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Big Mig, a Donkey or a Scapegoat?

edited February 2011 in General Charlton
Whilst most people are bleating about how we need a new centre back, I have decided that as Powell hasn't strengthened, he must be looking internally, and I think Llera is a possible answer.

Yes he makes a couple of mistakes every game.

Yes he make a goal conceding mistake every 4 or 5 games

Yes he's slow

BUT I think that he is no worse then Doherty, and better than Fortune

The thing is, when you look at the goals we have conceded recently they are almost all from blunders at centre back, and in the Swindon game I felt that Dailly was pretty much the worst player on the pitch, so why isn't he blasted for it?

Llera offers something different, he wins many more headers than Doherty, actually passes the ball along the floor and builds from the back, but has the vision to try and play a proper ball over the top, instead of just hoofing it.

He may give away a couple of goals for us, but I reckon he also saves more goalscoring opportunities than our other defenders, and this is why I would put him back in the squad

Shoot me down as I know you will, but at least consider what I put forward please :)


  • He is also good for a goal or 2. Basically, you can't play him against any sort of pace but where that isn't the factor he's a good option. If you played horses for courses he would get a lot more games but no manager want sto unsettle the defence by chopping and changing too much. Expect him to go in the Summer but for the run in, Powell is happy with his CB options - Dailly, Doc, Fortune, Llera & Fry - yes seems ok to me too.
  • His career at Charlton has followed the same pattern - he gets into the team, plays very well for a couple of games, lots of wholehearted commitment etc, then makes a stupid blunder and gifts a goal and gets dropped. Back to the bench/stands he goes...and then a few games later he gets another game, plays well etc etc.
  • I like Miguel and I think he is a better player than most give him credit for and I hope CP can coach him back into the side cos he's all heart that (big) kid.

    He has weaknesses, sure, though who doesn't in our team. But he doeas add a different dimension to the team. Aerial power, will score goals and has a terrific Gerrard-esque pass on him for quick attackers, of which we have a few now (Anyinsah/Ecclestone/Reid/Wagstaff/BWP).
  • [cite]Posted By: Red5[/cite]I like Miguel and I think he is a better player than most give him credit for and I hope CP can coach him back into the side cos he's all heart that (big) kid.

    He has weaknesses, sure, though who doesn't in our team. But he doeas add a different dimension to the team. Aerial power, will score goals and has a terrific Gerrard-esque pass on him for quick attackers, of which we have a few now (Anyinsah/Ecclestone/Reid/Wagstaff/BWP).

    Good post, maybe Chrissy is sharing your thoughts.
  • I like him. It is a shame that he becomes a scapegoat because he has got good qualities. People just saying "he's an accident waiting to happen" need to understand the level we are playing at and what their expectaions of players at this level should be.

    Plus his equalising goal against Swindon is one of my favorite Charlton moments!!
  • Under the old regime the defence were poorly organised and even Dailly has not been blameless, the goals against table does not lie. As general footballers you'd probably have Dailly, Llera, Fortune then Doc, they'd all do a better job with a quick partner alongside but I'd prefer Llera alongside Dailly as well. But it's up to Chris let's hope he has them defend better as a unit.
  • I like him....he has a sweet left foot and if he has off games, so what...Doherty does and very ocassionally Dailly too....I think he is a better option than Fortune too.
  • Gorgeous !
  • [cite]Posted By: kimbo[/cite]Gorgeous !

    Honestly... you girls, one track minds... ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Red5[/cite]I like Miguel and I think he is a better player than most give him credit for and I hope CP can coach him back into the side cos he's all heart that (big) kid.

    My thoughts as well ... would be worth giving him another opportunity.
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  • Accident waiting to happen.
  • Donkey. Next.
  • Maybe Llera isn't pacy, but I don't believe he is especially slow.

    Like many tall CBs (he's 6' 4"), I see his weakness as getting turned on the ground suddenly by a pacy opponent, and not able to recover. That to me is his major vulnerability.

    The other weakness in his game IMO, is inside his head ....... if he makes a mistake that costs a goal, he seems to have this mental and emotional collapse - and his game falls apart, eg Colchester and Millwall away games last season.

    Otherwise, I love his spirit and enthusiasm ......sometimes naive, but he plays with a passion that some other players rarely seem to show.

    And he can show a very decent touch on the ball, that many give him little credit for.
  • Like him, think he has a terrific attitude, but as Falconwood said is an accident waiting to happen. You can get a couple of good performances out of him, particularly backs to the wall efforts where teams are lumping it from deep, but sooner or later his clear downfalls we be exposed. Shame.
  • Donkey, when his head goes and he is bad, he is very bad. Too many occassions he is a liability and a disaster waiting to happen.

    Can't fault his attitude but the truth is if we are ever going to get out of this division, then players like Llera are not the answer.
  • Scapegoat, nowhere near as bad as everyone makes out.
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]Scapegoat, nowhere near as bad as everyone makes out.
    I can never work you our Large! Totally shocked you plumped for scapegoat - I'm even more shocked that I agree! ;-)
  • cultured center half, brilliant in the air and with a left foot most players would dream about. But with a tendency to commit the most stupid errors. He is what he is though and I like him, but expect the worst from him
  • edited February 2011
    Chris Riggott has just left Cardiff, could be worth a go?
  • Who, Lester Piggot .....?
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  • [cite]Posted By: TEL[/cite]I like him....he has a sweet left foot and if he has off games, so what...Doherty does and very ocassionally Dailly too....I think he is a better option than Fortune too.
    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]The other weakness in his game IMO, is inside his head ....... if he makes a mistake that costs a goal, he seems to have this mental and emotional collapse - and his game falls apart, eg Colchester and Millwall away games last season.
    agree this too
    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]Scapegoat, nowhere near as bad as everyone makes out.
    I can never work you our Large! Totally shocked you plumped for scapegoat - I'm even more shocked that I agree! ;-)
    i am dumbfounded also... Expected Mig to be one of Large's biggest picks on who's shizzle
  • Chris Riggott has just left Cardiff, could be worth a go?

    At his prime a big yes also has Dailly / Powell connections at Derby , but I think he might too injury prone which is why Cardiff have let him go . Might be similar to Fortune in that he probably is not the player he was.

    As for the question about Big Mig I think mianly Scapegoat . However ,Colchester and Millwall away coloured my view of him and he does not inspire me with confidence ,although on the plus side his sweet left foot set up the last minute win in Southend .
  • Massive Scapegoat.

    Isn't anywhere near as bad as some of the doom mongers on here would have you believe.
  • He's not appalling to akpo standards but he's nowhere near as good as daily or Doherty,
  • [cite]Posted By: Richard J[/cite]Chris Riggott has just left Cardiff, could be worth a go?

    At his prime a big yes also has Dailly / Powell connections at Derby , but I think he might too injury prone which is why Cardiff have let him go . Might be similar to Fortune in that he probably is not the player he was.

    As for the question about Big Mig I think mianly Scapegoat . However ,Colchester and Millwall away coloured my view of him and he does not inspire me with confidence ,although on the plus side his sweet left foot set up the last minute win in Southend .
    Good player but Cardiff let him go due to "ongoing injuries"
  • [cite]Posted By: Danny Addick[/cite]He's not appalling to akpo standards but he's nowhere near as good as Dailly or Doherty,
    another massive Scapegoat
  • Not a donkey imho. Gives 100% can play a bit of football and can hit a pass. On the downside he's slow and when he makes a howler it's a corker. No worse than Docherty has been quite honestly. Feel a bit sorry for him. To answer the question. Scapegoat.
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