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Alex Dyer

edited March 2011 in General Charlton
Is it any coincidence our drop in form is since he's come in


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    edited March 2011
    I was waiting for somebody to start that - I never have any time for fans picking on coaches - a manager you see his selections and tactics- we don't know what a coach does day to day so they are easy unfair targets to scapegoat. Happened a lot with Day under Curbs- Curbs was untouchable so defeciencies were unfairly put down to him.

    If it is down to Dyer in any way- we have no way of knowing so best not to start looking for scapegoats. Oh I forgot - that is what we like to do.
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    I started the same discussion on the 1st March and got very little response, does seem a coincidence that Powell wins 4 on his own then bingo, it all goes tits up when he announces his "management team"
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    Yes it is a complete coincidence. Thread over. Next question!! :)
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    Daft thread.

    How do we imagine this is going off? Powell is running his invincible well oiled machine when his old mucker turns up at the training ground and strarts ruining things? Would CP not think - I know I'll go back to whatever it was I was doing before BadAlex came in and started meddling?
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    who knows, Alex Dyer was manager of the west ham reserve team, it does sound daft but maybe dyer can not adapt to the role as assistant manager and it is not helping in some way.
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    I think it's safe to assume he has some influence on how we play, and more importantly a larger input than people who was more influential before, so it's a valid point in my book, problem is you never really know what happens on the training ground, and after seeing some of the displays lately, I think i'd rather not know!
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    Can we blame injuries instead?
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    Suspect fixture congestion and injuries have more to do with it. Since Powell arrived the results have been
    Sat 22/1 won
    Tue 1/2 won
    Sat 5/2 won
    Sat 12/2 won
    Tue 15/2 lost
    Sat 19/2 lost
    Fri 25/2 lost
    Tue 1/3 lost
    Sa 5/3 drew
    Tue 8/3 lost
    Sa 12/3 lost
    Having to play twice a week doesn't seem to be doing us any favours.
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    [cite]Posted By: aliwibble[/cite]Suspect fixture congestion and injuries have more to do with it. Since Powell arrived the results have been
    Sat 22/1 won
    Tue 1/2 won
    Sat 5/2 won
    Sat 12/2 won
    Tue 15/2 lost
    Sat 19/2 lost
    Fri 25/2 lost
    Tue 1/3 lost
    Sa 5/3 drew
    Tue 8/3 lost
    Sa 12/3 lost
    Having to play twice a week doesn't seem to be doing us any favours.

    Didn't affect the first 3 fixtures...
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    Isn't Alex Dyer 'Assistant Manager', and our own Damian Matthew the coach, promoted from U-18 duties?
    How many of the bad run matches has Johnny Jackson missed?
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    There's more than a week between fixtures 1 and 2, Saga, and that may have helped with the Tues to Sat gap for the Yeovil game
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    [cite]Posted By: MuttleyCAFC[/cite]I was waiting for somebody to start that - I never have any time for fans picking on coaches - a manager you see his selections and tactics- we don't know what a coach does day to day so they are easy unfair targets to scapegoat. Happened a lot with Day under Curbs- Curbs was untouchable so defeciencies were unfairly put down to him.

    If it is down to Dyer in any way- we have no way of knowing so best not to start looking for scapegoats. Oh I forgot - that is what we like to do.

    i'm not having a go at dyer just asking maybe his ideas along with powell are taking some getting used. I'm the last person to have a go at the management u go back and find me having a go.

    [cite]Posted By: McLovin[/cite]Daft thread.

    How do we imagine this is going off? Powell is running his invincible well oiled machine when his old mucker turns up at the training ground and strarts ruining things? Would CP not think - I know I'll go back to whatever it was I was doing before BadAlex came in and started meddling?

    no it's not a daft thread/ I just think dyer and powell obv have ideas on the gamen that are different to parkys and the players are struggling to get used to them. maybe just maybe the tide will turn soon.

    i'm not looking for scapegoats that's not my way i'm just trying to look at different ways as to why we're now struggling.
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    and next week we'll be shining the light on to the ball boys...
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    how about to many cooks spoil the broth!!!! powell manager! but dyer ,matthrews and peacock do we think they all get in each others way!!
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    I blame Jim Davidson.

    But that's not really related to this thread, I just blame him.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: Uboat[/cite]I blame Jim Davidson.

    But that's not really related to this thread, I just blame him.[/quote]

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    West Ham results have picked up since he left
    W 5-1
    W 3-1
    W 3-0
    L 2-1
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    [cite]Posted By: Solaraddick[/cite]Isn't Alex Dyer 'Assistant Manager', and our own Damian Matthew the coach, promoted from U-18 duties?
    How many of the bad run matches has Johnny Jackson missed?

    4 and a half (he went off at half time in the Notts County game). Including NC, that's 4 defeats and a draw.

    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]West Ham results have picked up since he left
    W 5-1
    W 3-1
    W 3-0
    L 2-1

    Mystery solved.

    Dyer out. ;-)
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    [cite]Posted By: Uboat[/cite]I blame Jim Davidson.

    But that's not really related to this thread, I just blame him.
    Ever since he stopped being a racialist we've been shit, right enough.

    Seriously though didn't we have this pathetic nonsense a while ago because someone didn't like the warm ups Andy Woodman was doing. It just makes football fans in general and charlton fans in particular look pathetic and clueless.
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    spent some time on saturday watching powell and dyer, they dont half have some odd behavior between them, they really dont look like a partnership. when peacock came down near the end it was like the teacher had just walked back into the room and they behaved, maybe they are best mates and just have an odd quirky realtionship but it didnt look that great at times almost like they were arguing about things. powell must had to fight to get him so hopefully there realtionship will blossom over the summer
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