I received an email from an Evening SubStandard reporter the other day asking about ticket prices over the years. I was going to just ignore it, but now I've thought why not open it up on here. Here is the message they sent:
I thought you might be able to help me with a story I'm writing about ticket prices.
I'm looking at how much ticket prices have risen by in the last ten years and was wondering if you had any idea how much non-season tickets cost ten years ago and five years ago?
Do you think you would be able to help?
I'll pass any answers back to the
hack journalist, or send a link to this thread. So tell them what you think.
I put it up on here, rather than just ignore it, to generate some good general info about how we feel about ticket prices, but also in hopes that it would generate some talk about the SubStandard's anti-CAFC bias.
Wouldn't wipe my arse with the Evening Stunted, but to be fair the reporter either probably doesn't have much faith in the club telling the truth, or just wants to get a fans' view alongside the club's point of view.
football is just a plain ole rip off now because the clubs know full well , especially the top 4, that for every fan that ssays I am not paying that price there will be another 2 or 3 that will so they don't give a monkeys.
who is the reporter not that arsenal wanker is it - Stammers is it?
No doubt some stupid banners will be made and the world will be saved.
When will fans wake up and boycott?