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Suede Shoes - HELP

I have just bought some Suede shoes from Burtons, I wore them out last night to a party and one is now fluffy from what I believe is alcohol being splashed on them by dancing. Does anyone know how to make them get back in to original state or as good as? It's like that it has gone fluffy now on one of them and it has made them ugly, they are Grey desert boots.


  • You can dance?
  • More bump and grind! haha
  • Boil the kettle, keep it boilingand put the shoes over it then brush it all the same way
  • I tried that but it doesn't make it as good as the other one plus my kettle will stop steaming (couple seconds later) after it's finished boiling.
  • Steal some hubcaps?
  • edited July 2011

    Serves you right for shopping at Burtons.

    Get a suede block and follow the instructions - essentially rub on and then brush off. Also buy a suede spray and treat the surface before wearing them again - an ounce of prevention and all that. Test this on a small non-visible bit of your shoe first.

  • People actually buy suede shoes?
  • I've got a pair of suedes, most comfortable pair of shoes I've ever had. BFR is right though, get the block and clean up. The prevention spray works a treat, follow the instructions exactly as they say. Had many spillages on mine and not a mark on them.
  • Where can I get this protection spray from?
  • Thought this might have been a link to an Elvis/Beatles re-mix..............:-(
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  • Go into your local shoe repairers and get a can of suede shampoo
  • tangoflash said

    Thought this might have been a link to an Elvis/Beatles re-mix.............

    'Thank you' 'Thank you very much'
  • Does the suede shampoo help with mould too? Everytime I put my suedes in the closet, they turn into a science experiment. It's very humid here.
  • Give it a go
  • Give it a go
    Mate you should explain that you were a cobbler, and not some boring old bstd who knows about Suede shoes
  • Does the suede shampoo help with mould too? Everytime I put my suedes in the closet, they turn into a science experiment. It's very humid here.
    Maybe put them in the closet without all the ahem 'special' plants in?
  • Whilst on the subject of Elvis and Blue Suede Shoe, my wife said to me 'Wish you were more like Elvis', I said 'What do you mean - a little less converstion and a bit more action?' - she said ' No, dead'............

  • You can do anything.....
  • Get yourself a proper pair of Clarks Originals (Desert Treks, Ashcotts, Wallabees). Sorted.
  • It's actually Burton ....
  • Sponsored links:

  • plus my kettle will stop steaming (couple seconds later) after it's finished boiling.

    That's how kettles work, when they fill up with steam they know the water has boiled and therefore turn off.

    Simple way around this is to take the lid off the kettle so all the steam escapes and doesnt fill the kettle, so the kettle stays on and the steam keeps pouring out, onto your shoes, watch out though, gets pretty hot!
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