lol fair enough i have been away the weekend so didn't go on here (
Yep Choice i admit that and i am rubbish at away grounds even though have been to a fair few at least each year since premiership days, to prove the point done that game twice each time level 1, top iq 69 epic fail, plus im poor at geography )
where is the crown stadium, had a total guess and virtually got it spot on. somewhere in the midlands
lol awww bless, you should be grateful that means you dont have to keep on with your challenge ;o)
Why ?
Choice does this on here, think winner gets him to dj for them for free
P.S. i only attempted first one then got bored, but others do it regularly
you just realised very early that with henrys special book and valleygarys special computer that you had no chance of winning :-)
this is a totally different game anyway, theres another thread here for this comp. NEXT..
Yep Choice i admit that and i am rubbish at away grounds even though have been to a fair few at least each year since premiership days, to prove the point done that game twice each time level 1, top iq 69 epic fail, plus im poor at geography