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Player Ratings v Exeter

edited February 2011 in General Charlton
Sorry guys, we gotta do this

Bradley Wright Philips

Wagstaff N/A (edited)


  • Elliott - 5
    Jenkinson - 6
    Doherty - 3
    Dailly - 5
    Fry - 5
    McCormack - 4
    Semedo - 5
    Jackson - 5
    Ecclestone - 6.5
    Bradley Wright Philips - 5.5
    Abbott - 6

    Racon - 5.5
    Reid - 5.5
    Wagstaff - genuinelly didn't realise he came on so no mark!
  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]Sorry guys, we gotta do this

    Elliott - 6
    Jenkinson - 5
    Doherty - 5
    Dailly - 7
    Fry - 5
    McCormack - 5
    Semedo - 6
    Jackson - 5
    Eccleston - 6
    Wright Phillips - 6
    Abbott - 7

    Racon - 6
    Reid - 6
    Wagstaff - 6
  • Elliott - 4.5
    Jenkinson - 6
    Doherty - 4.5
    Dailly - 5.5
    Fry - 5.5
    McCormack - 4
    Semedo - 6
    Jackson - 5
    Ecclestone - 6
    Bradley Wright Philips - 5.5
    Abbott - 6

    Racon - 6
    Reid - 5.5
  • edited February 2011
    Elliott - 6
    Jenkinson - 7
    Doherty - 4
    Dailly - 5
    Fry - 5.5
    McCormack - 4
    Semedo - 6
    Jackson - 5
    Ecclestone - 7
    Bradley Wright Philips - 6
    Abbott - 6

    Racon - 6
    Reid - 6
    Wagstaff - genuinelly didn't realise he came on so no mark![/quote]

    Sorry Waggy only came on 87th minute
  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Clem_Snide[/cite]Elliott - 5
    Jenkinson - 6
    Doherty - 3
    Dailly - 5
    Fry - 5
    McCormack - 4
    Semedo - 5
    Jackson - 5
    Ecclestone - 6.5
    Bradley Wright Philips - 5.5
    Abbott - 6

    Racon - 5.5
    Reid - 5.5
    Wagstaff - genuinelly didn't realise he came on so no mark!

    Sorry Waggy only came on 87th minute

    Shows how much interest I had in the game.....I stayed till the final whistle as well!.
  • Elliott 5
    Jenkinso 6.5
    Doherty 4.5
    Dailly 5.5
    Fry 5
    McCormack 4
    Semedo 6
    Jackson 5
    Ecclestone 6.5
    Bradley Wright Philips 6
    Abbott 6

    Racon 6.5
    Reid 6
  • Elliott - 1 Totally at fault for the decisive goals
    Jenkinson - 7 Early mistake, but recovered and grew in confidence. Needs a wide player in front of him.
    Doherty - 1 Dreadful
    Dailly - 5 Too much is being asked of him.
    Fry - 5 Bewildered. Time to move across to CB.
    McCormack - 6 He's not Parker, Kinsella, Murphy or Jensen, but he gets from box to box, competes and gives everything he has.
    Semedo - 5 Has had better games.
    Jackson - 3 Way off the pace. 4-3-3 does not suit him.
    Eccleston - 6 Profligate.
    Bradley Wright Philips - 6 Took his goal well. Did little else right.
    Abbott - 6 A very poor player, who gives everything he's got. Just about our level.

    Racon - 5
    Reid - 4
    Wagstaff - 4
  • Elliott 5.5
    Jenkinson 6
    Doherty 3
    Dailly 5
    Fry 5
    McCormack 4
    Semedo 6
    Jackson 4
    Ecclestone 6
    Bradley Wright Philips 5.5
    Abbott 5

    Wagstaff N/A (edited)
  • edited February 2011
    Elliott 5
    Jenkinson 6.5 Done OK
    Doherty 3 Shocker. Far too slow to play alongside Daily
    Dailly 6
    Fry 5
    McCormack 5 Lost in space
    Semedo 5 Three forward passes in 90 minutes (I counted them)
    Jackson 5 Needs to impose himself more
    Eccleston 7 Lively., our biggest threat.
    Bradley Wright Philips 6.5 including 1 for the goal.
    Abbott 5

    Racon 6 tried to liven things up.
    Reid 5
    Wagstaff N/A (edited)
  • edited February 2011
    Elliott - 4 - Poor for all 3 of their goals, although those around him didn't help.
    Jenkinson - 6 - looked to play, made a few mistakes but didn't hide and did try and get at them.
    Doherty - 4 - Not good enough given his experience.
    Dailly - 7 - Looked in control of things until those around him went AWOL.
    Fry - 4 - defended ok but offers little support going forward.
    McCormack - 3 - more interested in creating trouble than opportunities for the front line.
    Semedo - 4 - breaks up their play but we will never play enough offensive football with him as the pivot.
    Jackson - 4 - looked lost in the 4-3-3
    Ecclestone - 6 - tried his best but lacked support going forward.
    Bradley Wright Philips - 6 - lost and a waste drifting wide right, he needs to play in front of goal.
    Abbott - 5.5 - agian 4-3-3 didn't suit him although he won enough that came to little as no one playing close enough to benefit.

    Racon - 7 - Did get things happening from central midfield.
    Reid - 6.5 - Caused a few problems for them when he came on, but his final delivery could have been better.
    Wagstaff - 6 - Little time to have a real impact.
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  • Elliott 5
    Jenkinson 6.5
    Doherty 3.5
    Dailly 6
    Fry 5
    McCormack 4
    Semedo 5
    Jackson 5
    Eccleston 7
    Bradley Wright Philips 6.5
    Abbott 5.5

    Racon 6
    Reid 5
    Wagstaff N/A (edited)
  • edited February 2011
    Elliott - 4: Made big errors that cost us, throwing wasn't bad.
    Jenkinson - 7.5: Very good home debut, well done Carl.
    Doherty - 4: Poor, need I say more? - Kept the ball alive for our goal.
    Dailly - 5: Not his usual self.
    Fry - 4.5: Not a left back and is showing it lately.
    McCormack - 1: Useless, when he plays we basically have 10 men.
    Semedo - 6: Not like last week where he was amazing but did okay today.
    Jackson - 5: What does he do other than score when/if he gets the chance?
    Ecclestone - 7: Thought he was bright and one of our better players, up there with Jenkinson.
    Bradley Wright Philips - 5.5: Scored but done nothing more, I honestly though Doherty had scored as it was so packed in there. He needs to play central.
    Abbott - 6.5: Running constantly and you can see he is trying so hard for the team. Unlucky when he hit the bar, great piece of skill.

    Racon - 6: Done 10 times more than what McCormack done, I think he changed the game as an attacking sense. He MUST start.
    Reid - 6: Showed signs of getting some form, didn't have too long but was bright.
    Wagstaff - N/A: Was on for about 5 mins? Hardly got a touch.
  • Elliott - 5
    Jenkinson - 7
    Doherty - 4
    Dailly - 5.5
    Fry - 5.5
    McCormack - 4
    Semedo - 7.5
    Jackson - 5.5
    Ecclestone - 7
    Bradley Wright Philips - 6
    Abbott - 6.5

    Racon - 7
    Reid - 6.5
  • Elliott - 3
    Jenkinson - 6.5
    Doherty - 3
    Dailly - 5.5
    Fry -5
    McCormack - 3
    Semedo - 7
    Jackson -5
    Ecclestone - 5.5
    Bradley Wright Philips - 6.5
    Abbott- 6

    Racon - 7.5
    Reid - 7
  • Elliott 6 kicks long too often when options available
    Jenkinson 6 looks like a centreback out of position
    Doherty 4 woeful. A liability
    Dailly 6.5
    Fry 6 not a full back
    McCormack 5 didn't hide but lacked impact
    Semedo 6 trying too bail out a sinking ship
    Jackson 6 not his best game
    Ecclestone 7 can't be expected to score every time
    Bradley Wright Philips 7 always a threat
    Abbott nothing stuck.poor. even at this level

    Racon 6.5 need him back
    Reid 6.5 looked his old self
    Wagstaff N/A (edited)
  • Elliott - 5 Getting a lot of stick but the two massively experienced centre backs take more of the blame imo
    Jenkinson - 7 not a bad start for a young lad
    Doherty - 1 - And he doesnt deserve that. Absolutely shocking!!!
    Dailly - 5.5 Not great but needs a proper partner
    Fry - 5 - I'd try jacko at LB and give Reid a chance
    McCormack - 4 - Tries hard but not great. Racon is better but perhaps still not good enough.
    Semedo - 6 - needs more support
    Jackson - 5 - Lost his way recently
    Ecclestone - 7 - Played well but I think he was better on the RW against Posh
    Bradley Wright Philips - 6 - a goalscorer who doesn't do much else - so play him in the centre.
    Abbott - 6.5 - Tried very hard and did better than most

    Racon - 7 - As above
    Reid - 6.5 - As above
  • Elliott - 6
    Jenkinson - 6
    Doherty - 3
    Dailly - 6
    Fry - 5.5
    McCormack - 4
    Semedo - 6
    Jackson - 3
    Ecclestone - 7
    Bradley Wright Philips - 6
    Abbott - 6

    Racon - 7.5
    Reid - 6.5
  • most of these marks above are ridiculous and out of total frustration. We were the better side for most of the game, had numerous corners, had the better of possession and anyone who marked lowe than wallsall or swindon really has lost it. Luckily SCP comments are more balanced
  • Elliott - 5
    Jenkinson - 6.5
    Doherty - 4
    Dailly - 6
    Fry - 5.5
    McCormack - 5
    Semedo - 5.5
    Jackson - 6
    Ecclestone - 7
    Bradley Wright Philips - 6
    Abbott - 6

    Racon - 6.5
    Reid - 6
  • Elliott - 6.5 - probably panicked on the pen but otherwise was OK
    Jenkinson 6.5 - very promising but caught out a couple of times
    Doherty 5.5 - - did well mostly, helped jenkinson but then made a couple of serious errors
    Dailly -6.5
    Fry -6.5
    McCormack - 7 thought battles well in our outnumbered midefield
    Semedo -7
    Jackson - 7
    Ecclestone - 5 - missed 2 good chnaces , rarely tracked back - seemed to be playing for himself not charlton
    Bradley Wright Philips - 4.5 - obviously doesnt like RW, improved when he came more in middle
    Abbott - 7.5 MOM - had that one gone in that hit the crossbar! Best game for us - however we cant play all 3 of him BWP and NE - selection problems for SCP

    Racon - 7 - did fairly well when he came on
    Reid - 6 - ineffective
    Wagstaff N/A (edited) - was it a penalty near the end?
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  • edited February 2011
    Elliott - 4 - At fault for at least one goal.
    Jenkinson 5.5 - Didn't look great going forward
    Doherty 5 - I actually thought he had a good first half but ruined everything with the mistake
    Dailly 5 - Treading water
    Fry 5.5 - Not as good as he was earlier in the season
    McCormack - 4 Not Good
    Semedo 6 - Had to do the work of two men
    Jackson 5 - Is he really our best option out wide?
    Ecclestone 4.5 - worst game since he came to Charlton
    Bradley Wright Philips 5 - Gave up too easily at times
    Abbott - 7 . Best player in a red shirt by far. MOM

    Racon -5 made no difference ( see below)
    Reid - 6 Brought on far too late
    Wagstaff N/A (edited)
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: redman[/cite]Elliott - 6.5 - probably panicked on the pen but otherwise was OK
    Jenkinson 6.5 - very promising but caught out a couple of times
    Doherty 5.5 - - did well mostly, helped jenkinson but then made a couple of serious errors
    Dailly -6.5
    Fry -6.5
    McCormack - 7 thought battles well in our outnumbered midefield
    Semedo -7
    Jackson - 7
    Ecclestone - 5 - missed 2 good chnaces , rarely tracked back - seemed to be playing for himself not charlton
    Bradley Wright Philips - 4.5 - obviously doesnt like RW, improved when he came more in middle
    Abbott - 7.5 MOM - had that one gone in that hit the crossbar! Best game for us - however we cant play all 3 of him BWP and NE - selection problems for SCP

    Racon - 7 - did fairly well when he came on
    Reid - 6 - ineffective
    Wagstaff N/A (edited) - was it a penalty near the end?

    Obviously watched a different game from the one I did - we were mostly overrun or clueless in possession in midfield and yet you gave the 3 MF 7 points apiece. McCormack battles well - you're having a giraffe!
  • Elliott 6 Average
    Jenkinson 7 Grew into the game and did well MOM
    Doherty 6 Would have been 7 but the second goal was down to him and cost us the game
    Dailly 6.5 Ok has been better. Talked to Jenks early on
    Fry 6 Average
    McCormack 5 They dominated midfield much of the time and that is in large part down to him
    Semedo 6 One good tacle one good shot not much else. Not helped by McCormack's lack of impact though
    Jackson 6 Offered a bit going forward tried to help Fry out not at his best
    Ecclestone 6 Offered more in general play than BWP but too often Pawel headed to nowhere which is partly down to him
    Bradley Wright Philips 6 Anonymous will be credited with Doc's goal
    Abbott 7 worked hard with little service unlucky with his shot which hit the bar

    Racon 6 A bit of fancy footwork here and there but no real impact better than McCormack but may not be over 90 minutes
    Reid 6 won a corner or two
    Wagstaff N/A (edited) 6 little impact but hardly any time
  • Elliott -5
    Jenkinson -5
    Doherty -5
    Dailly -5
    Fry -4
    McCormack -2
    Semedo -5
    Jackson -4
    Ecclestone -5
    Bradley Wright Philips -5
    Abbott -5

    Racon -6
    Reid -5
    Wagstaff N/A (edited) 5
  • Elliott 4
    Jenkinson 6
    Doherty 5
    Dailly 6
    Fry 6
    McCormack 4
    Semedo 6
    Jackson 5
    Ecclestone 7
    Bradley Wright Philips 6
    Abbott 6

    Racon 7
    Reid 7
  • Elliott 5
    Jenkinson 7
    Doherty 6
    Dailly 6
    Fry 6
    McCormack 5
    Semedo 6
    Jackson 7
    Ecclestone 7
    Bradley Wright Philips 7
    Abbott 8

    Racon 7
    Reid 6
    Wagstaff N/A (edited) 6
  • Doc made two mistakes not one. He is finished
  • Elliott 4 could have done better with the first and doc didn't help with the third
    Jenkinson 6.5 done well got up and down well seeing as there was no winger infromt of him
    Doherty 1 so slow! Whenever he gets in Pressured Its a long punt or a back pass
    Dailly 6 what can 1 man do?
    Fry 4.5 done alright but had his moments
    McCormack 0.5 whyyyy is he still starting we have semedo on to break up attacks then why do we need him to try to it aswell? He doesn't win balls and although he tries racon he leagues better
    Semedo 5.5 he did try ..
    Jackson 4 wasn't really involved seemed a little lost at times...
    Ecclestone 6 should of scored, seemed are biggest threat
    Bradley Wright Philips 6 good goal want to effect wide right
    Abbott 5.5 he's got a good touch 4-3-3 didn't really work to his favour though..

    Racon 6.5 ran past players ran foward passed forward why is he not starting?!
    Reid 5.5 didn't really notice him..
    Wagstaff N/A (edited)
  • edited February 2011
    Elliott -4
    Jenkinson -6
    Doherty -3
    Dailly -5
    Fry -4
    McCormack -4
    Semedo -5
    Jackson -4
    Ecclestone -5.5
    Bradley Wright Philips -5
    Abbott -6

    Racon -6.5
    Reid -6
  • Elliott - 5 - Below par, blame him for letting the 1st one through his legs and the lame effort on the penalty.
    Jenkinson - 7 - Solid full debut, couldn't fault him.
    Doherty - 3 - Simply no pace; Directly at fault for the last two goals.
    Dailly - 5
    Fry - 5
    McCormack - 5 - Below par; Don't see anything in him.
    Semedo - 6
    Jackson - 6
    Ecclestone - 7
    Bradley Wright Philips - 6
    Abbott - 5

    Racon - 6
    Reid - 6
    Wagstaff - N/A
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