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Bailey Wasted.

edited April 2010 in General Charlton
Surely bailey would be far better off playing in the center. I'd much rather see someone like Kyle Reid or Racon on the left instead of seeing wasted talent on the wing. Far more effective in a central position as we can see from performances earlier in the season.


  • It's where he would labor the best.
  • As a general point it's open to debate, but I don't think it was relevant to todays performance myself.
    He put in a good shift and still managed a few attempts on goal.
  • His only place at the moment is wide right. He is a busted flush and is not as good or important as he thinks he is. Dailly should be captain and Bailey should stop argueing with the ref and stop play acting.
  • Could easily have scored 2 goals in the first half alone from his position of the left.
    On today's performance, I believe what you say is a red herring.
    We should look at the quality of our set-piece routines first & that has nothing to do with the set-up of the team.
  • yes

    Could easily but didn't
  • [cite]Posted By: G_Wood[/cite]Surely bailey would be far better off playing in the center. I'd much rather see someone like Kyle Reid or Racon on the left instead of seeing wasted talent on the wing. Far more effective in a central position as we can see from performances earlier in the season.

    Bailey played on the left early in the season not in the center. Thats where he was when he was very effective. Racon wont play out on the left.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Jpb Junior[/cite]His only place at the moment is wide right. He is a busted flush and is not as good or important as he thinks he is. Dailly should be captain and Bailey should stop argueing with the ref and stop play acting.[/quote]

    Could not agree more. I think he would be the 1st person to start a fight in a pub and run away. He bottles it in tackles, always shouts at refs, rolls around on the floor which ruins attacks for no reason as he is fine a few seconds later and I just don't like how he runs into the oppositions face and shouts at them when we score. Plain idiot in my opinion.

    One of the shots he had today as well was greedy, he should have passed to Forster. He is really starting to annoy me lately i'm sorry to say, i know the north stand shout his name but I just do not get it.
  • [cite]Posted By: Jpb Junior[/cite]His only place at the moment is wide right. He is a busted flush and is not as good or important as he thinks he is. Dailly should be captain and Bailey should stop argueing with the ref and stop play acting.

    what tosh. Key player all season and has more attempts on goal than any other Charlton player. Agree he is less effective on the wing.
  • Bailey is no winger but it's very debatable he's more effective in the centre. Most of his goals last season came from the games he played on the left and I think a lot this season did as well.
  • He's had two seasons to nail a central spot and failed miserably. The team play horribly with him in the middle which is why he keeps getting pushed to the wing. If we're going to continue to play 442 he's got to be sold this summer.
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  • Thought Bailey was superb out wide today, went past his man/cut inside, got in the danger areas, supported/overlapped by borrowdale

    we lost all our impitous when reid came on a baily came central, although by that point the team had nothing left to be fair. would have prefered to take of racon for shelvy and keep baily out wide and semedo in the middle with shelvy, oh well
  • He's a trier, but I've been distinctly unimpressed by Bailey in 2010, but it's hard to drop your captain and he does continue to get chances on goal, despite his relative annonimity in between times. I'd like to see him tried on the right with Reid on the left, but I like Sam and, Saints away apart, think he's been playing pretty well recently. Maybe Bailey back into the middle is the solution, but the Racon-Semedo pairing is greater than the sum of it's parts imo and a major reason why we're looking solid again. It's just a shame it's not more likely to produce a goal, although Racon was getting into better positions yesterday but it never quite opened up for him. We certainly keep the ball better with Racon in the team because Bailey's biggest failing this season has been a tendancy to panic when on the ball and either hoof aimlessly or go for the over ambitious long range pass when a simple ball to feet would be the better option.

    He misses Youga when he's on the left imo, his ability to overlap meant we always had width on the left and Borrowdale, decent as he is, doesn't have the same cavalier spirit, or ability to go past players that Youga has. Bailey would probably get a better approximation to Youga as a partner if he played in front of Richardson and Reid would give natural width on the other side, so maybe that is the way to get a better balance but Bailey wouldn't be able to cut inside and shoot from his stronger foot, and we'd have top drop Sam which might be harsh right now.

    I think I'd leave it alone tbh and continue to tinker from the bench as the game goes on. We're playing well so let's let the team settle as there have been a few too many changes in recent weeks what with all the injuries, loans and tinkering.
  • [cite]Posted By: Exiled_Addick[/cite]
    I think I'd leave it alone tbh and continue to tinker from the bench as the game goes on. We're playing well so let's let the team settle

    Spot on. The nucleus of the team is solid and working well. Keep it more or less settled now.

    All we need is a little more composure with that final ball - and that's an awareness issue.
  • [cite]Posted By: Exiled_Addick[/cite]He's a trier, but I've been distinctly unimpressed by Bailey in 2010, but it's hard to drop your captain and he does continue to get chances on goal, despite his relative annonimity in between times. I'd like to see him tried on the right with Reid on the left, but I like Sam and, Saints away apart, think he's been playing pretty well recently. Maybe Bailey back into the middle is the solution, but the Racon-Semedo pairing is greater than the sum of it's parts imo and a major reason why we're looking solid again. It's just a shame it's not more likely to produce a goal, although Racon was getting into better positions yesterday but it never quite opened up for him. We certainly keep the ball better with Racon in the team because Bailey's biggest failing this season has been a tendancy to panic when on the ball and either hoof aimlessly or go for the over ambitious long range pass when a simple ball to feet would be the better option.

    He misses Youga when he's on the left imo, his ability to overlap meant we always had width on the left and Borrowdale, decent as he is, doesn't have the same cavalier spirit, or ability to go past players that Youga has. Bailey would probably get a better approximation to Youga as a partner if he played in front of Richardson and Reid would give natural width on the other side, so maybe that is the way to get a better balance but Bailey wouldn't be able to cut inside and shoot from his stronger foot, and we'd have top drop Sam which might be harsh right now.

    I think I'd leave it alone tbh and continue to tinker from the bench as the game goes on. We're playing well so let's let the team settle as there have been a few too many changes in recent weeks what with all the injuries, loans and tinkering.
    Good post, agree with what you're saying. Racon and Sam are starting to play closer to the way they can, not seen Semedo look so confident as he did yesterday. I did think perhaps with Sam not playing well Bailey could play on the right, but I wouldn't drop Sam at the moment. Richardson and Sam benefit from each other, the way Sam holds onto the ball, lets Richardson overlap, and he is our best crosser along with Jonjo who we don't have a place for and Basey who obviously isn't available.

    Borrowdale reminds me a bit of Thatcher, doesn't really do anything stupid, not scared to challenge for the ball whether it's in the air or on the floor. Simply controls the ball and passes it on, goes long if he has to. Doesn't offer much going forward though, so we're a bit flat down the left with Bailey ahead of him.

    Racon at times takes too many touches, doesn't score enough but him and Semedo work well together and both keep possession. The one thing about Racon is he always wants to get the ball under control and create a bit space for himself, then usually pass the ball on the floor. He doesn't panic, always wants to be composed, at times it's a risk but further up the pitch it's what we need at times.

    Racon and Semedo showed why Parky is starting them, he's just struggled to find a spot for his captain in Bailey. Leaving him on the bench might be better for the team, then again he always gets into goalscoring positions, something you don't get from Racon. With Forster and now Burton returning, Reid able to score, Sam and Richardson down the right creating, we only need to win 1-0 (I know GD is an issue if going for 2nd though), we do have more goal threats than we did earlier this season when it was mainly Bailey and Burton.
  • as I said on another thread we have a New scapegoat.

    Shame he's injured but lets slag him anyway as Mooney and omosuzi didn't play
  • Quite frankly I can`t believe the criticism that Nicky Bailey gets. He is certainly not the best player to wear a Charlton shirt but I still think he is a key component of this Charlton side. Has been a victim of formation and asked to play wide when I am sure he would prefer to be central. Not heard him moaning unlike Racon when asked to play out of position. Take Baileys goal out of the team and see where we would be in the league. Won`t win player of the year vote from me this time but I will bet he won`t be too far away from winning it. Some of you lot will no doubt realise what we had once he departs in the summer.
  • Why should Bailey be imune from criticism SHG? His goals have been important, but he's not scored for 11 games so it's only fair his all round contribution starts to come under closer scrutiny. At current he's keeping Shelvey and/or Reid out of the team, both who something that other's don't and is arguably missing from our play at times. Bailey's USP has always been his goal scoring, now that's gone missing is he doing enough? It's a fair debate.
  • Take your point Exiled but imho Bailey still looks our most dangerous and most likely to score player. Could have had a hat trick at Saints and at least a brace against Norwich. No other player we currently have looks remotely as dangerous. None of the strikers outscore Nicky and although I agree Bailey is not in top form he definitely deserves a place.
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Take your point Exiled but imho Bailey still looks our most dangerous and most likely to score player. Could have had a hat trick at Saints and at least a brace against Norwich. No other player we currently have looks remotely as dangerous. None of the strikers outscore Nicky and although I agree Bailey is not in top form he definitely deserves a place.
    Where would you play him? Would you drop Racon or even Semedo? Or keep him on the left?
  • I think he has been off the pace recently. Too many missed hit passses etc. He's obviously not 100% fit.

    Would not say he has been "wasted" remember he played wide left at the start of the season and we won 7 on the trot
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  • Keep him left for the moment. Racon had a good game yesterday but I still am not a huge fan. If he goes back to playing how he has for weeks then yes I would drop Racon for Bailey.
  • Saw the thread title and thought someone had seen him out on the lash somewhere, falling over completely battered.

    Little did I know that the thread content would be even more ridiculous -

    "a busted flush", "not as good or important as he thinks he is", "the 1st person to start a fight in a pub and run away", "bottles it in tackles", plain idiot", "greedy", "the team play horribly with him in the middle", "everything has gone from his game"

    - and all this in one thread started after arguably one of our best team performances of the season, a game in which most people seem to agree we were unlucky not to get anything.

    There is another thread going at the moment about the "quality" of our fans. The answer to the question on that thread is clearly a resounding "YES". Makes me embarrassed to be associated with some of them sometimes - and that's coming from me, a self-confirmed pish-head who does "stupid" as a full time occupation.
  • well said off it.

    By all means say if you think NB had a good/bad day but as off it says so so ridiculous.
  • Given that Parkie has said that he has been playing injured it explains some of his performances. I wouldlike to see him rested against Exeter regardless of progress during the week and bring in Reid or JonJo.
  • I dont think you we need Racon and Semedo in the middle. Yes it might make us a little harder to breakdown but it produces so few goals its a negative. Once we concede that first goal the idea of keeping it tight doesn't seem so good. I'm not just talking about yesterday i'm talking about most of the time those two play together in a 4-4-2. Check how many times we've played it and how many goals it produces, I think you'll find its not many at all. And like someone else said, if you dont score goals you cant win
  • The problem is, the moment Semedo went off yesterday we lost all our bite in midfield, and the balance of the play shifted dramatically backwards. If Bailey was on top of his game, then switching him to the middle might've worked, but at the moment he's not, so he just ended up charging around to very little purpose. On yesterday's performances, Reid on for Bailey, Jonjo on for Racon would've been a better bet I think.
  • [cite]Posted By: aliwibble[/cite]The problem is, the moment Semedo went off yesterday we lost all our bite in midfield, and the balance of the play shifted dramatically backwards. If Bailey was on top of his game, then switching him to the middle might've worked, but at the moment he's not, so he just ended up charging around to very little purpose. On yesterday's performances, Reid on for Bailey, Jonjo on for Racon would've been a better bet I think.
    Agree with those subs, Racon was playing well but I wanted Jonjo on just to change it around a bit. Plus he gives us a better free kick taker, and is more likely to score than Racon.
  • I agree with uncle and have said this before. Semedo/Racon is too defensive minded and creates very little or no offensive play. Neither play a ball to set up a goalscoring opportunity and neither make runs to get into goalscoring positions and on the very rare occasion they find themselves in the box, as with Racon yesterday, don't shoot. Two goals between them all season says it all. Now if we are saying Bailey is more effective wide left (Parky brought in Reid because we didn't have a wide left player) then it's time to bring Jonjo into CM alongside Semedo. And I don't think it's being critical to say Bailey has been off his game recently, and if he's not fully fit should he be out there ?
  • Spoke to Nicky's agent yesterday, he has been playing with an injury for last two games & yes he did miss a tackle & yes he was not at his best, but still had four of our best efforts on goal which is hardly worth some of the critisicsm on here. He is playing out of position in a position he does not like, but still puts a shift in, still some of you lot won't have to worry about him next season when he is sold, perhaps you'll be happy then.
  • [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]Spoke to Nicky's agent yesterday, he has been playing with an injury for last two games & yes he did miss a tackle & yes he was not at his best, but still had four of our best efforts on goal which is hardly worth some of the critisicsm on here. He is playing out of position in a position he does not like, but still puts a shift in, still some of you lot won't have to worry about him next season when he is sold, perhaps you'll be happy then.

    Exactly at least he's willing to play out of postion and work hard for the team, shame not everyone is the same
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