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a great team in the making ?

definitely...coming away from the bridge yesterday afternoon i felt we were unlucky not to have grabbed a point and the football we played was a credit to the players...lets not forget, chelsea have spent a lot of money building their side (that shevchencko is something else) and yet their two goals were a] partially lucky to sneak in between the goalpost and a sleepy ambrose; and b] scored against us when we'd just gone down to 10 men and hadn't reorganised the defence for the ensuing corner...talking to a chelsea fan this afternoon his first reaction was to say i must have seen a different game, then went on to say how great they were at first but how they couldn't keep it up for some reason...i told him, they couldn't cope with the width romm gave us...and sitting among chelsea fans in the corp area yesterday (fck pying £49 for a ticket when the city was awash with them last week) i overhead one chelsea fan in front moaning how they'd conceded the midfield to charlton...lots of positives from our play that just needed a little bit of luck...plenty to be hopeful about as i see it...well done the players and dowie, this squad looks like its going to come good big time...and as for romm, fcking brilliant at times, ghosted past bridge too may times so they took him off, then ghosted past cole, even kicking the ball one side of him and running around the other side to leave him in his wake...definitely should start next week...and young at left back just showed what a great player he is...i thought the lot of them were a credit to the club yesterday...


  • Quite agree some pundits are suggesting this is our worst start in the Premiership lest we forget that we only had 7 from 27 at the start of the 2002/03 season and we are a better outfit now. We must hope that the three who went off injured will be fit for nxt saturday
  • must admit the only thing worrying me is the injury list , seem to have had quite a few so far and with no money to spend come xmas that could be a problem.

    Find it very unusual that we spent part of next years budget already as we don't take risks like that very often
  • [cite]Posted By: buckshee[/cite] Find it very unusual that we spent part of next years budget already as we don't take risks like that very often

    I think it's a combination of trying to make sure we are still part of the Prem when the new bigger TV deal kicks in next season and a excellent chairman and board backing their new manager
  • hope you're right stanmore as I feel if we go down this year we may find it almost impossible to come back up as there won't be the same financial stabilty as last time
  • [cite]Posted By: ltgtr[/cite]...fck paying £49 for a ticket when the city was awash with them last week...

    You could've got me a handful then!
  • Financially our last relegation season was condiderably eased by selling Danny Mills at £4m odd which meant we had the money to keep the rest of the team together and get a replacement right-back in. If we get relegated this season Darren Bent will go, that alone will provide us with the money to tide us over as well as the parachute payments. Let's worry about it when it happens
  • [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite] . Let's worry about it when it happens

    I'm rather hoping it's an "if" rather than a "when".

    But i understand what you are saying- If, and i don't hink we will, the R word happens It would be a bigger psycological blow this time- as we expected it last time!

    Just noted the title of this thread- We could only be Charlton fans turning " a great team in the making" to discussing relegation in 5 posts- eh! ;-)
  • edited September 2006
    I was just thinking that, i saw the title of the thread, and thought this could be a nice little lunch time read....and sure enough im reading about parachute payments!...but even with the R word, the posts were still optimistic....
  • Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I think we will go down, I don't think we will either.

    To date the fixtures list hasn't been kind to us, but looking on the bright side we've got Man U and Chelsea away out the way already, and no-one surely expected to get anything from those matches, plus we've taken three points off of Bolton, which we've failed to do for three or four seasons. From the reports and the R5 commentary on Saturday Dowie's new model Addicks are coming together, and perhaps those matches came at the right time for the squad while they gel. Looking at the table I see we're level on points with Spurs, I wonder how their fans are feeling? I thought this is supposed to be their break through year into the top four, but so far it's all going pear shaped for Jol...

    If however we do go down, financially we should be ok, that should give us breathing space to jump back.

    Currently the injury situation worries me a little, and there was me wondering a week or two backif we had too many centre-backs...
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