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Charlton v Peterboro - Match thread



  • i am with you weegie

    this is all about Sir Chrissy Powell now no need to look back only forward
  • edited February 2011
    I agree Weegie.

    This is all SCP now.
  • you are only as good as your last game
  • Well done one and all. Couldn't go today. Miserable at half time.

    If Abbott looks a different player then that is great.

    Confidence is building. We are still starting too slowly. What CP has done is start to build a winning mentality. Winning games when things have gone badly is a great habit to get into.

    We mustn't forget the impact of BWP. A goal a game is a brilliant start.
  • Sorry for asking what is possibly the obvious.

    What was changed mid game today - system, formation or personnel.

    Details from someone who can explain please. Only just got on-line so not In the know.
  • Good grief - who taught Powell that ? Not sure it was Curbs !
  • [cite]Posted By: PL54[/cite]Sorry for asking what is possibly the obvious.

    What was changed mid game today - system, formation or personnel.

    Details from someone who can explain please. Only just got on-line so not In the know.
    Started 4-3-3 with Waggy, Eccles & BWP up front.

    Changed at half time to 4-4-2,
    with Waggy off, Abbott on.
  • Was the big screen up and working and if it was was i good?
  • you could hear the feeeeeeeeeesh so it mustve been on
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