WTF ! last night some tosser over the back of us decided to have a jolly with what must of been 600 tonnes of high explosive mistakingly sold as common or garden fireworks.
Now having pets as we do, we then spent the rest of the evening watching 3 petrified cats darting about the house for cover and generally shitting themselves because some knob with more money than sense decided to let EVERY fucking one within 5 miles know that he and his lard arse had made it to 40 or some such stupid shit.
Fireworks are for bonfire night November the 5th and maybe New Years night at a pinch. What is this modern fucking obsession for trampling over our more treasured rituals and notable dates?
Halloween next, the feckers !
Often get it this time of year, but was at work today andcould hear loads of fireworks banging and rocketing for a good hour. I've always thought its a massive waste of money but at least at night you can see the damn things.