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swindon ticket

edited May 2010 in General Charlton
Have one ticket for swindon anyone need it


  • if you still have it ill have it bit of a long shot now tho
  • Any news on this ticket at all

    I am chasing it for cafcadam who i beieve is not online at the moment

    let us know cheers
  • Costa, can't at moment as only have phone access, but if no one gets back to you I'll whisper you palcafc's number this afternoon
  • cheers palcafc legend
  • adam, i whispered his number to costarufus.

    You all sorted now ?
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]adam, i whispered his number to costarufus.

    You all sorted now ?

    Glory boy ;o) lol top man afka sorting everyone out
  • i called palcafc and arranged to pick his spare one up
  • Cheers everyone, Adam sorted i see
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