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How many are going to Yeovil?

Just wondering if anyone knows how many tickets we've been allocated for the yeovl game?


  • edited February 2011
    1,600 in terrace + 365 seats in allocation

    I bought 3 tickets for the terrace at about 7.15 pm last night which were numbered 397-9 so assuming they are numbered separately and the majority of the seats have gone that means we've sold minimum 600 and something tickets but could be knocking on for 900 odd if all seats sold and another 100 or so went last night/today after me
  • Oh right, might get a half decent turn out then, i had no idea it was stand up, go my ticket last ngith walked of, read it then realised i got 'standing uncovered', im now practically praying or it to not rain!
  • Don't mention rain when you're talking about Yeovil, not after last season! :O
  • ws it bad last year then? aha :(
  • It was the day where it just fell down, everyone got drenched but what fantastic support we had that day. Let's hope it doesn't rain this time but the support is just as good. COYR!
  • yehh im right up for it, me and my mate are going and we've never been to an away game before so hopefully will be a good experience with a good result!
  • Forecast is dry cloudy & a pleasant 12C
  • Let's hope we finish the match with eleven men this time !!
  • [cite]Posted By: Sage[/cite]Don't mention rain when you're talking about Yeovil, not after last season! :O

    Did it rain last year then?
  • The weather forecast for this weekend in Zummerzet is...for rain.
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  • It's fair to say the forecast keeps changing slightly, but according to Metcheck it should be fairly dry. There is 0.3mm of rain forecast between 15.00 to 18.00, which surely is next to nothing (famous last words).
    I'll probably drive if the forecast doesn't worsen.
  • Just tried to pre book a taxi for after the game. I was told I would have to walk to Asdas in Preston Road ??? to pick up the taxi. They will not come to the stadium due to traffic !!

    Asdas looks about 2 miles from the stadium !

    The train is 5.39 I think, so not much chance of getting that.

    Anyone who went last season got any other ideas of how to get back to Yeovil Junction in time for the train to Waterloo.

    It's approx 5 miles and at brisk walking rate of 17 minutes per mile, I should get to the station at about 6.25 completely knackered !!
  • My mate walked to Asda in the pouring rain last year when he was looking for the pub we was in after we left at half-time.

    I think it's closer than 2 miles away. He looked like he'd actually swam to the pub he was so soaked!
  • edited February 2011
    Asda is exactly a mile from the stadium (20 mins walk says G Maps)

    If you brisk walked it/ jogged it you could be there by 5.05 easy
  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]Asda is exactly a mile from the stadium (20 mins walk says G Maps)

    If you brisk walked it/ jogged it you could be there by 5.05 easy
    [cite]Posted By: Plaaayer[/cite]My mate walked to Asda in the pouring rain last year when he was looking for the pub we was in after we left at half-time.

    I think it's closer than 2 miles away. He looked like he'd actually swam to the pub he was so soaked!

    Taxi booked from Asdas Cheers, anyone want to share ??
  • was just wondering anybody who normally gets on the valley express/away at godstone

    is it the fire station on tylers green?
  • Decided to drive down plus one other. Spare seats in the car if people are desperate. Bromley area.
  • Anyone got an idea of how long before kick-off the valley away buses will arrive at Yeovil?
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: ValleyFred[/cite]Anyone got an idea of how long before kick-off the valley away buses will arrive at Yeovil?[/quote]

    Generally it depends on the traffic !!
  • Are tickets available tomorrow? I'm there if yes...
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  • Yes, can pay on door
  • anyone know what the final figure was?
  • My first time at Yeovil.
    Never Again

    The station is miles from the ground.

    Get off the train, loads of Charlton on the train and only two taxis waiting. Luckily got one of those.

    Off to the stadium, nowhere near the town either !

    Went to the beer tent for two hours, that was ok, bit windy in there and the toilets were an old portacabin.

    The stadium is poor, the open terrace is half built and no facilities.

    A nightmare loon of a steward clearing the yellow steps every 5 minutes.

    Plastic flowers in the men's toilet that lasted till half time when the usual morons decided to re arrange them.

    Blasted by wind throughout the game on the open exposed terrace, thank Christ it didn't rain.

    BWP scores right in front of us (Excellent view)

    Then a mad run to Asdas at the final whistle to get a cab back to Yeovil Junction. Just made the train at 5.29 one of about only 5 charlton fans who made that train.

    Anyway 3 points made it a good day
  • [cite]Posted By: kingston[/cite]My first time at Yeovil.

    A nightmare loon of a steward clearing the yellow steps every 5 minutes.

    Yeh he was a touch odd wasn't he. Kept staring at me because I had one foot in the yellow zone, even though I was on the back step and it couldn't possibly hinder anyone.
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: kingston[/cite]
    Plastic flowers in the men's toilet that lasted till half time when the usual morons decided to re arrange them.

    I've never seen flowers in the Gents at any football ground before. Couldn't believe my eyes.
    What next ....... carpet?
  • [cite]Posted By: kingston[/cite]Then a mad run to Asdas at the final whistle to get a cab back to Yeovil Junction. Just made the train at 5.29 one of about only 5 charlton fans who made that train.

    You were lucky.

    We were stood up by the poxy taxi company at The Arrow, ISaw had a real ding-dong on the phone with them afterwards.
    But we eventually managed to jump a taxi dropping off, the driver went at it hell for leather - and got to Yeovil Junction just as the train was pulling out.

    Yeovil seems to be a place you can't get into or out of on public transport.
    Both railway stations are miles out of the town centre, especially the Junction .....and even further from the football ground that's built on the fringe of some windswept industrial estate.

    Cider making country? Nowhere could we find any proper draught cider (no I don't mean Strongbow piss).
  • You should stop your moaning and thank god you hadnt there last season
  • [cite]Posted By: C.Walsh'sLoveChild[/cite]You should stop your moaning and thank god you hadnt there last season

    But I was, young Mr Lovechild.

    Last year didn't I see you sitting on Curb_It's clit coach sheltering from the rain, while the rest of us braved the monsoon?
    Keeping MoG company, I think. Ha ha!

  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: kingston[/cite]
    Plastic flowers in the men's toilet that lasted till half time when the usual morons decided to re arrange them.

    I've never seen flowers in the Gents at any football ground before. Couldn't believe my eyes.
    What next ....... carpet?
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: C.Walsh'sLoveChild[/cite]You should stop your moaning and thank god you hadnt there last season

    But I was, young Mr Lovechild.

    Last year didn't I see you sitting on Curb_It's clit coach sheltering from the rain, while the rest of us braved the monsoon?
    Keeping MoG company, I think. Ha ha!


    Oi :
    1). Whats wrong with carpet ?
    2).CWLC did brave the rain...its when He got back on the coach and stripped off Mrs MOG noticed Him................
  • How many did we have down there?
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