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Powell's 1st month

edited February 2011 in General Charlton
Well, a week ago 4 wins out of 4 and everything was rosy, now a week later and 2 defeats later we're out the play off spots a weeks along time in football, so how do we feel Powell's first month has gone?

Made a good signing in BWP who seems to be the fox in a box 20 goal a season striker we've been after since D Bent left, a striker who will score if he has a chance but also capable of creating his own chances (overhead for Col U)

He's had quite a bit of luck admittedly (weak Plymouth back pass for Waggys goal and Col U disallowed goal) and we've yet to see the dominate 90 minute performance we've been waiting for all season, and we still seem to start games too slowly, Powells even said so himself last week. TBH I've given up thinking we'll see one now, we'll scrape wins by the odd goal, but we don't have the players to take a game by the scruff of the neck and really impose ourselves, instead we'll lump it forward for 45 minutes before someone tells them it isn't working and then we'll start passing.

One plus he does have the support of everyone, seen by the crowd being more patient and when I walked away from peterborough last week I really thought, even though was a little lucky to win, that Powell had changed the mood around The Valley and I really was looking forward to getting 3 points vs Hartlepool and showing everyone we mean business with promotion...

One worry for me, whether due to injuries or not, he still doesn't know his best team. Bessone or Fry at left back? McCormack or racon in midfield? Eccelstone has started right/left winger and striker in 3 games. Yesterday seemed to me a formation created to include Eccelestone/BWp and Abbott, even though it probably would have been better suited to just play 2 of them up top.

We have some useful players on the bench but Waggy and Ayinsahh don't seem as effective as they did at the start of the year. Reid has lost all confidence since being dropped, but think he still has a big part to play and can see him starting Friday. Notts County is a huge game for our season now, every team around us plays Tuesday night, and come Friday we could be a little more adrift even with games in hand. A win and everything looks a bit better, a loss and we'll be seriously wondering whether we'll make the play off's.


  • 1st month. Has turned around the foul atmosphere we had at The Valley into one more of tolerance and togetherness. Now needs to turn around the performances on the pitch. This second part might just take longer than the second month. I am still hopeful of a playoff triumph.
  • On the pitch and in the table we've gone backwards. Off the pitch and in the stands (just about) we've edged forward.
  • He's a young manager who started well - he's got a lot to learn and I hope the owners give him enough time and support.

    Having said that, he can only work with the tools he's been given and some of them are right tools! I thought he'd tightened up the defence, but that all went out of the window yesterday.
  • Six games in and he has been seen as masterful and inept, the truth being that it could have been worse and it could have been better. Curbs always used to say that a season should be judged after 10 games and maybe that is when we should make the first assessment of CP, he'll have had at least time then to get some loanees in.
  • Agree with Kap re the 10 games, although he is inexperienced and it will take time for him to get the squad he wants. I don't think success will come this year (hope I’m wrong!), but with the right additions, more of a chance next year.
  • Well 10 games into his reign now and I have to say it's getting worse. Pains me to say it but he seems to be out of his depth.

    Our season has also finished now. Just terrible.
  • BWP an improvement over what we had but our options up front our now worse. Only Anyinsah and BWP looks like a possible partnership. No striker with height and strength.

    That puts pressure on our limited midfield.

    Which puts pressure on our limited defence.

    Based on the games I've seen, we seem to be somewhere in between Parky's style and a passing game which doesn't suit our players.

    Need to give him time but does make you wonder if he can build a good squad in the summer.

    Is he just trying to change too much to soon? Or is it right to try and improve the football to see who is good enough for next season?
  • [cite]Posted By: pshrimpt[/cite]Agree with Kap re the 10 games, although he is inexperienced and it will take time for him to get the squad he wants. I don't think success will come this year (hope I’m wrong!), but with the right additions, more of a chance next year.

    I think you are right. The squad we have is not good enough. Parky bought players in like Francis, Macormack, Doherty, Abbot, Anyisah and Reid. Only 2 out of 6 we generally rate so this tells we bought in the wrongs players.

    Lets see who we get in the summer but I am hoping for a lot better next season.
  • I think he made a mistake in getting rid of both Sodje and Abbott. I rated Sodje and didn't want him to go and he offered something different.

    I know Abbott wanted to leave but he was our most improved player in his last few games, surely CP should've had someone lined up before he allowed him out the door?
  • The season is over.
    It's a shame because this year the league 1 competition for promotion is absolute shite.

    Unless Powell gets his team playing REALLY well next year we could struggle to go up anytime soon.
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  • [cite]Posted By: DiscoCAFC[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: pshrimpt[/cite]Agree with Kap re the 10 games, although he is inexperienced and it will take time for him to get the squad he wants. I don't think success will come this year (hope I’m wrong!), but with the right additions, more of a chance next year.

    I think you are right. The squad we have is not good enough. Parky bought players in like Francis, Macormack, Doherty, Abbot, Anyisah and Reid. Only 2 out of 6 we generally rate so this tells we bought in the wrongs players.

    Lets see who we get in the summer but I am hoping for a lot better next season.
    They were all we could afford.

    We didn't have the wage of transfer budget to buy proven League 1 players.

    No doubt BWP is on a bigger wage than our other strikers, and Eccleston wouldn't have been cheap either. Hopefully we'll have bigger budget in the summer, will be a real struggle if we don't I think.
  • When parky left we were in 5th, now we're ninth, no question who the better manager is, powell is a legend don't get me wrong but as a player not as manager, he hasn't got a clue what he's doing imo and don't think things will be better next season, I'm thinking more of a relegation scrap/mid table if he doesn't sort it out, probably going to get slated for this but hey ho, its my opinion and felt the need to share it with you
  • The board rolled the dice and took a chance with him. From the off I felt it would end in tears. The longer this season goes on the more he looks out of his depth.
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]On the pitch and in the table we've gone backwards. Off the pitch and in the stands (just about) we've edged forward.
    bang on
    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]On the pitch and in the table we've gone backwards. Off the pitch and in the stands (just about) we've edged forward.
    bang on
  • [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DiscoCAFC[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: pshrimpt[/cite]Agree with Kap re the 10 games, although he is inexperienced and it will take time for him to get the squad he wants. I don't think success will come this year (hope I’m wrong!), but with the right additions, more of a chance next year.

    I think you are right. The squad we have is not good enough. Parky bought players in like Francis, Macormack, Doherty, Abbot, Anyisah and Reid. Only 2 out of 6 we generally rate so this tells we bought in the wrongs players.

    Lets see who we get in the summer but I am hoping for a lot better next season.
    They were all we could afford.

    We didn't have the wage of transfer budget to buy proven League 1 players.

    No doubt BWP is on a bigger wage than our other strikers, and Eccleston wouldn't have been cheap either. Hopefully we'll have bigger budget in the summer, will be a real struggle if we don't I think.

    Yes but I am sure there were other players on the table Parky could have opted for?

    Having said that Slater did say promotion this season would be a bonus so I am being paitent once again and hoping we can bring in some decent players for next season.
  • How did he win any games!?
  • Big difference between promotion being a bonus and being a downright joke
  • true you cant just keep losing
  • And to think Southampton x2 and the red hot leyton orient aren't to far away

    Dreading each and every game as they come
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: DiscoCAFC[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: DiscoCAFC[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: pshrimpt[/cite]
    Having said that Slater did say promotion this season would be a bonus so I am being paitent once again and hoping we can bring in some decent players for next season.[/quote]

    I wonder who said "we must appoint a new manager to give us every chance of going up", did not sound like a bonus then!
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