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C and F words.

edited January 2011 in Not Sports Related
Admin, please please remove the C and F words.


  • Admin also has a life outside CL ... would be better if people listened and didn't swear
  • why should they have to waste their time doing that, can't people just not type them ?!?!
  • Agreed. Unnecessary.
  • Who cares?
  • I think if you cannot post without using swear words, you must swear in every sentence you utter and if you have children just think of the impression that you make on them,
    If you must swear on here please use asterisks we can all work out what you mean.
  • Admin - any chance of introducing an ignore facility, whereby you can just choose not to see posts from the more imbecilic elements on here?
    I think of CL as an old man's (and lady's) snug, where the occasional yoof sticks his head round the door but is driven away by curmudgeonly glares from the pipe-smoking cardigan wearers. Dont want the youngsters taking over.
  • [cite]Posted By: stevietwells[/cite]Who cares?

    Surprised at you Steve.....I care...Women and kids come on here and at the end of the day as much as I will swear when appropriate, the use of the C word for me is used in pure hatred and not for an internet forum....its just gotten out of control and needs to be curbed.
  • Its not on, and its in hand.

    We make it quite clear on a regular basis what is acceptable and what isn't, and we try and admin it as best we can. Very difficult though when we are getting in excess of 1,000 posts a day like we are getting lately.

    Its been noted though and offenders will be asked nicely not to repeat. If it continues, we'll have to be firmer, but the last thing we want to do is exclude people for something trivial such as language, so please everyone make the effort. Ta.
  • [cite]Posted By: IdleHans[/cite]
    I think of CL as an old man's (and lady's) snug, where the occasional yoof sticks his head round the door but is driven away by curmudgeonly glares from the pipe-smoking cardigan wearers. Dont want the youngsters taking over.

    Ha, love it.

    I'm firmly camped in the Saloon Bar and not the Games Room, so i can assure you that is the approach.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: stevietwells[/cite]Who cares?[/quote]

    Old fuds
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  • On some forums I go on there's a swear filter - if some types funk it shows as ****

    Another one changes it to display as *SWEAR WORD REMOVED*

    That was retards can still feel big and clever and everyone elses eyes don't bleed
  • Do we really need two threads on swear words on a potentially momentous day such as this. Here's a word:

  • [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]On some forums I go on there's a swear filter - if some types funk it shows as ****

    Another one changes it to display as *SWEAR WORD REMOVED*

    That was retards can still feel big and clever and everyone elses eyes don't bleed

    It would be interesting to read one of Leroy's more emotional posts, about people who buy Apple products for instance, if we had a filter that replaces every swear word with 'SWEAR WORD REMOVED'!
  • I don't think I would want such a filter actually. The liberal use of swear words is a modern fact of life. Some might say it has enhanced the way way we communicate via the written word. Leroy's swearing posts have a literal quality and I have no problem with them. But some posters use swear words just to be offensive. I use to think that admin should give limited admin rights to a group of users that they know and trust that will just allow them to delete certain swear words. But should they be able to delete a swear word used elegantly in a well constructed sentence? Should they have to make that judgement?
  • There's a limit isn't there? I mean saying that someone is a "shite" player is OK but coming on here and dropping the C-Bomb on someone is just stupidity of the highest order.
  • [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]There's a limit isn't there? I mean saying that someone is a "shite" player is OK but coming on here and dropping the C-Bomb on someone is just stupidity of the highest order.
    Completely agree.
  • personally you using the word retard offends me mate maybe you can stop using it.
  • the words

    south hampton's

    annoys the poo out of me please remove them

    as does the stripey word that even i wont say

    remove them too please
  • kids hear the words or will hear the words all the time, particularly if you take them to football. as long as they know not to repeat them i can't see what the problem is - how much harm can it do to them? Not that i condone it and like to think i hardly ever use them but bloody hell - in some circles the c word is virtually a term of endearment.
  • [cite]Posted By: Bexley Dan[/cite]kids hear the words or will hear the words all the time, particularly if you take them to football. as long as they know not to repeat them i can't see what the problem is - how much harm can it do to them? Not that i condone it and like to think i hardly ever use them but bloody hell - in some circles the c word is virtually a term of endearment.

    If you've brought your child up properly then reading an internet site shouldn't mean they roam the streets swearing every few words.

    Considering most kids of today are exposed to rap music and probably swear non stop at school I doubt CL is the only place they're exposed to a few choice words!

    Doesn't mean to say people should swear non stop, but nothing wrong with it now & again. But then I am scumwall/millsmall/spanner fan or whatever other kid like comment you think of!
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  • I know I'm an old git and out of touch with much of 21st century society but have good manners completely gone out of the window?

    Swearing (except under extreme provocation) is bad manners.
  • I think all this swearing is blinking ridiculous! Flipping heck, can't you blooming well express yourselves without resorting to effing and blinding! Good lord!
  • Keep on swearing, AFKA and LookOUT don't have anything else to do

    If my job was to be an internet I would be happy just tidying up dirty words in exchange for the £90,000 they get each a year from this site

    Greedy pigs
  • edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Carter[/cite]Keep on swearing, AFKA and LookOUT don't have anything else to do

    If my job was to be an internet I would be happy just tidying up dirty words in exchange for the £90,000 they get each a year from this site

    Greedy pigs
    Genius :-)
  • With Sparrows Lane Lion on this - think you're being a little naive if you think that CL is the place your kids pick up swear words.

    They're just a collection of letters. It's the aggressive nature of posts I don't like - the words contribute to that, but the words themselves? Christ, next thing there'll be a no blaspheming rule.

  • [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]There's a limit isn't there? I mean saying that someone is a "shite" player is OK but coming on here and dropping the C-Bomb on someone is just stupidity of the highest order.

    Don't you mean the f***ing C-Bomb?

    i always post this video when people complain about swearing on an INTERNET FORUM.
  • Gather this was mainly aimed at me, can only apoligise, was a heat of the moment thing after hearing the news of Chris Powell, Sorry.
  • Fair enough Mike, lets move on and put this to bed.

    Just note for future that its appreciated if users avoid it in future. We really don't want to go to the hassle of installing swear filters and rely on users to use their common. Its got nothing to do with women and children as others have said, its about trying to retain a certain level of standards. If one person starts regularly using foul language then within a few days many others do, and then the forum just turns into a laddish swearfest which we have never wanted it to be.

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