[cite]Posted By: Ledge Knows[/cite]Could have SWORN dan's post had a few fucks and wankers in it.
Phantom editing from the powers that be. Its like posting on a Council Forum on here at times.... Next we wont be able to call it the Easter fixtures but "Spring Religious Break" fixtures...............
[cite]Posted By: seriously_red[/cite]I read somewhere train companies (TOCs) were split from the rails to break up the union power in the industry - when more sensible solutions were available like sell off inter-city and south-east commuting lines (making dosh) and subsidise or close regional lines. Splitting them up has led to three times as many accountants, engineers, surveyors all fighting over rail maintenance and renewal contracts.
The reason the train operating companies were separated from the maintenance companies was to comply with an EU (EEC when it happened) directive. Essentially the directive stated that the accounting functions of the operating and maintenance companies must be separated.
The Tories, under Major, decided that this would best be done by privatising the railways.
EU fault too right. Meanwhile in Rep of Ireland new houses, flats, tram lines, airports are going up with the majority of money coming from EU funds. I bet Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and soon to be Turkey cant wait for their new infrastructure.
Wake up people we are being slowly led into one european nation with the UK coming out worse. Thank you new labour, Conservatives (Heath, Thatcher, Major, Cameron) and the lib Dem's. We will moan when the new EU income tax arrives to pay for the new eu states and 3rd world eu states as the Rep of Ireland was classed as.
Len I do tend to agree with your anti EU stance but, and don't get offended by this, when you start going off on one I can help but think of that scene in The Life Of Brian!!
They've bled us white, the bastards. They've taken everything we had, and not just from us, from our fathers, and from our fathers' fathers.
And from our fathers' fathers' fathers.
And from our fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers.
Yeah. All right, Stan. Don't labour the point. And what have they ever given us in return?!
[cite]Posted By: 04 MCS[/cite]but i am musically challenged?
Talking of musical impliments, you mastered the accordian yet?
its well dificult, i need to get some lessons! I tell ya what tho, i can make it make noise that dont hurt so much! Thats as far as i am!
To anyone else who i havn't shown, i have a proper little musical implement collection going on! The thing Ol Mortain is on about is actually a Hoffner Piano Accordian proper old and in an amazing box! Its in total mint condition, and i am saving it to pass down the MCS generation once they get here!
[cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite](ps, how do you quote when the comment is on a previous page?)
Like this ....
[cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite] i love it!! :-)
yes, about 20 to 7
More snow tonight hopefully :-) - all thanks to the EU, its blowing of the EU snow mountain apparently. For those who don't like the EU make sure you get out at the next election and vote for an anti-EU candidate. Which is exactly what I will
not be doing.
ok, that doesn't help mr spinner. well done for doing it yourself. i pressed the quote button in the same way but when i went onto the next page, the words weren't sitting there waiting for me. what am i doing wrong? it did come up with "error" in my bottom left page?
[cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]ok, that doesn't help mr spinner. well done for doing it yourself. i pressed the quote button in the same way but when i went onto the next page, the words weren't sitting there waiting for me. what am i doing wrong? it did come up with "error" in my bottom left page?
To be honest you just have to frig it! eg.
[cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]Oi!! I never said this
Phantom editing from the powers that be. Its like posting on a Council Forum on here at times.... Next we wont be able to call it the Easter fixtures but "Spring Religious Break" fixtures...............
Na just gonna have a huge fat trumpet when I get home mate! Much better.. ;-)
Perv! You're obsessed!! ;-)
remember i am charlton massive
The reason the train operating companies were separated from the maintenance companies was to comply with an EU (EEC when it happened) directive. Essentially the directive stated that the accounting functions of the operating and maintenance companies must be separated.
The Tories, under Major, decided that this would best be done by privatising the railways.
In short it's the EU's fault!!
Talking of musical impliments, you mastered the accordian yet?
Wake up people we are being slowly led into one european nation with the UK coming out worse. Thank you new labour, Conservatives (Heath, Thatcher, Major, Cameron) and the lib Dem's. We will moan when the new EU income tax arrives to pay for the new eu states and 3rd world eu states as the Rep of Ireland was classed as.
its well dificult, i need to get some lessons! I tell ya what tho, i can make it make noise that dont hurt so much! Thats as far as i am!
To anyone else who i havn't shown, i have a proper little musical implement collection going on! The thing Ol Mortain is on about is actually a Hoffner Piano Accordian proper old and in an amazing box! Its in total mint condition, and i am saving it to pass down the MCS generation once they get here!
"thought it was you but carried on walking...sorry!
window seat opposite a rugged looking fella?!"
erm. yes, that would have been les says! i'm sure he'll be impressed to be described like that.
(ps, how do you quote when the comment is on a previous page?)
Like this ....
More snow tonight hopefully :-) - all thanks to the EU, its blowing of the EU snow mountain apparently. For those who don't like the EU make sure you get out at the next election and vote for an anti-EU candidate. Which is exactly what I will
not be doing.
we already have one EU tax. It's called VAT.
window seat opposite a rugged looking fella?!
cheeky boy. was that you walking past in the dress with enormous tits?