I'm interested in getting involved with youth work. Just some general volunteering or paid work to start with but gradually move towards gambling addiction in youngsters.
Anyone on here have any contacts in the youth field or know of anyone who would be keen for help? Also would be handy to find out a little about qualifications needed. Theres so much information on the internet its almost a bit of an information overload! Would like it simply explained if anyone could (i'm not being lazy, honest!)
I understand that youth work isn't exactly the best paid and the government is making lots of cuts in this area but even if I end up doing it on a part-time basis i'd be happy.
Follow me on twitter
@2young4gambling if you like.
Not something to enter into lightly. As a first approach why not contact some charities who work you like and ask to meet with a youth worker to talk about their role?
Scouts are a good option and they are looking for leaders
Will try and contact a few local agencies and Gamcare the gambling charity.