egotism and arrogance. Rupert M retains the priceless Aussie trait of not taking himself tooooo seriously.
    Fox only broadcasts the Simpsons, it has no ownership or role in the script writing or character development.
  • I think he looks more like Beeker from the Muppets
    Nah, Beaker from the Muppets is Danny Alexander.
    Have you ever seen a politician who looked quite so out of his depth? I wouldn't be surprised if Danny Alexander was being played by an actor as part of some grand spoof.
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