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Chairman targets return to big time for Charlton

edited February 2011 in General Charlton


  • well, he talks the talk
  • Marketing has begun for the Exeter game...
  • [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Marketing has begun for the Exeter game...

    Nothing wrong with that. The club is a business, after all.
  • The advert in the programme last night "the Ex factor" is quality!
  • Shame about the typo in the headline......
  • [cite]Posted By: Solaraddick[/cite]Shame about the typo in the headline......

    That's not a typo; it's a clue.
  • edited February 2011
    Mr Slater is absolutely 100% correct on this and as Mr Burns would say-"I like the cut of his jib". I have always thought that the top flight is where we should be aiming, promotion to the Championship is merely phase one of that recovery, the potential for our club is enormous. We have bottomed out now we are firmly on the road back. Initiatives like this can only help and hopefully there will be more price reductions for future matches as we reach the business end of the season and the need for bigger crowds and better atmospheres will hopefully push us over the promotion line!
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Solaraddick[/cite]Shame about the typo in the headline......

    That's not a typo; it's a clue.
    Gerry Traget in as the new chief scout?
  • Liking Slater the more I read and hear about him.
  • ''I think it is a great initiative and if it means we can 22 or 23,000 in the ground making a huge noise and get another three points, then brilliant''

    Ermmm I wish.
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  • Certainly makes a change from hearing Murray saying we have no money. Hopefully good times aren't that far away again...
  • Totally agree he should be doing this. Not enough promotion during last few years
  • It's a great initiative and hopefully it will harness the 'feelgood factor' around the club at present.....

    It's also reassuring to hear that the plan includes a return to the top flight; hopefully we have an exciting and very enjoyable few years ahead of us....God knows, we've been suffering for the previous few years!
  • nice and positive but I think this kind of interview is a little dillusional - no way will we get anywhere near 22-23k, also us being promoted is not gonna raise the attendance to those kind of figures either, the only time we will consistantly get gates above 20k is in the prem

    that being said i've convinced another 5 to come along to this fixture who wouldnt have previously - if everyone managed to bring just 1 extra we'd achieve so its not impossible but would be considered as a none runner by a bookies!!
  • edited February 2011
    it's the start of half term so some people will be going away which will reduce take up a bit
  • [cite]Posted By: pilchard[/cite]Mr Slater is absolutely 100% correct on this and as Mr Burns would say-"I like the cut of his jib". I have always thought that the top flight is where we should be aiming, promotion to the Championship is merely phase one of that recovery, the potential for our club is enormous.

    Agree entirely. Man Utd have no more right to head the top table than any of the other 91 clubs (well maybe not MK Dons) and I think the mentality of we are aiming for mid table/ avoid relegation etc cited by clubs each year, whilst realistic, is also detrimental and you are beaten before you kick a ball.

    Managers like Holloway with Blackpool and Curbs with us for a time seemed to instill a "We can beat anyone" mentality even if the odds are massively against us and it worked against Chelsea and Arsenal and other teams we had no "right" to beat on paper.

    Good positive article and nice to see inspiration and high expectation coming from the top and hopefully it will filter down.
  • When you hear him speak about the team he does come across as someone who is not really a football man.
    A prime example is:

    "We are nicely placed, we’ve got some games in hand and more performances like the last two and there is no reason why we shouldn't’ win the division"

    Firstly , despite two wins out of two , the performances haven't been great and as for winning the league , We all know that's not happening. I just hope he does not expect to much from Chris Powell.
  • [cite]Posted By: Danny Addick[/cite]Totally agree he should be doing this. Not enough promotion during last few years

    Since Varney left...
  • Loads of promotions since then, in fact for nearly every game. Difference now is money to promote them more widely and try for wider audiences. Schools in Bromley are the promotion for Peterboro for example but that's only going to be noticed by those involved or in the borough.

    Back on topic what Slater says is all fine but he says very little. He wants us to go up twice as we all do but tell us how that will be done Mike and just as important what happens when we get to the Premier.
  • I doubt there is a detailed plan, Henry ........ just a projected vision of where the club is aiming to be within, say 5 years.
    I wiuld expect it is intended to show the fan base that the Board are ambitious to eventually reclaim a place in the Premier.

    As Slater himself has said, there are no timelines, no pressure.

    None of the challenging for the Prem talk is going to happen until we're in the Championship ....... so I guess they are only truly focused on what's happening now, this season - and getting out of League One. That's where more detail will be.
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  • [cite]Posted By: scruffle[/cite]I think this kind of interview is a little dillusional - no way will we get anywhere near 22-23k

    Why not set it there? If you fail, so what? Set it lower, you still might fail. Having a target to aim for makes perfect sense to me. It sends a message to staff, to players and to fans that you mean business.

    Better to set a high target and miss, than set to low a target and succeed in my view.
  • [cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite]Firstly , despite two wins out of two , the performances haven't been great and as for winning the league , We all know that's not happening. I just hope he does not expect to much from Chris Powell.

    How can you interpret

    “What we don’t want to do is over burden a manager and players with expectations.

    “After Chris was appointed I felt promotion was a bonus this season.

    As expecting too much from CP?
  • we can interpret anyway we like...

    Good to see he has firm intentions, but lets alos not get ahead of ourselves... Calm it down a bit MR slater... weve won 2 games, relatively unconvincingly, we have a bit of a cobled together side that witha creative midfielder could be a force... thats what we lack ..

    A Danny Murphy or Andy Reid in there and we win the league convincingly..

    So we need a sh*t Danny Murphy or Andy Reid or Santa and we go up...

    If not we can expect more of the same hard fought, ground out wins...

    Either of which is fine by ,me as long as long as we do win..

    The atmosphere at the ground seems much less toxic as well.. and his 5 quid schemes are a great idea...

    Overall all looks on right track.. We are even getting luck with the ref blowing to effectively cancel a perfectly good goal... lol!!
  • [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]How can you interpret

    “What we don’t want to do is over burden a manager and players with expectations.

    “After Chris was appointed I felt promotion was a bonus this season.

    As expecting too much from CP?

    I guess something on the lines of Powell in his first managerial appointment is an unknown quantity?
    He's publically allowing Powell the time to find his feet, taking away huge desperate expectation.

    But taking into account other things Slater and Powelly have said, promotion this season is very much the aim.
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite]Firstly , despite two wins out of two , the performances haven't been great and as for winning the league , We all know that's not happening. I just hope he does not expect to much from Chris Powell.

    How can you interpret

    “What we don’t want to do is over burden a manager and players with expectations.

    “After Chris was appointed I felt promotion was a bonus this season.

    As expecting too much from CP?

    Read my original post properly ( and quote all of it next time) and you will answer your own question.
  • [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: scruffle[/cite]I think this kind of interview is a little dillusional - no way will we get anywhere near 22-23k

    Why not set it there? If you fail, so what? Set it lower, you still might fail. Having a target to aim for makes perfect sense to me. It sends a message to staff, to players and to fans that you mean business.

    Better to set a high target and miss, than set to low a target and succeed in my view.
    he also said :
    “If there are an extra 500 or one thousand who think they enjoyed that and come back for the next match, then it is all part of the plan.” so not dillusional really
  • [cite]Posted By: scruffle[/cite]also us being promoted is not gonna raise the attendance to those kind of figures either, the only time we will consistantly get gates above 20k is in the prem

    We average over 20,000 in our last 2 seasons in the championsip:

    2008-2009: 20,894
    2007-2008: 23,159

    Plus, our previous excursion to the championship (1999-2000) saw us only fall just short, which is pretty impressive seeing as our capacity was barely over 20,000 (the new north stand was built during the 2001-2002 season), so the average attendance of 19,541 represents around 95% of capacity. When you consider fluctuations in away numbers that means we pretty much sold out the home areas every game and would have averaged well over 20,000 with a larger capacity.

    Equally, in 97/98 we only averaged 13,275, but our capacity was around the 16k mark.

    We averaged 17k last year in league one, and just over 15k this year. If we go up then I would expect the average to be greater than last year, so you're looking at 18-19k average as a minimum and and average up near 22-23k is not totally out of the question, especially if the new owners are agressive with both marketing and squad improvement over the summer.

    Dillusional is a strong word to use, especially when the facts strongly hint that the target is well within reach.
  • We've sold about 2,000 tickets so far - that's about 1,750 more than we'd normally expect to have sold at this stage. The marketing is only just beginning to impact, the high volume stuff will mostly kick in next week. So who knows?

    I've stopped all the bulk comps for this game on the basis that if we can sell the seat we should, so we actually start from a lower base than usual.

    I'm optimistic. However, even if there is a limited take-up we will have learned something about what works in this division and we will know more about who is willing to come and can target them.

    I also recall that some people on here were adamant we wouldn't sell out at Spurs, so let's see what we can achieve, shall we?
  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]We've sold about 2,000 tickets so far - that's about 1,750 more than we'd normally expect to have sold at this stage. The marketing is only just beginning to impact, the high volume stuff will mostly kick in next week. So who knows?

    I've stopped all the bulk comps for this game on the basis that if we can sell the seat we should, so we actually start from a lower base than usual.

    I'm optimistic. However, even if there is a limited take-up we will have learned something about what works in this division and we will know more about who is willing to come and can target them.

    I also recall that some people on here were adamant we wouldn't sell out at Spurs, so let's see what we can achieve, shall we?

    How many comps do we normally give away for matches
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