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  • R.I.P football goes right out the window sympathy to all the family.
  • Didnt know him but 48 is too early for anyone to go

  • How very sad, R.I,P.
  • Sad news indeed.
  • A big thank you to all that gave to Steve's collection in the Liberal and COn club amongst other place. I believe we have raised in the region of £250 for the air ambulance so far which is a good effort.

  • Wasn't in the Lib so missed the collection.

    Is there somewhere else to pay?
  • i didnt know steve but its was so sad read on the lib club wall i went straight to give to the collection
    RIP steve
  • We are planning to get a Charlton Flag made up with his name on it so maybe if you missed the air ambulance collection you could put in that one.

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  • [cite]Posted By: charltonfan[/cite]We are planning to get a Charlton Flag made up with his name on it so maybe if you missed the air ambulance collection you could put in that one.


    I'll speak to Sharon and Phil at the next game. Not sure if I know you Charltonfan but mostly likely know by sight.
  • Not sure if i knew steve but r.i.p mate.
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