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Charlton 3-2 Peterborough - Player Marks



  • Elliot - 7 (Couldn't do anything about the goals - stopped all the shots that he should have done)
    Francis - 7.5 (Distribution, a bit wayward in the first half, but defended well throughout, great cross for the first goal)
    Dailly - 7 (made of strong stuff)
    Doherty - 7 (some solid tackles)
    Bessone - 5.5 (Needs to learn some defensive discipline, and when to go charging up the pitch and playing speculative balls runs to the opposition defensive line, when no one is backing up the space he has vacated. Training needed. Hope the hamstring is not too bad though).
    Fry - 6 (a bit out paced but stood up to the challenge well)
    Wagstaff -5.5 (anonymous today)
    Semedo - 8 (Held everything together and came to the fore in the second half)
    McCormack - 6 (totally outclassed and out paced the first half, much better second)
    Jackson - 6 (scored an extra point for the goal, first half performance would have been a 4)
    Wright-Phillips -7 (a goal a game, what more do you want?)
    Eccleston - 7 (looked much better on the wing)
    Abbott - 8 (Excellent performance, brought the team together)MOM

    n/a Reid 6
  • Elliot 8
    Francis 8
    Dailly 7
    Doherty 7
    Bessone 7
    Wagstaff 6
    McCormack 6
    Semedo 7
    Jackson 7
    Eccleston 8
    Wright-Phillips 8

    Abbott 8
    Fry 7
    Reid 7
  • Elliot - 7.5
    Francis - 7.5
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 8
    Bessone - 6.5
    Fry - 6.5
    Wagstaff - 5
    Semedo - 8.5 MOTM, tough call between Jose & Abbott but Semedo was superb today
    McCormack - 6
    Jackson - 6.5
    Wright-Phillips - 6.5
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 8 - not sure what's happened to him as he's been useless recently but other than nearly falling over the ball with his first touch he was brilliant
  • Elliot -7
    Francis -6
    Dailly -7
    Doherty -6
    Bessone -7
    Fry -7
    Wagstaff -5
    Semedo -8
    McCormack -6
    Jackson -6
    Wright-Phillips -7
    Eccleston -7
    Abbott -7
  • Elliot - 7
    Francis - 8
    Dailly - 7.5
    Doherty - 7
    Bessone - 6
    Fry - 7
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 8.5 MoM
    McCormack - 6
    Jackson - 8
    Wright-Phillips - 8
    Eccleston - 7.5
    Abbott - 8 (Is there some kind of Voodoo thing going on?)
  • edited February 2011
    Elliot - 7
    Francis - 7.5
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 6.5
    Bessone - 6
    Fry - 6.5
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 7.5
    McCormack - 6
    Jackson - 7
    Wright-Phillips - 7.5
    Eccleston - 8
    Abbott - 8 MOM
  • Elliot - 7.5
    Francis - 7.5
    Dailly - 7.5
    Doherty - 7.5
    Bessone -5.5
    Fry - 7
    Wagstaff -5.5
    Semedo - 7.5
    McCormack - 6.5
    Jackson - 7
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 8
    Abbott - 8.5

    n/a Reid 6
  • Elliot - 7
    Francis - 6.5
    Dailly - 6.5
    Doherty - 6.5
    Bessone - 6
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 7.5
    McCormack - 6.5
    Jackson - 6.5
    Wright-Phillips - 6.5
    Eccleston - 6.5
    Abbott - 7.5

    n/a Reid
  • Elliot - 6
    Francis - 6.5
    Dailly - 6.5
    Doherty - 6.5
    Bessone - 6
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 5.5
    Semedo - 8 mom
    McCormack - 6
    Jackson - 6.5
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7.5
    Abbott - 8

    n/a Reid 6
  • Elliot -7- Solid, had no chance for either goal
    Francis -8-Much improved, put in a great cross for Jackson's goal
    Dailly -6.5- Solid against the division's highest scorer's and possibly best striker
    Doherty -6.5- see above
    Bessone -6.5- solid and unspectacular
    Fry -6- solid
    Wagstaff -5- didn't do anything, right decision to bring him off
    Semedo - 7.5- his usual self
    McCormack -6- some poor passes but didn't hide and gets around a lot
    Jackson - 5.5- would have been 5 but for his brave headed goal
    Wright-Phillips -6.5- drifted in and out but yet another goal
    Eccleston -6.5- much better on the wing, i hope he starts ahead of waggy there next week. Might be a luxury in away games as he doesn't track back
    Abbott -8.5- MOM- helped change the game. Won headers, held it up, distribution mainly good and took his volley well, albeit with the help of a deflection. Brilliant
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  • Elliot - 7
    Francis - 7.5
    Dailly - 6.5
    Doherty - 7
    Bessone - 6.5
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 5.5
    Semedo - 8
    McCormack - 6
    Jackson - 6.5
    Wright-Phillips - 6.5
    Eccleston - 7.5
    Abbott - 8.5 - MOM completely changed the game
  • From Henry Jnr

    Elliot - 7
    Francis - 7.5
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 7
    Bessone - 6.5
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 7
    McCormack - 6.5
    Jackson - 7
    Wright-Phillips - 7.5
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 8 MOTM

    n/a Reid
  • Elliot - 7.5 Very solid in the wind. Crucial save when pushed shot onto post early on
    Francis - 7 first time he got forward we scored. Very strong and good in the air but still a few errors but he was up against a good team and players. Looked better with Eccleston in front of him and the extra space created
    Dailly - 7 Solid again
    Doherty - 7.5 block after block
    Bessone - 7 I liked that he also looked to pass on the ground even if it didn't always come off. His pace is useful. Shame he was injured again
    Fry - 6 Started very poorly and was done more than once. Improved but not his best
    Wagstaff - 6 Rarely in the game even before the clash of heads
    Semedo - 7.5 he does what it says on the tin
    McCormack - 6 Real disappointment. Would have been less if not for the 100% effort
    Jackson - 6.5 not a good game esp. in first half but scored a key goal
    Wright-Phillips - 7 really didn't show first half but another goal. OK an unmarked header but he still had to get that space and finish it both of which he does very well. Cracking first time shot that also nearly went in.
    Eccleston - 7.5 Didn't work with him and BWP up top but not for lack of effort. Playing wider he had more space and created a wonderful 2nd goal
    Abbott - 8 Match turning performance and a good goal which he was clearly so pleased to notch. So pleased for him

    n/a Reid 6 No real impact.

    Powell 8 Napoleon asked his generals if they were lucky. Powell certainly has ridden his but it is more than that. Got the team plan wrong first half and we were over run. Changed it and the talent in the side turned it around. Good enough for me.

    Did anyone else notice after Posh kicked off after the third goal his just sat down on the advertising hoarding. Not so if it was shock or that he is so relaxed but it made me laugh. Onwards and upwards Chrissy.
  • Elliot - 8
    Francis - 6
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 6.5
    Bessone - 6.5
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 8
    McCormack - 7
    Jackson - 7
    Wright-Phillips - 8
    Eccleston - 8
    Abbott - 8

    n/a Reid - 6
  • Elliot -7.5 Very good, surprised so little praise for him. A few good saves & started off the quick break for the 2nd goal. Well done Robbie.
    Francis -7 Very good coming forward, crossed for 1st goal, but gave the ball to them for their 1st & where was he when they got their 2nd ? He should've been there
    Dailly - 7 Usual VG game
    Doherty - 7.5 One of / if not his best game for us. His blocking was immense.
    Bessone - 6 Personally thought he was quite poor today. Strangely seemed to have divided opinion from VG to very poor.
    Fry - 6 Not great, but boy does he have guts & tries hard.
    Wagstaff - 6 Very quiet again. Think his time should be up for a while. I'd give Eccleston a chance on the right & rest / bench Waggy.
    Semedo -7.5 Another excellent game
    McCormack - 6 Poor 1st half, ok 2nd half. I'd have Racon back in if he's fully fit.
    Jackson - 6.5 Quiet again, but extra half for the goal, which was also a brave effort- his oppo didn't put his head in.
    Wright-Phillips - 7 Didn't do a great deal but that's now 3 in 3. Reminds me of Killer - if he scores 46 a season not doing a lot,I think even the boo boys will be happy
    Eccleston - 7 Quiet 1st half, excellent 2nd half - keep him on the right please.
    Abbott 8 Great performance. He did well against Bournemouth & Shrewsbury & couldn't understand why he's been so poor. Have to say no one was expecting that !
  • elliot 8
    francis 8
    doherty 8
    dailly 7
    bessone 7
    wagstaff 6
    macormack 4
    semedo 8
    jackson 6
    bwp 6.5
    ecclestone 8

    abbot 8
    fry 6
    reid 7
  • edited February 2011
    Elliot 7 Didn't do anything wrong
    Francis 8 Improving every game
    Dailly 6 Competent
    Doherty 6 As usual dominant in the air , looks dodgy against pace
    Bessone 6 Looks good going forward . Like his turn of pace.
    Wagstaff 5 Not his best game , but it seems he was not 100% fit
    McCormack 6 In this phase we are going to alternate him with Racon , steady and unspectacular
    Semedo 8 Superb performance
    Jackson 7 Steady filled in well with Bessone on the left to allow the Argentinian to go forward . Brave header for the goal gives him the extra point
    Eccleston 7 Looked better when switched to wide right
    Wright-Phillips 8 Good goal 3 in 3 , can't argue with that

    Abbott 8 Game changer, shows we have genuine options up front
    Fry 6 Looks dodgy against pace on the wing . Like him to play CB over the coming weeks
    Reid NA Chased hard ,commited to the cause . Hope he gets a chance during the run in
  • Red Robinson - me and my son were just laughing at you giving Wagstaff the same score as Francis when I noticed you have commented to me.
    First things first, I don't care about his goals, he is the weak link.
    Secondly, if you scored him and Francis the same you couldn't have been there.
    I have noticed people slag off triers like Francis, but praise the Wagstaff's and the lloyd Sams.
    Fancy Dans, backhealers, purplebootwearers. Not for me.
  • Elliot - 7
    Francis -7
    Dailly -7
    Doherty -7
    Bessone -6
    Fry -6
    Wagstaff -6
    Semedo -8
    McCormack -6
    Jackson -6.5
    Wright-Phillips -7.5
    Eccleston -7
    Abbott -8.5

    n/a Reid
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: masicat[/cite]Red Robinson - me and my son were just laughing at you giving Wagstaff the same score as Francis when I noticed you have commented to me.
    First things first, I don't care about his goals, he is the weak link.
    Secondly, if you scored him and Francis the same you couldn't have been there.
    I have noticed people slag off triers like Francis, but praise the Wagstaff's and the lloyd Sams.
    Fancy Dans, backhealers, purplebootwearers. Not for me.

    Come on! Nobody can fault Wagstaff for hard work and effort! The man covers every blade of grass. Lloyd Sam perhaps although I think in his case, personally, it was lack of fitness because of his lung condition rather than lack off effort that made him sometimes appear lazy.

    I would agree with you though that Francis gets unfair stick.
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  • Elliot - 7.5
    Francis - 8
    Dailly - 6
    Doherty - 6
    Bessone - 6
    Fry - 6
    Waggy - 5.5 hope he's ok
    Semedo - 8
    McCormack - 5.5
    Jackson - 7
    Wright-Phillips - 7.5
    Eccleston - 8
    Abbott - 8.5 MOM

    n/a Reid - 6

    Chrissy Powell - 8.5
  • Elliot - 7
    Francis - 8
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 7
    Bessone - 5
    Fry - 6
    Wagstaff - 5
    Semedo - 9 MoM
    McCormack - 7
    Jackson - 7
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 8
    Abbott - 8
  • edited February 2011
    Masicat - sorry maybe i was a little hard on my mark for Francis (edited to a 7). I have never criticized a player on here. But you can see how hard it is when people knock a players who tries hard every game, particularly players who are young and home grown. They are still learning. :-)
  • Elliot - 7 - Steady. Good save onto post. Not at fault for goal.
    Francis - 8 - What an improvement! Odd misplaced pass - but huge improvement in crossing.
    Dailly - 7 - Mr reliable.
    Doherty - 6.6
    Bessone - 6 - Looked OK - and tries hard going forward. Obviously not fit from the off.
    Fry - 6 - I thought he did OK
    Wagstaff - 6 - Bit invisible. yes he gets around a lot but something missing.
    Semedo - 9 MoM - Fantastic - we have got to sign him up before the summer!
    McCormack - 7 - Looks aggressive, fights harder than Racon for the ball and doesn't give up. Would like to see Racon back though...
    Jackson - 6.5 - Goal good. Awful first half - different player second half.
    Wright-Phillips - 7 - Has a knack of being in the wright place (sorry)
    Eccleston - 8 - Amazing acceleration and footballing vision for someone so young...
    Abbott - 8 - Should have been on from start. Eccles & BWP bit similar - need a hold-up man and Aboott can do that. Made a big difference.
  • Elliot - 7
    Francis - 7
    Dailly - 6.5
    Doherty - 5
    Bessone - 6
    Fry -6
    Wagstaff - 5
    Semedo - 9
    McCormack - 8
    Jackson - 6.5
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7.5
    Abbott - 8
  • Elliot - 7
    Francis - 7 (would have been higher but he was at fault with the first goal)
    Dailly - 6.5
    Doherty - 6.5
    Bessone - 6 (looked a bit off the pace)
    Fry -6
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 9 (quality) MOM
    McCormack - 6.5 (didnt offer a great deal imo)
    Jackson - 6.5
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7.5 (much better on the wing)
    Abbott - 8.5 (if he plays like that every game and brings in all our other attacking players we'll be laughing all the way to the championship)
  • Elliot - 7
    Francis - 8
    Dailly - 7
    Doherty - 7.5
    Bessone - 6.5
    Fry - 6.5
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 8
    McCormack - 5.5
    Jackson - 7
    Wright-Phillips - 7.5
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 8
  • Elliot - 7
    Francis - 5
    Dailly - 8
    Doherty - 7
    Bessone - 6
    Fry - 5
    Wagstaff - 6
    Semedo - 8
    McCormack - 6
    Jackson - 7
    Wright-Phillips - 7
    Eccleston - 7
    Abbott - 8

    can't see how everyone is rating francis, seems like he makes a mistake every week
  • Elliot - 7 Didn't do anything wrong, beginning to look more solid
    Francis - 7 still prone to a mistake, much improved in the 2nd half
    Dailly - 8 solid as ever
    Doherty - 8 never loses a header, solid!
    Bessone - 6 I can't work out whether he is right or left footed?
    Fry - 6 struggles against pacey wingers
    Wagstaff - 5 ineffective on the wing
    Semedo - 9 as solid as you can get!
    McCormack - 5 how he is in the team over Racon I'll never know ?
    Jackson - 7 great header, looks better in the middle !
    Wright-Phillips - 7 did nothing all game except score.... But that's what he's there to do
    Eccleston - 8 second half performance was class, electric pace, the cross for bwp was perfect
    Abbott - 9 the unlikleyest of game changers, won headers, some nice touches and some good tekkers for the goal, pleased for him!
  • [cite]Posted By: bpriston[/cite]

    can't see how everyone is rating francis, seems like he makes a mistake every week

    You're absolutely right. He dosen't even deserve a 5 as he made A mistake. Nobody else in the whole game did anything wrong and all the other players would have been able to put in a better cross for Jackson to score.

    Jeez he has a good game and still people want to give him shit.
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