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Parky: Great at finding players but tactically poor?

edited September 2010 in General Charlton
I wasn' there, I never am. So have no idea if that statement is a load of cobblers - you tell me.

Have been extremely impressed with the way he has rebuilt the side this season - some great signings on next to zero budget, but when it comes down to tactics & motivation is he the man??


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    Don't think motivation is the problem - all the players are obviously trying. I do think he is very cautious in his tactics though, Francis and Jackson never overlap the wingers and you never see a midfielder ahead of the strikers.
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    Made changes at half time that improved things and brought on a sub that scored the winner.
    Can't see what all the fuss is about.
    It's his signings you should be worried about.Not too many people have had good things to say about Mccormack,Francis or Abbott today
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    "parky great at finding players" ------ "GREAT" --------"G_R_E_A_T" ----------------------------------------------that word must mean something differant than my understanding of it.
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    I think Airman Brown holds that view (in the thread title). But I'm sure he'll be along soon to give his view.

    I'm not there either, but today, he did what all the amateur managers would have done. He dropped Liera, and gave a young kid a chance in a tricky game against a nasty old bastard. At half time replaced McCormack with Racon.

    I understand that it wasnt pretty, and a lot of things arent gelling yet. But if you'd offered me 10 points from the first six games after all the turmoil of the summer, I'd have bitten your arm off.
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    Great at finding players?

    I thought that was Pardew. Didn't he break some CAFC record or something by ''finding'' circa 39 of them in one season....

    Problem was only about three of them were any good.
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    He's no Mourinho, but has already won us 3 points instead of 1 in a couple of games due to good substitutions.
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    Like WSS said it's not a lack of motivation. It wasn't for most of last season either.

    Full backs I think it's just the type of players we have. Richardson and Youga both loved to overlap. Not only that, Sam and Bailey were more likely to hold up the ball and actually give the full backs a chance to overlap. Reid and Martin are more direct, they get the ball and run at players.
    [cite]I'm not there either, but today, he did what all the amateur managers would have done. He dropped Liera, and gave a young kid a chance in a tricky game against a nasty old bastard. At half time replaced McCormack with Racon.
    Not for on him at all. Fry looks a good player. Parky hasn't got lucky there, he knew Fry was capable.

    Racon for McCormack was the right thing to do, though would have preferred to see him start over McCormack. Him and Semedo end up trying to do the same things.
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    edited September 2010
    If he was good at finding players, a motivational speaker and more than tactically astute he wouldn't be at Charlton. I don't think motivation is the issue really as he's brought in a lot of grafters and he meets 2 of the 3. He's at his level at the moment but he's still a very young manager and is going to learn from these mistakes. There is a chance that a manager at a similar level that would do a slightly better job but who knows, I bet on other teams message boards people are going on about flaws in the likes of Steve Tilson that we don't notice.

    Obviously he himself has admitted that promotion is the target so if we fall into mid-table obscurity I could understand him being replaced but we aren't going to find anyone better unless we take a huge risk on a Chris Powell or Mark Robson which we can't really afford to take.
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    [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]Not for on him at all. Fry looks a good player. Parky hasn't got lucky there, he knew Fry was capable.

    Racon for McCormack was the right thing to do, though would have preferred to see him start over McCormack. Him and Semedo end up trying to do the same things.

    I meant it as a supportive comment towards Parky. I didnt put it well. I meant that people come on and say why didnt Parky do this and that, and today he did, so nobody can really fault his response to the way the game panned out. I think that's all from me for tonight :-)
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    The thing that I was impressed most with , with solly was his ability to link up attack and defence. Crab man also does it well.

    If he doesn't like that then I can't see them ever getting back in.

    My thoughts ate known about parky.

    Saying that he did change it early and the sub scored .

    I also hear he is popular with the players is that a good thing I dont know
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    I think the end of last season sums up Parky. He just needed to be a little more adventurous in his team selection (Shelvey) and playing style and we'd have been promoted. The same problems are evident again already this season. We have the players in the squad ie Martin, Racon, Jackson, Wagstaff, Reid, to be able to open up defences and create lots of chances, but he choses to play two defensive midfields together instead.
    We create very little and our corners and free kicks lack imagination and produce nothing.
    Yes he's good at picking up some bargains, but if he'd done a better job we'd be in the Championship now and wouldn't have had to sell the likes of Bailey and our better players.
    In summary he has lot's of strengths, but his weakness negates them all.
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    He was good at finding players before Murray gave him some money, he has wasted a massive chunk on Benson who looks like a poor mans luke varney, he looked bloody awful yesterday, didn't know what to do half the time and was just running side to side, hope he improves ffs, was hoping for someone abit better that the money we spent.
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    Benson looks crap because we are not serving him - not his fault imo

    I have to agree with the title - Parky given limited budget has put together what on paper looks one of the strongest squads in the league but we do lack imagination on the pitch and are predictable. We create down the wings and then greedy Reidy goes for goal from the goal line. We create little through the middle.

    There are some basic things like at a corner having a player wide incase the ball overshoots - which it often does to get the ball back in for another go. Like when heading a ball clear from the penalty box - head to the side rather than to their midfield waiting outside the penalty box (cost us 2 points 2 weeks ago and we did it several times before they scored).

    I am a huge Parky fan - think he has been good with substitutions and like our players if he was the complete manager would be in the Prem and not with us. Hopefully the tactical piece will improve.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: queensland_addick[/cite]I think the end of last season sums up Parky. He just needed to be a little more adventurous in his team selection (Shelvey) and playing style and we'd have been promoted. The same problems are evident again already this season. We have the players in the squad ie Martin, Racon, Jackson, Wagstaff, Reid, to be able to open up defences and create lots of chances, but he choses to play two defensive midfields together instead.
    We create very little and our corners and free kicks lack imagination and produce nothing.
    Yes he's good at picking up some bargains, but if he'd done a better job we'd be in the Championship now and wouldn't have had to sell the likes of Bailey and our better players.
    In summary he has lot's of strengths, but his weakness negates them all.[/quote]

    You forgot to mention the season we went down it was the same thing on the last throw of the dice.
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    His initial team selection proved wrong on Saturday but in fairness to him his substitutions were proved correct. Whether his tactics were correct is open to debate we struggled from start to finish and the best team lost, luckily for us.
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    Parky did at least get it right yesterday although in general I'd agree that he's tactically inept. As for him being great at finding players I am led to believe that this is more down to Phil Chapple digging them up and Kinsella actually deciding if they want them. Parky does more of the meet and greet and sells the club to prospective targets (so I hear).
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    [cite]Posted By: HarryHutchens[/cite]Parky did at least get it right yesterday although in general I'd agree that he's tactically inept. As for him being great at finding players I am led to believe that this is more down to Phil Chapple digging them up and Kinsella actually deciding if they want them. Parky does more of the meet and greet and sells the club to prospective targets (so I hear).

    if that is true then that is poor mgmt.

    at a football club surely the mgr has the first the the middle and the last say in all things football
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    I think hudson-son-son sums it up well. If he had everything as a manager he wouldn't be managing a League One club.

    There would be doubts about any manager we can get at this level.
    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]if that is true then that is poor mgmt.

    at a football club surely the mgr has the first the the middle and the last say in all things football
    Surely if it works for them then it doesn't matter how they do it?

    It's been said that Parky watches plenty of games. There are so many players out there, he mentioned enquiring about 30 or 40 strikers, I can't really believe Chapple decided on who to sign and he just agreed.
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    Why do we blame the fact our strikers are crap on the service they get? its more than good enough imo,that old excuse is poor now and wearing thin.
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    [cite]Posted By: Mike_CAFC[/cite]Why do we blame the fact our strikers are crap on the service they get? its more than good enough imo,that old excuse is poor now and wearing thin.

    Exactly how many chances did we create for Abbott yesterday?

    Exactly how many chances did we create for Benson yesterday?

    Happy to admit that they don't look like working as a partnership, but no way can they get a slating. Strikers need chances and the fact that our midfield are creating nothing at present is the real issue.
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    Tactically naive seems to be a recurring thread piece here.....things havent changed apart from the key personnel on the pitch. I dont rate our coaching Im afraid, we dont seem to be able to play to players strenghts and I can see us turning Abbott and Benson into McLeod and Dickson......I hope Im entirely wrong but I think many of us can already see the same patterns emerging. Whats all this nonsense of having all our players in our box to defend corners? Its so negative and reinds me so much of Pardew....and thats something I dont really want to contemplate. If its a good side on paper (Francis and McCormack Excepted) then Im afraid if they arent a good side then its down to the coaching staff. Early days yet, but if this persists into October and November then its going to get messy on here.

    My other gripe.....Phil, stop playing favourites like your old pal Pardew, and play those worthy of a place....Racon and Waggy, not to mention Solly spring to mind.
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    [cite]Posted By: Telnotinoz[/cite]

    My other gripe.....Phil, stop playing favourites like your old pal Pardew, and play those worthy of a place....Racon and Waggy, not to mention Solly spring to mind.

    Agree with this 100%. Always play the form players, not the favs, all the good managers do this!!
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    [cite]Posted By: Clem_Snide[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Mike_CAFC[/cite]Why do we blame the fact our strikers are crap on the service they get? its more than good enough imo,that old excuse is poor now and wearing thin.

    Exactly how many chances did we create for Abbott yesterday?

    Exactly how many chances did we create for Benson yesterday?

    Happy to admit that they don't look like working as a partnership, but no way can they get a slating. Strikers need chances and the fact that our midfield are creating nothing at present is the real issue.

    Think that is a fair comment.
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