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our stewards

I know this has been said before but before I start well-done with the handling of the injured person in the jimmy seed.

But they are the most pedantic, over zealous bunch ever, there was some kids near us no older than 15/16 being a bit gobby, giving a bit of stick to the colchester fans the odd curse nothing ott and in come 4 of them to give them a telling off threaten them with removal.

I have been up and down the country been treated like shit from away stewards and expect it.

These are our fans supporting us and having a bit of fun giving a bit of abuse to away fans it was nothing like some of us done at grounds when we were young.

Yet when the ref fucked up and grown men were going mental kicking our chairs spouting aggressive abuse to the ref and Elliot they did nothing.

Pick on people your own size I told you to leave the group infront of me alone that they had done nothing wrong and to stop being so over zealous and full of your own importance.

You shit it against Leeds when they were in our ends and you done nothing about it and you shit it tonight.

You really do need to review who you Target because there are some who spout vile bile at our games yet you pick on a group of kids


  • And they also managed to "Bring themselves off" as usual by chucking out a fat lad from Col U iin the 1st half. Goodness knows what he had done but there was no obvious trouble in the South Stand.
  • Agreed NLA was they the small group in the West ?

    If so i wonder why the stewards just stand there when away fans give it to the freebies sitting in the East? tonight i see arms out giving it the come on and even a slit throat towards the East, but hey they can do what the F they want
  • Agreed NLA.

    Anyone know what happened to the poor CUFC fan?
  • edited February 2011
    Yeah they were in the last section of the west lower closest to the away fans. There was me and fatrob and his boy harry no one else to offend.


    Totally ott and yet they don't do anything to the bigger boys in the away end apart from removing a fat kid

    The behaviour of the colchester fans although understandable because football is emotional was in comparison hooliganesq and the stewards response pathetic they really do need to look at themselves, they come across as officious jumped up authoritarian types yet the are gutless when it comes to dealing with real issues like the Leeds game
  • Yeah, but our stewards "roughed up" those Palarse fans didn't they? I think they even "accidently" stood on someones toe - pretty hardcore stuff.

    That makes then alright by me.
  • Poor stewarding in the north upper too. A kid of about 16 was sitting in his seat in the first half drinking a pint.
  • [cite]Posted By: ross[/cite]Poor stewarding in the north upper too. A kid of about 16 was sitting in his seat in the first half drinking a pint.
    not poor at all. Two reasons there why he was removed.
  • Apparently the Colchester fan collapsed on the train to the ground, recovered, then collapsed again in the ground.

    Nigel sore toes!
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: ross[/cite]Poor stewarding in the north upper too. A kid of about 16 was sitting in his seat in the first half drinking a pint.[/quote]

    I walked to my seat and the clear smell of a illleagl sbstance had or was being smoked
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]Agreed NLA.

    Anyone know what happened to the poor CUFC fan?[/quote]

    His mates were on the train with us on the way back. What FOD said, but at the ground he was coughing up blood...
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  • My only encounter with a Steward, apparently a Superviser in the West Stand, came when I forgetfully strolled in to a Friendly with the remains of my white wine in a paper cup. I was in the wrong as a 73 year old who has been going to games for 65 years, but my cocktail of drugs following a heart attack has given me a few Senior moments. His first aggressively delivered words were " haven't you ever been to a game before ?". That set the tone that could have led to a row, but I knew that a bad response from me would have given them a chance to eject me. I therefore decided to wait until the end of the game, at which time I would make him very clear about my views on his behaviour. I made a bee line straight towards him, I am a 6', 14 stone ex police officer, and his face went a very pale colour and he quickly offered me his hand.
    To summarise, whoever is running these Stewards is not doing a very good job.
  • I notice theyve gone back to doing nothing about the people smoking at half-time in the toilets again!
  • It's easier to pick on kids instead of grownups
  • Seems to be more and more negatives re our stewarding
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]It's easier to pick on kids instead of grownups

    Surely any corrective behaviour of anti-social behaviour is better than none at all? If these kids get older thinking they can get away with it then their behaviour will most likely worsen. Sounds like they got what they deserved. If I were sat near them, I would have been most unhappy and appreciated the stewards' intervention.
  • Didn't attend last night so can't comment on what happened - BUT I have found our stewards to be very helpful and quick to respond when I've had trouble with 14/15 year olds sitting near me this season.

    I'm not sure that most of them warrant the abuse they get when the come into the stands to remove people. Particularly when those shouting the abuse don't know the reasons for the removals.
  • Not so much the stewards but more the heavy mob they call in to sort the problems wilma
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]It's easier to pick on kids instead of grownups[/quote]

    Surely any corrective behaviour of anti-social behaviour is better than none at all? If these kids get older thinking they can get away with it then their behaviour will most likely worsen. Sounds like they got what they deserved. If I were sat near them, I would have been most unhappy and appreciated the stewards' intervention.[/quote]

    True but surely a polite word in the ear rathre than heavy handed rejection from the ground for first timer, far do's if its the 2nd or 3rd visit to someone then do what needs to be done
  • If anyone has an issue with stewarding speak to the Club. I'm sure John Little will have no problem, discussing any issues that people are concerned about.

    I found the stewards and Club to be most helpful after my ejection a number of years ago.
  • These kids were not comitting anti social behaviour they were being fans having a bit of banter aimed at the away end, the language was not choice it is a football ground there was no one around them for them to offend, it is not the Orange jackets it was the grab squad, whose arse fell out when the colchester fans were kicking any fixed object in site.
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  • "Pick on people your own size I told you to leave the group infront of me alone that they had done nothing wrong and to stop being so over zealous and full of your own importance.

    You shit it against Leeds when they were in our ends and you done nothing about it and you shit it tonight.

    You really do need to review who you Target because there are some who spout vile bile at our games yet you pick on a group of kids."

    Are you expecting them to be reading this NLA?
  • A thread complaining about stewards?

    Let me check the results again. Oh, yes we won.
  • According to my results, we drew 1-1.
  • Shirty we obviously saw different people. This guy was in the L block and was there all game.
  • You never know b , they leave people smoking in the bogs, they leave away fans in home ends and they fail to deal with people kicking the crap out of the away end. Yet 4 big guys come in and bully a group of kids doing nothing other than poking fun at away fans, I hope someone does read this and take control of an issue that, if we have a situation like Leeds last year they do something about it other than try to justify their cost and presence by pressuring groups of people that have done nothing wrong.

    It's a piss take,
  • There are far far worse grounds than Charlton, try Bristol City, Birmingham City, Tottenham for starters!
  • Ooh Betty
  • [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]And they also managed to "Bring themselves off" as usual by chucking out a fat lad from Col U iin the 1st half. Goodness knows what he had done

    eaten all the pies?
  • [cite]Posted By: mart77[/cite]If anyone has an issue with stewarding speak to the Club. I'm sure John Little will have no problem, discussing any issues that people are concerned about.

    I found the stewards and Club to be most helpful after my erection a number of years ago.
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