Hi everyone! been reading the forum for a while now, and finally thought it was time to join the debate! happy to be aboard, Just wanted to know if there is anything i should be aware of about operating on this site, thanks for your help in advance
1). Don't Ever, EVER, talk to Oggy.
2). Ask AFKA for your badge.
3). Buy all "Lifers" apint in The Lib pre-match.
It''s just a long running cliche.
But you will need your official Charlton Life badge, so do apply to Admin for it.
Anyway, what are your train-spotting credentials, do you know who Jimmy South Stand is ......and finally (for your starter for ten), where is the Henry Irving statue?
If you get all of those right, Henry Irving himself will buy you a beer in the Liberal Club, before our next home match.
Open honest debates are massive here. Please see the threads titled New bird from Countdown and Stat Bank
Oi, Moggy, yer bugger ...... you beat me to it!!!
Notwithstanding the above welcome and enjoy the banter.
Quoting - always set the "format comments" at the bottom of the comment box to BBcode. No self-respecting lifer gets this wrong more than once.............are you reading this Black Forest Red? :-)
We all seem to start by just looking in through the window until you can tolerate it no more and want to put the world right.
To sum it up, it's fun, infuriating, stupid and sometimes on the rarest of ocassions serious.
Welcome and enjoy
Oh and i know everything by the way ;-)
And I'll nominate .......Ken from Bexley!
(round of applause from BBC canned laughter team)
In consideration of the sterling work done on behalf of Addicks everywhere, we celebrate Henry Irving day on the first home game of the season. The venue is The Liberal Club and includes compulsory dress code of Addick shirt and a knitted cardigan of your choice.
Right, I'll be there!
Except how to beat the offside trap.
Maybe it's because he's an ex-BBC employee that he can't bring himself to check the BBCode box?!
there is no life club
2nd rule of life club
there is no life club
its the touching of themselves that really puts me off, unless they are female obviously
Only been here about 6 months
Me too - still have get that "princess of positivity" muppet out of my head
and with a name of Harly Hittington something doesn't add up with this fella
Its best to come with a sense of humour really. If you can like.