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unlucky Inspector


  • Well Done inspector.

    Thrashed the other green and one of the Lib Dems
  • unlucky ? I'd say well done. Over a thousand votes for a small party, and getting the most from the 3 candidates looks a decent result to me.

    What was your hoping / expecting Inspector ?
  • I reckon he did bloody well ... congrats
  • In fact on reflection, bloody well done.

    Out of 20 Green Party candidates standing at the local elections in Greenwich, the Inspector polled the most votes out of all of them, 1066.

    The modern day Kevin Fox !
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]In fact on reflection, bloody well done.

    Out of 20 Green Party candidates standing at the local elections in Greenwich, the Inspector polled the most votes out of all of them, 1066.

    The modern day Kevin Fox !

    All that blogging has made the Inspector a popular person ... and rightly so ... he understands the area
  • Well done the inspector!
  • Inspector was the reason a certain leader of the council felt it necessary to stand in a ward 'nearer to his home' rather than peninsular.
  • No Greens to vote for in my ward, I would've stood for them - although I'm sure I thought that last time and forgot to do anything about it, like join them..
  • Well done Darryl that is some going. if you had been in my ward he would have had two more.

    Keep fighting the fight and get that riverside walk open sharpish!
  • Why dint the 3 greens only have 1 candiadte wouldnt they have won then?
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  • Presumably they were electing three candidates NLA - therefore each person had three votes.
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]Why dint the 3 greens only have 1 candiadte wouldnt they have won then?
    This is a local council vote, not the general election.
  • no cos you get 3 votes
  • bloody voting is getting right on my titts i tell thee why did i have the choice of 3 votes on that one and only 1 on the general election

    unluck to all the losers
  • er rtfm... cos theres three seats available
  • But I think what NLA is trying to say if if there was only one green person they would have gotten 2757 votes. which is a good result.
  • edited May 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]But I think what NLA is trying to say if if there was only one green person they would have gotten 2757 votes. which is a good result.

    No they wouldn't have.
    1 person can vote for all 3 Green candidates can't they?
    So if there was only the 1 candidate it doesn't mean their votes would necessarily have tripled as you can't vote for the same person 3 times.
  • Ahh yes. got you.
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]Ahh yes. got you.

    B me and you bud were better off not voting i dont think we get it ;-)
  • Well done D, all the best going forward
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  • edited May 2010
    but if the voters have a bit of a conscience and are going to vote labour anyway with 2 of their votes,would it make any sense to have the 3rd vote for just the one green candidate rather than diluting their vote amongst the 3?

    and very well done darryl,just in case anyone reads this and tries to find a negative.

    not sure if i could write vote anymore in that.thankfully i don't take myself too seriously
  • Awww, thanks all - only just seen this. I actually got heckled by the leader of the council when the result was read out, so it's good to know an impact was made :-)

    Proud to have got the vote I did, but gutted that a complacent and arrogant local Labour party got more votes on a night when they should have got a deserved and thorough kicking, mainly because of the general election being held on the same day. Hey-ho - you live and learn. Not sure I'd do it again, but it was certainly an experience.

    Now, in case Mr Cameron or Mr Clegg want a hand in the next few days, I'm free and waiting by my phone...
  • Well done Inspector...

    And good to see Caroline Lucas elected in Brighton.
  • [cite]Posted By: InspectorSands[/cite]Awww, thanks all - only just seen this. I actually got heckled by the leader of the council when the result was read out, so it's good to know an impact was made :-)

    was that the leader that jumped from peninsular to glyndon ward and managed to get the least votes out of the 3 labour candidates?
  • [cite]Posted By: paulbaconsarnie[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: InspectorSands[/cite]Awww, thanks all - only just seen this. I actually got heckled by the leader of the council when the result was read out, so it's good to know an impact was made :-)

    was that the leader that jumped from peninsular to glyndon ward and managed to get the least votes out of the 3 labour candidates?

    One and the same!
  • Disappointed & shocked with how the greens did in Lewisham. Also Bullock is still mayor. :-(
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