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Charlton boo-boys are ‘idiots’ says Mooney



  • Because those people don't think.
  • thankfully they didn't interview his mrs, as she really hates us.
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]Gary, i know you know a little about the game so interested in why you so adamently don't rate him.

    From what i saw of Mooney he was a huge confidence player. The reason he was allowed to come to us was because he had lost his way a little, and as it conincided with us going off course a little, it wasn't a great match up.

    But i thought he clearly had a decent football brain, read the game well, was clever in his positioning when playing off a main striker, had a good first touch and a technique above your average 3rd div player.

    On the flip side, he didn't threaten the goal as much as you would like for an offensive player, seemed fragile in confidence, and lightweight when hassled.

    Net result being someone who wasn't right for us. Can see why people didn't want to sign him, but equally can't see how anyone can form such a strong opinion against, particularly as he was what i would class to be a fairly honest player.

    10 goals so far this season would suggest he wasn't as bad as some made out.

    Be interested to see what you feel i've either missed or exaggerated.

    for a striker of his size, when you are playing you have to be the type of player that becomes a pest for the opposition. When i saw him play i thought his concetration levels were poor and several occasions waited for the ball to come to him or didnt look 'alive'. Thats ok if you have an arse like JFH but mooney never. That then brought his size into play, he was extremely week and easy to defend against. I remember thinking this was one of the reasons alot of fans grumbled about him....often hear the 'liven up mooney' comment.

    When ur playing at this level a lot of forward play is attempted through the channels. You watch Anyinsah tonight, as soon as one of the full backs has the ball he will make a run into the channel.....i guarantee if BWP is playing upfront with him he will be within 10 yards by the time the ball gets to big joe. I never got the impression from Mooney that he knew what was expected of him as a second striker. he may have made runs but they were always too late and easy to pick up....probably why he never got more goals, so i disagree with the reading of the game part.

    Its a difficult position playing off a big man ill give him that, but the position is all about anticipation and i just dont think mooney had that.

    Ill agree with the not right for us comment and i agree with the confidence comment. The glaring miss at Southend was the proof of that at the height of him getting stick.

    Could he have improved from when he played here?...well we will see tonight.
  • Mooney came into the professional game late and it showed in a lot of his all-round play, things like his awareness/readership of the game and anticipation at times wasn't up to professional level. However these are things that develop with experience.

    I'm not surprised that he's scored goals for Colchester and he'd have scored goals for us - I'd have signed him, given him a one year contract and made sure that he spent the summer doing weights and conditioning work, got a bit more bulk on him and let him have a good run. We've struggled for a goal scorer this season, Benson and Anyinsah have had their moments and thankfully we've had Jackson and Waggy to contribute from midfield, but we need a goal poacher type and before BWP/Eccleston there was no-one who could do that for us in the forward line.
  • He will definitely score tonight, a scrambled tap in, in front of the Covered End. He will cup his ear to the NU as he runs towards the West Stand. FACT.
  • Hopefully there won't be a repeat of the four-letter Mooney chant as heard at Colchester....
  • [cite]Posted By: MuttleyCAFC[/cite]So if you were constintaly criticised at work, do you think you would perform better? The link between confidence and results is proven in football, so why should anybody think that destroying somebody's confidence can have a positive affect?

    Consant is just not right though is it. Even if he were booed for the entire match, this still doesn't make up the majority of his working week so its not a fair comparison.
    If my customers complained to my manager on a fairly regular basis though, I'm fairly sure I'd be out of my job, never mind demotivated.
  • the only critcism there couldve been imo of mooney is that he went over too easily, now that may have been because he was constantly looking for fouls or he was too easy to knock over, his postioning and his movement was up there with the best this league has too offer
  • AFKA said "he didn't threaten the goal as much as you would like for an offensive player, seemed fragile in confidence, and lightweight when hassled"

    Bar that he was magic!

    Let's face it he must have been *really* crap if Parky didn't fancy him.
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]Let's face it he must have been *really* crap if Parky didn't fancy him.
    oh another dig at Parky... Get over it mate he has gone and he made some brilliant signings with what he had.

    It's Powell's job to show us why his picks are now better.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]AFKA said "he didn't threaten the goal as much as you would like for an offensive player, seemed fragile in confidence, and lightweight when hassled"
    oh another dig at Parky... Get over it mate he has gone and he made some brilliant signings with what he had.

    It's Powell's job to show us why his picks are now better.

    Err so it Mooney, but we're stick picking over his qualities.
  • Lacked pace - but wasn't terrible- at his level but so are we. Lots seem to forget that!
  • [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]
    Let's face it he must have been *really* crap if Parky didn't fancy him.
    this is the piece i quoted (now amended on post)
  • [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]Let's face it he must have been *really* crap if Parky didn't fancy him.
    oh another dig at Parky... Get over it mate he has gone and he made some brilliant signings with what he had.

    It's Powell's job to show us why his picks are now better.

    Barring the introduction of Bessone, BWP and Eccleston (all of whom may well have been on their way regardless of who was manager) this is Parky's team.
  • Well it's a good job Parky new what he was doing then.
  • I can't help but agree with Mooney.
  • I never rated him but never booed him.

    How I look at it would you rather he was playing for us or against us?

    I know which I prefer.
  • Was his header cleared off the line in the last minute, that would have been a kick in the balls.
  • edited February 2011
    yep he's still sh*t :-)
  • I gave him dogs abuse tonight and it felt good.

    He is gone he didn't score sand he plays for someone else .

    Can call whoever he likes an idiot I couldn't give two shite for him anymore. Never boooed him when he was here but certainly wouldn't clap or commend him at a game. He was no hero or influence in his time here
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  • Was he playing tonight? He was? Ah, so he's still an ineffective lightweight useless git then.
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]Was he playing tonight? He was? Ah, so he's still an ineffective lightweight useless git then.

    His header was cleared off the line in the last minute, Large.
    That would have otherwise been Mooney scoring their equaliser.

    Didn't see it? You must have left early to beat the traffic, perhaps?

  • No, I was there until the end Oggy so I could clap them off after a vital three points. So what we are saying is that he didn't head the ball hard enough allowing Big Mac to clear, therefore lightweight and because he didn't score ineffective ;-))
  • Commentator said Benson cleared it off the line LA, but not too sure.. was biting my nails off by this bit.
  • No, deffo Big Mac
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]No, I was there until the end Oggy so I could clap them off after a vital three points. So what we are saying is that he didn't head the ball hard enough allowing Big Mac to clear, therefore lightweight and because he didn't score ineffective ;-))

    Even though I can't agree with Large on his assessment of Parky or Mooney I do admire his ability to express his discontent with a large slice of humour rather than personal vitriol!

    What can you say? If Mooney had scored that then he could have stuck two fingers up at his detractors - and I am pretty sure he would have given it to the crowd in some way - but as it turned out it was cleared off the line and he leaves The Valley on the losing side.

    Such are the margins between redemption and condemnation in football.
  • One thing people fail to remember is that it was his goal that nearly put us in the play off final.
  • His assessment is spot on. Idiotic to boo the bloke. He always tried his hardest and that's all one can expect.
  • Amazed at the chant 15 minutes in... what type of people do we have down the valley for godsake?

    I'm all for passion but did he really deserve that?

    I'm all for passion but this was over the top, some of our own fans are more like the suggestion for mooney
  • [cite]Posted By: CAFCBourne[/cite]Amazed at the chant 15 minutes in... what type of people do we have down the valley for godsake?

    I'm all for passion but did he really deserve that?

    I'm all for passion but this was over the top, some of our own fans are more like the suggestion for mooney

    Spot on, 3 youngster behind me joining in and then at half time could here they were all Arsenal fans.
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