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PC Rogers

edited January 2007 in General Charlton
I'm sure there was a song about him, but can't remember.

Remember we went through a run of going away games earlier and earlier, and no matter what time we left, he would always be there to say hello when we stepped onto the platform. Knew near enough everyone by first name terms as well.

For football-related copper, and though i had less to do with him than others, he always come across as decent.

Any tales ?


  • Twice one of my mates was in the back of a meat wagon after a bit of hassle,Southend away 1-1 draw and Leices ter at home when they bought thousands to Upton Park and both times he got he out.

    The song was for the other tall copper with a Moustache.We used to sing Ugly copper ugly copper P.C. he's by the the uglyiest copper the world has ever seen.
  • LOL, remember the tache man now.
  • I remember he came up to us in Leicester I think it was - I hadn't had much to do with him to be fair but he bowled over - morning arfur - spooked me no ends.

    Top copper though always tip us the wink where not to drink etc etc - used to bail us out with local OB as well.

    Wonder what he's up to now.

    U r right AFKA the amount of times we and your lot as well get to an away game proper early that f****r would be there. There was always rumours they had someone amongst the fans who was a copper - can't believe that was true now but you never know.
  • PC Rogers,helped us big time at Reading away once.We were walking back to Reading station and a very up for it hostile pub full of their lot attacked us on the way back to the station.6-8 of us made a stand for our lives with our backs to a wall and i swear Rogers was like the calvery coming to our aid and steaming their lot with his batten drawn.The walk back to Reading station took ages and i swear we had to defend ourselves all the way back!met some good charlton guys that day and we all was there for each other
  • tavern.
    have you ever had a normal walk back to a station?
  • Remember him at Peterboro when it was looking game on in the high street. Rogers stood in between both sets of supporters and started naming all the charlton boys one by one and telling them to step back. Tad difficult to get involved when you had been spotted and named.

    This was after the game, before the game had been very messy.
  • Cant remember a song about Rogers, but do rember one about PC Jim :-)
  • Yes,that day they attacked us!they were cowards 30-40 against about 8 and PC Rogers
  • 1905 and tavern were you in Swiss Cottage pub then
  • Not sure of the name of the pub. I take it you are referring to Peterboro? I wasnt at the Reading one to which Tavern is referring.
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  • Yer we got ambushed from council estate after them congregating in pub garden.Then they ambushed us again outside ground
    when they took short cut through building site.
  • i wasn't either but knew most of them.
  • DA9DA9
    edited March 2010
    Sad to report that Mick Rogers passed away last week.

    I've had my run ins with the OB over the years, as have a few on this board, but Mick was a true gent and as fair as they came, last spoke to him in Dartford about 10 years ago and he told me he was working for the serious crime squad, RIP Mick.
  • Would he have been the beat copper for charlton between 85 and 91, because I'm sure to hell the pc that used to come to our lady of grace was a pc rodgers, tallish beard or tash, really really lovely guy always looked forward to his visit at school to talk about strangers and crossing the road, and the infamous assembly about the 'chelsea smiliers'...
  • Thats Mick, he had a beard.
  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]Twice one of my mates was in the back of a meat wagon after a bit of hassle,Southend away 1-1 draw and Leices ter at home when they bought thousands to Upton Park and both times he got he out.

    The song was for the other tall copper with a Moustache.We used to sing Ugly copper ugly copper P.C. he's by the the uglyiest copper the world has ever seen.

    That tall copper we nicknamed smiler, always reminded me of John Cleese, he ran me at home once as he heard that one of my associates was going to "do him" (his words,not mine) as he had made a complaint about him for harrasment, told him although we were not angels, we were not in the business of assaulting police officers gang stylee.
  • [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]Sad to report that Mick Rogers passed away last week.

    I've had my run ins with the OB over the years, as have a few on this board, but Mick was a true gent and as fair as they came, last spoke to him in Dartford about 10 years ago and he told me he was working for the serious crime squad, RIP Mick.

    Shame, he was a decent fella and helped us out on more than one occasion.
  • Yeah always remember him from away games, and as pointed out, helped us out a couple of times. I always thought 1905 was the under cover OB, it was èither him or Dennis.

    RIP PC Rogers
  • [cite]Posted By: Steve Dowman[/cite]Yeah always remember him from away games, and as pointed out, helped us out a couple of times. I always thought 1905 was the under cover OB, it was èither him or Dennis.

    RIP PC Rogers

    1905 couldn't be anything undercover!
  • Very decent bloke and did a few favours for us. Not many of his type around.

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  • [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]Sad to report that Mick Rogers passed away last week.

    I've had my run ins with the OB over the years, as have a few on this board, but Mick was a true gent and as fair as they came, last spoke to him in Dartford about 10 years ago and he told me he was working for the serious crime squad, RIP Mick.

    He was a very decent bloke,always knew where to get a decent drink in and no matter what out of the way boozer we would find to drink in he would be there about 5 mins later.

  • The tall copper with the moustache was Terry .The song about him came from his first game at the valley when a fight broke out in the covered end .He went flying in and fell head over heels down over the seats.He was one you would not cross.Norwood Junction Station play offs 96 fight brakes out and he jumps in warning Charlton by name not to get involved.Also one of the spotters with Mick back in 90s.Nice guy as old bill go.
  • Also used to work with a WPC. I think her name was liz.
    He used to patrol Charlton whether a game or not.
    Excellent community officer. New his patch, and the rogues that lived there.
    Would feel a darn site safer if there was more of his mould doing the job he done.
    This thread has certainly jogged memories of my teenage years...
  • Rememer pc rogers and his mate with a camera fliming us get off the train at away game. everyone singing watch out beadles about he was a dead ringer for him.
    Top man RIP.
  • genuinely saddend to hear this

    so many memories of this man so many warnings in my ear so many wagons and holding cells that he got me released from.

    as i said on the other thread

    RIP my thoughts are with his family but have the knowledege that he was an honourable man looked upto by many
  • RIP
    Sad to hear this
  • Mick Rogers was a thoroughly decent copper and can't have been 60? (My Old man knew him very well and will know for sure). He had twin daughters who would still be youngish? A human version of Sergeant Ward, an 'orrible b'stard about whom there certainly was a song......
  • He used to come to my school and do the safety lectures. Top, top bloke - I remember talking to him after an assembly once about getting bussed up to Nottingham for the miners' strike, the Brixton riots and the Arnolds (Woolwich 'family' notorious in the eighties). Went on for ages - always seemed to have time for all the kids (even the turds - and there were plenty of them in my school).

    RIP Mick
  • [cite]Posted By: DaveMehmet[/cite]1905 couldn't be anything undercover!

    Actually, there's a DI here in Bermuda, a Scottish fella, who looks uncannily like 1905 (whom I've only met the once or twice).
  • RIP Mick
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