Here's a result went to drive to the pub, but there is gridlock down my rd,would take 20 minutes to get there, so not worth it as I'd miss the first half, staying at home with a bottle of wine and cheese sandwich.
It had to be benson and abbot tonight we need them to play together as often as possible they are gonna fire us out of this league. Martin is a wide player
We appear to have no interest in this at all.
Our movement off the ball is shockingly bad.
Parky must stay.
Francis is arguably the worst player I have seen since that chap who played once and we never saw again. Closely followed by Jackson
Why the surprise that we're losing?
But we are shite really fooking shite
But I actually agree with NLA. ;-)
I've been slow to critise the team or Parky but this really is dire.
seems the last two seasons we have had our full backs taking corners and freekicks, its shit.
Keep that dim wit Francis away from the ball
Scrappy game but will be more goals as neither team look great. Could go either way
What's the problem, folks?
Lot's more fun to be had washing up and helping the kids with their homework.
The problem is that the squad need to realise that we desperately need something to raise our spirits. Even paint pots would cheer me up.
looks like everything I've read about Francis is true though :-(