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Dr Martens Boots

50 years old.

Did you ever have some? Do you still have some now?

Has anyone never had a pair?

I've had a least one pair since I was about 14. A design classic.

used to love going to that little shop off brick lane to get them.


  • Yep, black pair with the leather missing from the toe caps.
    Really comfortable, I prefer them to my Timberland toetectors
  • never had a pair found them ugly but most people i know have worn them
  • I used to have them and loved them but now I wear (and prefer) another classic boot: Monkey Boots (Grafters).

    They are lighter and feel like slippers once the leather softens.
  • goths like dr martens i hear
  • I saw Nolly in the North Stand in some
  • ha ha how could you tell in my goth make up
  • The 'skinhead' royal warrant. All my friends wore these, I did not! Along with there Ben Shermans, and tonic suits bought from Woolwich, and there crew cuts!

    Apparently you could seal the sole with a hot knife! ( pressuambly essential for all those bottle fights in the car park of the valley pub)

    Ironic that I wear boots most of the time these days,( Timberland) and what hair I have left is short!
  • They don't look all that to me?

  • Had black and cherry red during my teen years. Eventually moved on to army surplus para boots.
  • Loved them when I was an 'erbert. Had loads of pairs bought from the Woolwich covered market, 10/12 hole DM's were the nuts at the time and Commando boots, thought we were real 'hard' back then!! Monkey boots didn't cut it though!
    Cant believe DM's are fifty years old!!
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  • I listened with interest to the Radio 4 programme this morning celebrating their 50th anniversary. I had a pair of Cherry red's when I was 14 (circa 1974) Mine were steel toe capped and had the lightweight non stitched soles and I can remember having the laces removed against Luton. I painted mine bright red when the leather wore through to the steel caps, my mate Lee sprayed his gold....long before it became trendy to have coloured DM's
  • [cite]Posted By: bibble[/cite]Loved them when I was an 'erbert. Had loads of pairs bought from the Woolwich covered market, 10/12 hole DM's were the nuts at the time and Commando boots, thought we were real 'hard' back then!! Monkey boots didn't cut it though!
    Cant believe DM's are fifty years old!!

    Woolwich Covered Market is where I bought mine as well ... always Cherry Red.

    Used to still wear a pair for gardening when weather was bad until a few years ago but now got rid of them.
  • Trying to remember the name of the shop in Brick Lane....its on the tip of my tongue....bugger I hate this getting old malarky.....I used to run the crockery stall in Woolwich market as an aside.....the bloke who funded it was Mickey the butcher in the covered market....big nasty geezer from Stoke.
  • something like Silvermans....bugger....bugger....bugger...
  • Had a couple of pairs that lasted me through my school years - 10 holers I think.

    First time I ever wore them I got into trouble ..............I was with a few mates in Danson Park (my school backed onto it) and we were being naughty 'erberts and were chased by the parkies - problem was that being new DM's they hadn't been worn it & very hard to run in them, so much so I got caught !!!!!!
  • [cite]Posted By: TEL[/cite]Trying to remember the name of the shop in Brick Lane....its on the tip of my tongue....bugger I hate this getting old malarky....

    I heard that radio show too.

    The shop was called something ".....mans" Steadmans or something I think.
  • [cite]Posted By: TEL[/cite]something like Silvermans....bugger....bugger....bugger...

    I think you are right. Something like that anyway.

    Was the most grotty shop but you used to see builders and city gents alongside each other trying on boots or top quality shoes.

    Business card was a bit of cut up shoe box stamped with a John Bull Printing set.
  • lol.....I remember the shop well, it was a mecca for the extra high top boots, they used to do the army surplus parra boots as well. I remember having to save like Billyo to get my DM's....I hadnt heard of that other shop they mentioned in north London.....British Boot Company?
  • [cite]Posted By: TEL[/cite]lol.....I remember the shop well, it was a mecca for the extra high top boots, they used to do the army surplus parra boots as well. I remember having to save like Billyo to get my DM's....I hadnt heard of that other shop they mentioned in north London.....British Boot Company?

    Trendy Camden Town rubbish
  • It all sounded a bit cringey when the bloke rattled on about his famous clientele.......found it funny to find Tony Benn had his portrait painted with them on in the houses of parliament
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  • Great Shoes. I remember meeting Dr. Marten himself when he was Chairman of Rushden and Diamonds.
    i went to watch the Charlton youth team romp them about 6 years ago...
  • Sam's in woolwich was the place to get them, along with Levi jeans!
    My first pair were bought in Dawes Charlton village, its still there to this day.
  • [cite]Posted By: T.C.E[/cite]Sam's in woolwich was the place to get them, along with Levi jeans!
    My first pair were bought in Dawes Charlton village, its still there to this day.

    Is that the shoe shop by the crossing? Can't believe it's still going.
  • I had 10 holers from Woolwich.I also had a pair of burgundy DM loafers from a shop near Deptford railway station that I wore at work til they fell apart.Now ware a pair of Army surplus boots very comfortable when broken in.
  • [cite]Posted By: Red5[/cite]I used to have them and loved them but now I wear (and prefer) another classic boot: Monkey Boots (Grafters).

    They are lighter and feel like slippers once the leather softens.

    can you still buy them? i really liked monkey boots but haven't seen any around for years. the nearest i got was the male equivalent of " tank girl " boots, which i bought in kensington but that was at least 10 years ago.

    i've also had numerous dr martens but to be honest, i don't find them at all comfortable but they are a classic.
  • used to get mine from the shoe shop oppostite the libarary at the standard then when gew up and had my own money would get them from shelleys on oxford street.

    gone off the stomper boots and only get the sawyer style now, have a boxed pair of these badboys upstairs waiting for an excuse to crack them out.

  • Had a pair of black ten hole for school, once I outgrew them moved on to dealer boots... dick eye chavvy...
  • [cite]Posted By: richie8[/cite]I had 10 holers from Woolwich.I also had a pair of burgundy DM loafers from a shop near Deptford railway station that I wore at work til they fell apart.Now ware a pair of Army surplus boots very comfortable when broken in.

    The Deptford shop was Shelleys I seem to remember.

    I have a pair of Cherry Reds 10 hole now. They cost too much as they are remakes of the 60's model and have of course given me blisters and rubbed at the top. Took me way back that pain and discomfort.
  • edited November 2010
    [cite]Posted By: sillav nitram[/cite]
    can you still buy them? i really liked monkey boots but haven't seen any around for years. the nearest i got was the male equivalent of " tank girl " boots, which i bought in kensington but that was at least 10 years ago.

    i've also had numerous dr martens but to be honest, i don't find them at all comfortable but they are a classic.

    You sure can and this place (Jeanwise) is an excellent online store for all things Mod/Skinhead and they post immediately.

    My little girl's got some and absolutely loves them. She's started a trend wearing them to school and all her friends are wearing Monkey Boots now because they're so comfy!! They all think they're cool (bless)!!
  • edited November 2010
    Here are, for all you DM lovers, try this online store:

    I've ordered loads of stuff from this site, they are excellent, post immediately and cheap!

    They stock all kinds of Mod/Skinhead attire, spoil yourselves (Christmas is coming)!!
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