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'Arry going to court for tax evasion



  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]Ask Murdoch Bing!

    Ain't saying it's "right" necessarily, but there's a massive difference.

    My dad was an accountant mate so I know all about it. There is of course a grey area between the two and the Govt is trying to target these people. Put up some rules and somebody, somewhere will trying to circumvent them. Avoidance is based on creating ways of not paying tax by using the rules to the advantage of the would be avoider.
  • It's not just the taxpayers bing. HMRC are now fully paid up members of "the game". Except they, by and large, employ of absolute f*ckwits who regularly fail the "arse and elbow distinguishing" course. Trust me.
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]You never ducked a round Chirpy? If you have you have technically "avoided" paying tax. Nothing wrong with it of course (avoiding tax - not ducking a round - that's a hanging offence!).

    Also, got an ISA? You can "avoid" tax with one of those, but that's all ok and above board.

    That's the point I was trying to make to Sherry Ken - there's a massive difference between tax EVASION and tax AVOIDANCE. That's all.

    I have no ISA and I have certainly NEVER ducked a round as those who know me would confirm.
  • edited February 2011
    The tax system seems to many of us that it is geared towards penalising success and rewarding lack of input.

    Anyone who works hard to get a profession, becomes an entreprenuer or plugs away to earn a 45k plus salary seem to be penalised by a sharp increase in tax. If you are earning between 45k and 100k, whilst bloody good money you probably wont be able to employ top dollar accountants to set up the offshore holding companies etc that the super wealthy do.

    By the same token those who work for minimum wage or salaries up to 45k (not mega money in London) have to pay tax and are penalised for working.

    At the other end of the spectrum, without being to much of a cliche, the jeremy kyle fodder appear to contribute very little society yet have all the free time in the world.

    I am studying to get into that 45k bracket, its cost me money, ive got into debt to do so and it somewhat demotivates me to think that the day i qualify and earn the 45k 40% of it above that threshold will be deducted at source.

    Despite what people may think of some of my postings on here, whilst not a bleeding heart liberal im also not a tory boy and sincerely believe in helping those in society who genuinely need it. I would happily volunteer to pay even more tax if i knew it was going to those who need it ie those who cannot work or genuinely cannot find work.

    I also think that those who earn minimum wage and low wages should not be taxed a penny....this would hopefully be offset by getting more people off unemployment benefits and out to work in jobs where they wouldnt be worse off by actually working.

    Just seems a very unfair system at the moment. Those at the top avoid it and those with no interest in working also avoid it.

    As for corporations avoiding it eg Vodafone....that is just market forces and unfortunately for them to set up here and create the thousands of jobs that do and pay the tax they do you need to offer them an incentive.
  • [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]You never ducked a round Chirpy? If you have you have technically "avoided" paying tax. Nothing wrong with it of course (avoiding tax - not ducking a round - that's a hanging offence!).

    Also, got an ISA? You can "avoid" tax with one of those, but that's all ok and above board.

    That's the point I was trying to make to Sherry Ken - there's a massive difference between tax EVASION and tax AVOIDANCE. That's all.

    I have no ISA and I have certainly NEVER ducked a round as those who know me would confirm.

    Not whagt I'd heard!
  • From todays Daily Mail


    Must be on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons then as they are visiting times......... Lol!
  • Rodney - so you will be pleased to hear your taxes will shoot up in April. An extra 1% on your NI brought in by the labour government. Then there will also be an extra £30 per month to anyone earing over £42,475 - basically tory sop to libdems in the coalition.
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]You never ducked a round Chirpy? If you have you have technically "avoided" paying tax. Nothing wrong with it of course (avoiding tax - not ducking a round - that's a hanging offence!).

    Also, got an ISA? You can "avoid" tax with one of those, but that's all ok and above board.

    That's the point I was trying to make to Sherry Ken - there's a massive difference between tax EVASION and tax AVOIDANCE. That's all.

    Are we speaking again Off it......
    That was the point I was trying to make to, which I obviously failed to make, thank god you are not my accountant!

    As it is 2pm even I am not at the sherry yet!.

    And as I posted before, I was advocating that the guy should not be judged before he is tried, especially as he is defending the action, and my subsequent feeble parody on the garden of eden fell flat!.

    Never had so much fun talking about Mars bars! ... since Marianne Faithfull....... obviously the pure amongst us will not know about that either! ....... Urban myth or not........
    Go on treat yourself......

    ‘onest Harry caught out on the take once again. Scumbag just can’t help himself or perhaps he can!
  • Sponsored links:

  • My word. Just read my post from 2011 and cringed. Was duped into believing the Vodafone myth and completely disagree now with it.

  • edited March 2020
    Chaz Hill said:

    ‘onest Harry caught out on the take once again. Scumbag just can’t help himself or perhaps he can!
    Redknapp's spokesman dismissed as speculation that Harry arranged payment in used notes or that he'd taken collection of the cash at the usual motorway service station.
  • “Facing’ wheeler dealer”

    dodgy dodgy bastard
  • edited March 2020
    Interesting thread. 

    I'm assuming that these comments were made before we learned that Prague had set himself up to trade via a company as it's more tax efficient.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that necessarily.  But some would definitely see that as tax AVOIDANCE.
  • My word. Just read my post from 2011 and cringed. Was duped into believing the Vodafone myth and completely disagree now with it.

    What a plonker you are Rodney!
  • Off_it said:
    My word. Just read my post from 2011 and cringed. Was duped into believing the Vodafone myth and completely disagree now with it.

    What a plonker you are Rodney!
    We live and learn mate.
  • Seeing this thread resurrected brought me back to a zanier time in football. 
  • 'Arry was on the telly last night talking about Sandbanks where he lives. He has two dogs now for tax advice if needed.
  • edited March 2020
    I was happy till he looked at the camera and said, "tell em to look me in the eye, and tell me i ain't telling the truth Sand..."

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