Bournemouth has a lap dancing club called spearmint rhinos.were they charged me £16 for a very small bottle of stella.just in case there any perverts that want to go there.
Bournemouth take their red and black colours from the great ladybird plague of 1976 that turned the town's Lower Gardens into a sea of red and black. In fact they used to be known as The Ladybirds until Brighton fans complained that this could be construed as anti-gay. After that they changed their nickname to The Cherries in honour of footballing twins Steve and Trevor who played at Dean Court in the 1960s before hitting the big time with their Boscombe chip shop.
It's a pity but visitors this weekend will have to put up with the towns reserve beach, the current first choice shoreline is at the dry cleaners. Sorry guys.
Bournemouth are, in fact, just a small team in Boscombe
Bournemouth has been home to the World Mini Golf Championships, the National Mini Golf Association Matchplay Championship and the 'theres eff all else to do, let's play some mini golf' championship played by bored families every year.
Bournemouth was the first beach in Britain to tag individuals according to what part of the beach you was on, this was originally in class order, the closer to Bournemouth pier, the higher your social rank. This led to Boscombe beach being overcrowded and Bournemouth beaches being deserted, and that is where the word 'desert' comes from to depict a large amount of sand with nothing in it.
Beach Boys hit 'Surfin USA' was originally called 'Surfin Bournemouth' but following a heated band meeting on Christmas Day, 1962, Brian Wilson finally conceded that an extra syllable was needed.
Once known as Bournemouth and Boscombe Athletic Football Club, they had a crisis regarding the ink needed to write their whole name, and the subsequent impact on global warming. Therefore in 1972 they changed their name to AFC Bournemouth, however this led to long term supporters being unable to enter the ground thinking they would now be watching a different team. There then developed a very localised mental illness in the area which medics dubbed 'the Bourne Identity'. The whole episode was eventually made into a film starring Matt Damon.
And here was I thinking they just wanted to disassociate themselves from the dubious delights of Boscombe in the consciousness of the nation.
Beach Boys hit 'Surfin USA' was originally called 'Surfin Bournemouth' but following a heated band meeting on Christmas Day, 1962, Brian Wilson finally conceded that an extra syllable was needed.
Very shortsighted IMHO. On hearing the lyric "Surfin Bournemouth..." the first thing anyone would say is "Eh?" There you go the third syllable...
Bournemouth is twinned with Matebele Land or more specifically Matebele Land South it's third province. Anyone mistaking this fact and assuming they are twinned with Bulawayo, a province further north are regularly laughed out of the Freida's Traditional Tearooms in Staford Road...
In fact, there are plans to start filming another instalment in 2058, when Matt has retired aged 88, the working title is The Bourne Mouth.
unfortunately, it rarely shows birds on Bournemouth beach with their bristols out ala Page 3.
Bournemouth has been home to the World Mini Golf Championships, the National Mini Golf Association Matchplay Championship and the 'theres eff all else to do, let's play some mini golf' championship played by bored families every year.
Bournemouth was the first beach in Britain to tag individuals according to what part of the beach you was on, this was originally in class order, the closer to Bournemouth pier, the higher your social rank. This led to Boscombe beach being overcrowded and Bournemouth beaches being deserted, and that is where the word 'desert' comes from to depict a large amount of sand with nothing in it.
Very shortsighted IMHO. On hearing the lyric "Surfin Bournemouth..." the first thing anyone would say is "Eh?" There you go the third syllable...