[cite]Posted By: Friend Or Defoe[/cite]If the doctor's put him on anti-depressants perhaps it's time to turn it down a bit, I don't know him so don't know how he takes it so could be wrong.
there has been nowt on here that could be deemed as taking the pish out of nathan
Fair enough, perhaps I'm turning in to one of those house wives types who complain about everything (most of which doesn't affect them) as they have nothing better to do!
oops didnt mean this to turn in to a victimisation thread, nathan im sure took it in the way it was intended
also sorry to here about your depression one of my best mate had that for ages, would call me up at midnight needing to go for drive and weird stuff very tough to get over so hope your mates are as supportive as i was ) also we'll have to have a game of fifa when your ready do yo have a headset?
did you cry
i did when i first saw it
get up champ get up
there has been nowt on here that could be deemed as taking the pish out of nathan
Take no notice of NLA, he probably related to Tony...;0)
also sorry to here about your depression one of my best mate had that for ages, would call me up at midnight needing to go for drive and weird stuff very tough to get over so hope your mates are as supportive as i was
Hush u!