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Weather Forecast for Yeovil

edited February 2011 in General Charlton
Doesn't look good, glad I got a seat ticket this year!


  • Glorious sunshine, 12 degrees.

    "Oh what fun it is to see.......... Charlton win away!"

  • Seems the beeb have updated it, when I added the link it predicted heavy rain! Don't bet against it though.
  • The Met Office change the Saturday forecast about 3 times a day, so far.

    It'll be different again by Saturday. Always is.
  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]The Met Office change the Saturday forecast about 3 times a day, so far.

    It'll be different again by Saturday. Always is.

  • Metcheck & BBC have it as dry/cloudy 12C.
  • Current forecast from the Met Office for the Yeovil area, Saturday ......dry, cloudy, 12 degrees.
  • Sleet and snow, 1 degree, gale force winds and a thick fog descending at around 16.40 with Charlton leading 2.0!

    Andy Durso is the referee! What will he decide to do?
  • well if its anything like today it will be unpleasant at best. bitterly cold swirling winds in bristol combined with a thick grey sky!
  • Ill give you a wave from my seat!
  • Despite E-cafc joshing around -.the official Met Office forecast for Yeovil tomorrow is still ....... dry, cloudy, 12 degrees.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]Despite E-cafc joshing around -.the official Met Office forecast for Yeovil tomorrow is still .......dry,cloudy, 12 degrees.

    ...................with drizzle forecast for 18:00 Oggy
  • [cite]Posted By: E-cafc[/cite]Sleet and snow, 1 degree, gale force winds and a thick fog descending at around 16.40 with Charlton leading 2.0!

    Andy Durso is the referee! What will he decide to do?

    I don't normally condone obscene chants but hopefully our "ultras" will recycle the totally unjustified chant Mooney and Parky received for Mr D'urso's benefit.
  • [cite]Posted By: Sam lloyd[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]Despite E-cafc joshing around -.the official Met Office forecast for Yeovil tomorrow is still .......dry,cloudy, 12 degrees.

    ...................with drizzle forecast for 18:00 Oggy

    I'm hoping the game will be finished by 6pm, Sam ........ but you never know, another dopey ref and 65 minutes added time?

  • D'Urso is ref? I'm looking forward to tomorrow even more now!
  • After last season I ll be taking waterproofs.
  • It's still looking like it will stay dry, so on that basis I will be attending :-)
  • does anyone mind if i bring a "brolly" as im an old fart
  • [cite]Posted By: Starinnaddick[/cite]After last season I ll be taking waterproofs.

    ...................& I'll be taking my bikini
  • [cite]Posted By: raymondao[/cite]does anyone mind if i bring a "brolly" as im an old fart

    Yes, as long as you don't open it ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Sam lloyd[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Starinnaddick[/cite]After last season I ll be taking waterproofs.

    ...................& I'll be taking my bikini

    ....and I'll be taking my binoculars and mac ;-)
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  • No sign of rain. Bit drizzle on way down. Hope it says like this.
  • Looks like wind might be factor tomorrow.
    Remember last year, as well as the rain, the wind was so strong the goalies could barely clear the half way line from the end we were stood ( one of their goalkicks ended up blowing back for a corner to us)
  • Bristol 8.30am weather update. It lashed it down over night, and now it is grey, but of light rain in the air, but windy.
  • A bit of rain is now forecast. To be precise Metcheck says 0.5mm between 15.00 & 18.00.
  • Slight drizzle for most the game as it turned out. Windy as anything.
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