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Emmas Commentary.



  • [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]Did ANYONE go to the game yesterday?!

    This thread sums up our support totally.

    Comedy Gold.

    Yeah!! Apologies for that - I'll try and make Bristol Rovers on Tuesday night, could you lend me about £1000 for airfare another travel expenses?! :)
  • [cite]Posted By: Oakster[/cite]Yeah!! Apologies for that - I'll try and make Bristol Rovers on Tuesday night, could you lend me about £1000 for airfare another travel expenses?! :)

    Yeah me too, mine would only be about £250 :-)
  • And I promise I'll try and make it next Saturday falconwood - my flight will be somewhere over the Ukraine by then, but I'll try and get them to divert :)

    I think the posts here are general posts from people who have had the misfortune to hear her 'commentary' on more than a few occasions in the past.
  • edited November 2010
    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]Did ANYONE go to the game yesterday?!

    This thread sums up our support totally.

    Comedy Gold.

    I made Peterborough and will be going to Rochdale but if you want to give me a lift down from Shropshire on Tuesday that will be great :)
  • [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]Did ANYONE go to the game yesterday?!

    The official attendance was 15,184.

  • [cite]Posted By: PragueAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Oakster[/cite]Yeah!! Apologies for that - I'll try and make Bristol Rovers on Tuesday night, could you lend me about £1000 for airfare another travel expenses?! :)

    Yeah me too, mine would only be about £250 :-)

    Hey i asked Falconwood first!
  • Surely instead of arguing among ourselves the complaints should be aimed in the correct direction, BBC and CAFC Player.
  • [cite]Posted By: Jarman[/cite]Maybe its the club trying to fill more seats by providing those armchair fans with such terrible commentary that they get down to the games and sell more meat pies.

  • I don't have a problem with what she says, I just find she's trying to sound like a commentator. If she stopped impersonating one she'd sound more natural.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Oakster[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]Did ANYONE go to the game yesterday?!

    This thread sums up our support totally.

    Comedy Gold.[/quote]

    Yeah!! Apologies for that - I'll try and make Bristol Rovers on Tuesday night, could you lend me about £1000 for airfare another travel expenses?! :)[/quote]

    Comedy Gold.
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  • edited November 2010
    Well, I can't comment on yesterday as I was at the game, but a couple of times this season I've known there's been a goal but I haven't known which team scored because she doesn't state it clearly. This is a really awkward position to be in as you're left in an emotional limbo land where you know you should feel happy or sad but have know idea which.
  • I Photographed Emma at the Norwich game..........
    When I worked for the bbc.

    I think it fair to say that we did not hit it off, on a personnal level, in fact I sat with the BBC Norwich commentator, who gave a vey professional ,and biased comment on the game.....

    I want my commentary to be biased, and knowledgable, I give not a toss wether the commentator is a man, woman, young, or old, but how they present the game, and engage with the fan/listerner.

    People on here have every right to complain, moan, and comment........ It comes with the job.

    For my opinion to me I stopped listerning to the radio coverage, I really did not enjoy it!. So I did what you can always do and not tune in.

    As I go to the home matches I do not miss out, but the fans who cannot attend deserve a better commentary/service than this.

    That is why I complained myself to BBC London, last year!.

    I may well have disagreed with previous commentators opinions, but the Charlton Live commentory by Mark a few years ago was excellent.

    I also enjoyed Steve Brown, and his 'insight' being a player was always good. Sometimes Brownie could be a little negative I have heard people claim about Charlton , well perhaps he thought the team were not very good!

    Had a point didn't he..... I thought at times they were dreadful!

    Anyway, if Emma wants to come on to Charlton Live I would be more than happy to discuss her 'performance'.
  • I'm late on this one, but totally agree with the opinions that Emma is a poor commentator. Richard's earlier reference to 'RTM in the 90's' took me back to the hours spent listening to Mark Mansfield's commentaries while tech-op- ing midweek Charlton away games - that was how it 'should be' for an informative commentary biased towards one team, but with objectivity when necessary.

    Like many of you, as soon as I hear Emma's voice on the preview, I click on the 'home' commentary for away games (fortunately I'm generally able to get to all home games) - but I'm paying for a service which is supposed to deliver a reasonable quality of 'Charlton' commentary - which ain't happening when Emma does it!

    I have little confidence in the feedback system via the BBC site, so hopefully Terry and others on here (BDL?) who may work with Emma can feed her with the guidance that we expect a commentary giving a reasonable impression of what's happening (or not) on the pitch (please NOT the 'field of play' - rather than a description of the commentary table and stools.

    Meanwhile I will have another 'go' at delivering my views to BBC London in the hope that Emma can be confined to office journalism in future (if RTM/Time was still in business, could have gone to help Nigel Goodge in the newsroom!!)
  • [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]Did ANYONE go to the game yesterday?!

    This thread sums up our support totally.

    Comedy Gold.

    Sorry Falconwood_1, I would really love to go to the games and be part of the crowd, atmosphere and a good general day out. Sadly, due to losing a well paid job back in 2009 and now just about 'getting by' I am unable to afford to go. I therefore realised if I cant get there I would listen to the game on the player. Then, inspired by others on here, I decided to try and provide an update service for those that cant hear or see the match. I will get to a match, I promise, but in the meantime I'll continue to provide a service as best I can for those that for one reason or another cant get there or hear the commentary.
  • [cite]Posted By: ken from bexley[/cite]I Photographed Emma at the Norwich game.........
    Why hasn't she got one of those proper commentator's mikes like Chris Goreham. Her headset looks more like something that someone in telesales might wear. Ideal career change perhaps?
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: ken from bexley[/cite]I Photographed Emma at the Norwich game.........[/quote]
    Why hasn't she got one of those proper commentator's mikes like Chris Goreham. Her headset looks more like something that someone in telesales might wear. Ideal career change perhaps?

    Personally speaking I would have a 'Shure Mike and swing it around like Roger Daltrey used to when he was in the who......
  • [cite]Posted By: Solaraddick[/cite]Meanwhile I will have another 'go' at delivering my views to BBC London in the hope that Emma can be confined to office journalism in future

    I think that is better than anyone trying to do an amateur coaching job on Emma. Inevitably that would be personally hurtful to her. Since someone has written that she doesn't actually have much appetite for football (which confirms my suspicion) it is down to the BBC management to sort out their own piss poor decision-making. Show them the thread, Clive...
  • Just in the interest of a bit of balance, I mention the general disgruntlement with the Emma commentary to my missus who used to be the comms officer at the Valley. She did say that while her commentary isn't the best, of the regulars she was probably the best interviewer and pitched questions spot on - getting pertinent information on tricky topics without getting backs up. So, for those that are desperate to see her sacked: it might be that there's method in the BBC's apparent madness, since probably the most important aspect for them is getting that bit right.

    *awaits wave of rage*
  • Morts its a good point you make and it confirms her career as a journo is well thought out. But I want a commentator not a journo
  • [cite]Posted By: ellisaddick[/cite]Surely instead of arguing among ourselves the complaints should be aimed in the correct direction, BBC and CAFC Player.

    I have tried to complain about the entire service ( not Emma as i go to the games) and have even tried to cancel my subscription but they ignore all correspondence. Sums up CAFC player to a tee.
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  • Emma, Lizzie and now a woman on CharltonLive !
    Whats the world coming too ?

  • So Mortimerican your wife was one of the two ladies in the press office yes!..... about 5 years ago!.
    So Emma get's 'pertinent information on tricky topics without getting backs up'......... obviously where i went wrong then!

    I would not be sure of the BBC's method of madness friend.

    All my colleagues were recently labelled broadcast journalists, (bj's) and most could not interview, for toffees.........
    as well as write a headline!.

    People like Tony Gubba, Motson, and others, that I have worked with have exstensive notes,( like Emma) but have a real passion for the game, and add relevent colour to the game while it is being played.

    Not an easy job. Nowadays, as a commentator you do little interviewing, ( which I used to do in the music press) it really is a different talent, and skill.........

    I am sure that Emma works hard at her job, that does not mean she is a good commentator though!.

    The question is what is the quality of her commentary, in my opinion poor!
  • Robbo on the wing 7 hours ago edited

    'Definitely time for a change. Definitely time for a male commentator.
    lets be fair, we have basically given in to women going to watch football now.
    But having to listen to them commentating on it?
    Its a no from me.'

    Also hoping this is a joke.
  • Anywho as my original post was deleted (probably fair given that she apparently frequents the site) I would just like to say when the BBC vidiprinter tells me a goals gone in before a service I pay for, something is definitely wrong.
  • The bottom line is she isn't very good. FACT
  • So bad in fact that I cancelled my CAFC player as i couldn't bare to listen to her pointless ramblings. It was either that or pay to listen to biased opposition commentary. Nothing to do with her being a woman or her looks, just her commentary is bizarre at best and the majority of time like fingernails down a blackboard.I get so frustrated not knowing what is happening that I cancelled.
  • [cite]Posted By: ken from bexley[/cite]So Mortimerican your wife was one of the two ladies in the press office yes!..... about 5 years ago!.
    It was probs 2 seasons ago and was there for less than a year as she was redundified when we went out of the CCC.

    She's certainly not an all sisters together type, and was (I think) just trying to pass on an honest opinion from someone who had a bit of experience in that area, in response to me saying that people were complaining about the commentary (which I completely agree with).
  • morterician... i was t\king the pee. i dont know what he he looks like!
  • have to check out night.
  • Sorry to hear that she got made redundant! Mortimerican.

    My position is based mainly on last season. As i said I am a season ticket holder again, so go to the Home games.

    I used to do listen to most of the away games when they were streamed, and like other posters found it very irkesome with Emma.

    Just not my type/style of commentary, long gaps, and pauses. If she was describing a picture, It became a blank canvas to me!

    I think some people are trying to turn this into an anti-woman thing. That is not it at all.

    Plenty of bad male football commentators around. But the issue is Emma , and the quality, or lack of it , delivering good informed, commentating, that fans respond and are involved in.

    Sound's pretty basic to me!
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