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100th day of the coalition



  • I hear they're lowering the vat on unleaded pencils...
  • Lot's of soundbites and unrelenting gloom with seemingly no concept among any of them that things will eventually get better- it seems to me that they take great joy in telling us on a daily basis what they are going to slice next and getting quite a lot of masochistic pleasure from repeating it. It's almost as if they are getting the country back for keeping Labour in for 13 years. Very much agree with Seth's post #6 on the thread.
  • [cite]Posted By: Floyd Montana[/cite]A Prime minister who doesnt take holidays in the houses and yachts of the rich and famous

    Possibly because his wife is heavily pregnant and can't fly abroad.
  • Not been too bad if you ask me.

    Just how much lower below that parapet can Labour go?

    Nobody's seen or heard of them.
  • edited August 2010
    I'd rather not get in to Tory policy because it usually causes an argument.

    As for the 'Coalition', seems quite clear to me that Cameron has Clegg by the balls. Clegg has had to default on pretty much every single one of his campaign policies, and now the promised vote on PR looks like it'll probably be a vote on AV instead.

    The BBC ran a poll a few weeks back which showed that something like 53% of Lib Dem voters wouldn't have voted for them if they knew they would enter into a coalition with the Tories. So Clegg and the Lib Dems have no swing in that coalition. Any threat to break it off and call another general election can't be taken seriously, because Labour are nowhere at the moment at the Lib Dems have lost their core support. Tories would run away with it. Clegg and the Lib Dems are completely powerless at the moment. Just some empty suits for the cameras.

    Although, having said all that, I did spot a video on Cameron's youtube channel which was put up about a week ago, titled: "Labour's legacy". It's basically just a diatribe - but it does make you wonder. Why would you be releasing a video like this when there's 5 years to the next election?

    a) It's a rather pathetic exercise in trying to out Labour for a good few elections (you'd think they'd have more important things to do when they're only 100 days into government)
    b) The beginning of a new election campaign which signifies that the coalition is close to breaking point.

    As for how its effected my life. Can't get a job. All of my other friends who I graduated with (apart from one) can't either. Mum made redundant. I know quite a few other people losing their jobs because of cuts. And I'm really peeved at the dissolution of the UK Film Council!
  • Stu, EU lorry drivers do not pay UK road tax, UK drivers do, so I would imagine it might be some road tax charge. Across europe we pay taxes or tolls for using roads, time we charged all foreign drivers for using our roads too. The autumn spending review is going to be tough, I woukd imagine the cuts will be watered down a litlle, but it is mad to ring fence anyone or anything, particularly the NHS when I know of an IT worker who gets £500 a day for what is effectively a £50k a year job. The rest of the public sector are cutting back on consultants and interims paid huge money, why should the NHS be different. Then you look at how much GPs, Dentists and Consultants get paid. I know they have to put a lot of years training in and not many of us could do their job, but some of the salaries are obscene, how a socialist government allowed this to happen unchecked is bizarre. It will be harder to reverse. Lots of pain to come!
  • are they still on strike?;-{>
  • We are all goung to hell in a hand cart with these two.....
  • [cite]Posted By: sailor[/cite]Private rental properties are coming down at a rate of knots...does it for me!

    ? I'd heard the opposite, that rents are on the up, or is that knot what you meant? (pun intended)
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