Anyone here been there? It is a suggested destination for an annual early December 4 day beer drinking week-end in Eastern Europe. Done Prague, Krakow, Budapest, Talinn, Riga, Wroclaw. Trying to get an idea how it compares to these places. Trip Adviser not been a great help so far.
Well that's clinched it. Red in SE8 is already booing his ticket ;0)
Thanks for your reply. When you say Cluj is ok what exactly do you mean. Nice old town ? Enough. To see and do ? Any views very welcome.[/quote]
It's a typical Romanian town...bit of the old; bit of communist hangover; bit of the new. If your going to Romania as a tourist; Bucharest is worth 24 hours; Sibiu is stunning and the Danube is worth travelling time. The people really embrace everything Western and are upset by their bad international reputation. I have a love/hate relationship with the country but get 50% of my business from there.