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Today's Ref

I watched the game on the live internet stream, so only got a partial view of the game. It seemed that the ref controlled the game well, some of you that were there have congratulated the ref and others castigated him - so was he any good ?


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    Thought he was best all season.
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    Wasn`t a dirty game and I thought he was pony. He botled a few decisions including not sending off their defender for deliberate handball and denying Akpo a clear run in on goal. Sam got a forearm smash in the face and Becchio was cheating all game.
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    It's not all about getting every decision correct. No one can do that. It's more about the way better refs manage the players/managers in certain situations. An assessor will never comment on you making a wrong decision as they are matters of opinion, Fittness, co-op with linesman (assistants) positioning and overall handling of the game/key incidents.

    On that basis I thought he showed his Premier credentials.
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    He thought we were there to see him.
    He missed blatant pushes and tugs yet blew his whistle for slight nudges.
    He seemed to favour Leeds in the first half and us more in the second.
    The standard of officials has been poor this season and despite being a 'premiership' referee, he was just more of the same.
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    thought he was OK, he got fooled by bechio and needlesly booked semedo, he then booked a leeds player for a nothing incident too. Apart from that though he didi well.
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    As I already mentioned it wasn`t a dirty game at all. My impression is that if it had been or things got naughty then he would have ended up booking loads and sending off players. Agree with Marco about him thinking it was him I wanted to see.
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    He was one the worst refs this season and there has been some bad ones
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    agree with Kev utter pants !!!
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    [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Wasn`t a dirty game and I thought he was pony. He botled a few decisions including not sending off their defender for deliberate handball and denying Akpo a clear run in on goal. Sam got a forearm smash in the face and Becchio was cheating all game.

    agree, I thought he was shite...missed so much it was unreal, how the fella only got booked for that handball !
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    [cite]Posted By: Elthamaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Wasn`t a dirty game and I thought he was pony. He botled a few decisions including not sending off their defender for deliberate handball and denying Akpo a clear run in on goal. Sam got a forearm smash in the face and Becchio was cheating all game.

    agree, I thought he was shite...missed so much it was unreal, how the fella only got booked for that handball !

    To be fair he did us a favour, we never beat 10 men.

    Wasn't impressed with him at all. Becchio was falling over and making a back throughout the game but never got pulled up for anything and, I could be wrong, but did he mean to book Borrowdale for time wasting (not giving the ball back) but ended up booking someone else instead?
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    Agree, thought he was terrible and so was the linesman in front of the west. Couldn't understand the Semedo booking, looked to me as if he simply chested it. Ref was placed behind it all and there's no way he could've seen anything so was in no position to give anything let alone book Semedo for it. He let Leeds get away with an awful lot.
    Funny how people see games differently isn't it!?
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    We've had better refs and worse refs this season.

    I think he had a bit of "big club syndrome" which perhaps explained some of the decisions that went against us.

    Worst ref by a mile for me has been Mr P Miller when we played Swindon at home and not just for the sending offs.
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    [cite]Posted By: Ollywozere[/cite]Agree, thought he was terrible and so was the linesman in front of the west. Couldn't understand the Semedo booking, looked to me as if he simply chested it. Ref was placed behind it all and there's no way he could've seen anything so was in no position to give anything let alone book Semedo for it. He let Leeds get away with an awful lot.
    Funny how people see games differently isn't it!?

    East Stand lino was appalling too - could be that the ref had instructed both linos NOT to interfere as there were things going on in front of East Stand where the ref were unsighted and the lino let these go - worked some of us right up that lino....
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    I usually stick up for ref's but I didn't like this one.
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    Leeds' defenders were leading with forearms yet he booked Sam Sodje when Becchio just stopped with him in mid-air. Sodje could have been seriously injured.

    The PFA should get Becchio out of the game.

    Bodychecks were ignored but little trips were punished.
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    Agree with Marco - worst of the season imo
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    This ones supposed to be a premiership ref but oh dear he was terrible for both sides. There were a couple of blatent handballs from charlton inside the box but ill sshh about that one. There were a couple of clear handballs from leeds scum aswell. The only good thing about him was the way he handeled it when the two sides could have got messy. Him not sending the one where it was a handball to drag the ball back so sodje couldnt have a clear run on goal was discracefull. Just shows you how crap the refs are in this country if hees supposed to be a premiership ref.
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    Unaminous verdict from Lower West area, both Charlton and Leeds supporters, lino and ref got it wrong again and again. Leeds supporters saying that Becchio was an embarassment to them.
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    Not sure he was as bad as some are saying, there's been worse. I thought one decision he was swayed by us but more importantly his assistant was not up to much at all
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    [cite]Posted By: Crusty54[/cite]Leeds' defenders were leading with forearms yet he booked Sam Sodje when Becchio just stopped with him in mid-air. Sodje could have been seriously injured.

    The PFA should get Becchio out of the game.

    Bodychecks were ignored but little trips were punished.

    he booked Sodje, cause as he went up he put his foot into Becchios side, I did notthink the ref did much right but Sodje had done this a couple of times so it was a justifed booking.
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    He was very poor ... as was the East stand lino
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    I thought the Ref against Norwich was the best this season.
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    if you see sodjes booking then you will realise he was luck to only get booked he headed the ball whilst his leg was in karate mode

    poor linos imo ref was ok
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    Thought it was crazy he stopped the multi ball system just because he couldn't keep up with play. At least thats the only reason i can think that he stopped it for.
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    He did bottle the sending off but can't say that he was any worse or better than any other refs this season.
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    on the replay i thought it looked like naylors head
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    [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]I usually stick up for ref's but I didn't like this one.

    Well if Tray thought he was poor, then he must have been bad ;-). Have to agree with him here, he was poor.
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    The worst referees we ve had this season were Trevor Kettle against the Gas and the bloke at Gillingham away .

    They were both pathetic.
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    edited May 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Starinnaddick[/cite]The worst referees we ve had this season were Trevor Kettle against the Gas and the bloke at Gillingham away .

    They were both pathetic.
    This. Kettle's decision not to send Blizzard off for a tackle that could very easily have been a career ending one is reason enough alone to make him the worst we've had this year. F***ing dreadful challenge - anyone with half a brain could see that was a red card - 1st minute or 90th minute it makes no difference when a challenge is that bad.

    Paul Taylor was utterly inept againts the pikeys. Not really even a homer - just shite.
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    Astonishingly shit. Barely believable. 

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