Thought I'd let her sleep on Church-Lane anyway Mrs D reckons Google is a search engine on the internet to find out almost anything you want to! She likened it to consulting The Encyclopedia Britannica but with the answer at your fingertips almost immediately. Hope this helps; Oh and Cucumber sandwiches Fanny Fanackapan are usually Tuesday afternoons after Doctors. Sorry BDL for treading on you're toes Mrs D says she won't do it again.
It wouldn't work BDL I have to choose my moments very carefully with trivia questions for her which would result in even longer delays for answers to Lifers' dilemmas, plus I'd run the risk of ending up having to do my own cooking, washing and ironing and above all you are much more diplomatic, approachable and a legend.
What will be the number of unanswered questions backlog before you start to answer them? 'One less than this' is not an acceptable reply.
What's your favourite long running thread on this forum (can't include you're own) that's just selfish.
And do u feel that you respond enough to the questions
What about if the website administrators were to provide you with an assistant? I'm not available by the way.
Bdl why is Janet devlin and misha b still in the x factor
Google it!
What's Google?
Dear Deadreds wife
What's Google?
No cucumber sandwiches ?