One week in and things are starting to get tense. I predict quite a volatile one this year with plenty of arguments. Also looks the potential for a gay infatuation of a straight man (Mario - Ben).
An early favourite to win has to be the Aussie (particularly given the audience demography).
I'd like to see them get rid of the ex-squaddie. What's that black eyeball about - idiot!
Yes, but they don't clash. BB comes on at 10pm thankfully. Anyhow, the WC hasn't exactly been thrilling so far!
Love BB and this year's is a good line up. Only the last series on C4, rumours that Five is looking to put it on from next year.
Have got Sky and also been watching the World Cup RU, not sure I need my horizons much broader!
Squaddie Steve would have been suffocated in his sleep by now if I was in there. His snoring could cause an earthquake!
I think he's one of the front runners JT. I think we could see another Craig and Anthony scenario though which could lose him popularity. There's usually a late developer that comes out of the pack about half way through.
Yes well lets just hope that Channel 5 fail in their rights to buy the awful show, still i spose if they do it will help their ratings because that is a toilet channel with very little to offer.
You have me there to be fair i have been watching the WC and do have SKY but that just because i love football not because i enjoy watching other people (hostly hidous typoes of people too) go about their day to day and try to impress the nation because they are on camera the whole time i just find it a very typicla mind numbingly dull programme and none of the people ever4 to appear on there can i sympathise with because they are all the worst type of people going. Stick Colonel Gadaffi in there that will make me watch it as he slaughters the people who think that apperence is everything.
Dont care enough about other people especially people who have got nothing going for them (other than fake tans and fake everything) to watch it
for the record, neither will I....toilet TV, doesn't mean to say that it's not some people cup of tea though
Aye i agree some may like it and each to their own and all that. However if and when it ends for good i for one might hold a celebration party. Not just toilet TV mate but people are looking up to the nobodys on there and thinking of them as actually desevering Celebratiy status, bellends.
I'd take this over that loads shite Glee.
Mario does look like he could win, was brilliant him being the mole at the beginning. Sunshine gotta be going tonight she does my nut in, Austrailian guy is very funny especially last night when was f'ing and blinding at the table while everyone was having a conversation(those that didnt watch he was just shouting things like you lot are nobodys noone will care etc)
I went for BB a couple of years ago, would have loved to get in just for the experiance.
Thats my two pennies worth and i do have a life just nothing better on most the time and getting into it this series, also i have sky
I'd never go on it Johnny; you must be crazy. 99% of them end up looking really bad.
What makes me laugh is those that hate it still can't help reaading this thread and even commenting on it. There's a certain irony that they think BB viewers need to get a life!
yeah good point, although i havent watched instead of a football game yet just watch on + 1 afterwards :P
Thats alright i wouldn't mind if i looked like a mug, thats whole point of it you have to not give a sh*t and then you would be fine
Now go and read a book.
I wanted sunshine to go she's doing my head in, also few others have started to irritate me now lol so we will see how long i continue to watch this
Rachel didn't do anything wrong other then stare funnily at JJ, thought he over-reacted and was out of order but he is still quality.
YEAH lol
want Govan to go he's a bitch!!
Nolly why you continuously post in threads you dont care about? i dont know but seriously if you dont care to have a opinion or you trying to shoot it down just leave it be you dont have to read it or post in it!
Sadie, i dont mind who goes out of these two probably slightly him but their are far more annoying people aka sunshine lol
See us BB lovers can stay in here and those that dont stay out