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Tickets for last home game

edited April 2010 in General Charlton
I'm a fan from Norway trying to get two tickets for the match on the 1st of May.

I've got no response from the ticketoffice. This is the first time I'm in London this season. I've been over a few times in the past, but it is a couple of years since last time.

So the question is: How do I get tickets for that game?


  • Are you a Leeds fan?
  • No, he's a knut
  • I've got 2 spare season tickets you can have mate
  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: CRed[/cite]Hi
    I'm a fan from Norway trying to get two tickets for the match on the 1st of May.

    I've got no response from the ticketoffice. This is the first time I'm in London this season. I've been over a few times in the past, but it is a couple of years since last time.

    So the question is: How do I get tickets for that game?

    You can't unless you are a red card holder.

  • [quote][cite]Posted By: CRed[/cite]Hi
    I'So the question is: How do I get tickets for that game?[/quote]

    you could try giving leeds a ring?
  • Hallo Friends

    I know this is a longshot!!!
    We are three danish Charlton fans who already have ordered the flight tickets and hotel for the weekend of the Leeeds match.
    But one thing we did'nt know was it would be so hard to get tickets becouse you have to be in the database..
    And then i was thinking maybe someone in here could help os out!!

    Fingers crossed
  • [cite]Posted By: DANISH REDS[/cite]Hallo Friends

    I know this is a longshot!!!
    We are three danish Charlton fans who already have ordered the flight tickets and hotel for the weekend of the Leeeds match.
    But one thing we did'nt know was it would be so hard to get tickets becouse you have to be in the database..
    And then i was thinking maybe someone in here could help os out!!

    Fingers crossed

    Dont worry your flight wont even get here so you wont need tickets

    Hello chaps - good to hear from you both again. I was just thinking only yesterday that it's been a while since our Scandinavian contingent had shown their faces, but welcome back to the fold. How you both been? Was the winter cold up there this year?

    I've got six spare tickets for the match and can probably get hold of some more, so let me know what time your train gets into Euston and I'll come and meet you. You'll have to leave the whippets at home though I'm afraid.
  • edited April 2010
    Should come in to Kings Cross??
  • Shhh - Terry!
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  • [cite]Posted By: DANISH REDS[/cite]Hallo Friends

    I know this is a longshot!!!
    We are three danish Charlton fans who already have ordered the flight tickets and hotel for the weekend of the Leeeds match.
    But one thing we did'nt know was it would be so hard to get tickets becouse you have to be in the database..
    And then i was thinking maybe someone in here could help os out!!

    Fingers crossed

    Clever use of common Scandinavian spelling mistakes.
  • Give me a couple of hours and i should have some questions they can easily answer if they are genuine Scan Charlton. (there are some)
  • [cite]Posted By: DANISH REDS[/cite]Hallo Friends

    I know this is a longshot!!!
    We are three danish Charlton fans who already have ordered the flight tickets and hotel for the weekend of the Leeeds match.
    But one thing we did'nt know was it would be so hard to get tickets becouse you have to be in the database..
    And then i was thinking maybe someone in here could help os out!!

    Fingers crossed

    This is quite original for a northerner tho.

    Sorry, we cannut help os out!
  • just leave your bank details on here fella's and i will sort your tickets.
  • 'ay oop, we are acoupla german charlton fans, can thee get oose tickets for tha leeds game?'
  • Where is Hugo when you need him?
  • CRed and Danish Reds

    I am sorry for the scepticism that has greeted you here. A Norwegian friend has given me a couple of easy questions for you to answer so that everyone can see you are genuine.

    First one is for both CRed and the Danish Reds:
    Which Tippeliga coach was recently fired, and from which club?

    Second is for the Norwegian guys only:

    What could Colin Powell learn about keeping the Valley pitch in better nick, from a trip to Marienlyst stadium?
  • You can Google both those questions Prague.

    I particularly like the idea of icing the pitch for bandy. Do they put candles on it as well?
  • [cite]Posted By: DANISH REDS[/cite]Hallo Friends

    I know this is a longshot!!!
    We are three danish Charlton fans who already have ordered the flight tickets and hotel for the weekend of the Leeeds match.
    But one thing we did'nt know was it would be so hard to get tickets becouse you have to be in the database..
    And then i was thinking maybe someone in here could help os out!!

    Fingers crossed

  • [cite]Posted By: Addickted[/cite]You can Google both those questions Prague.

    I particularly like the idea of icing the pitch for bandy. Do they put candles on it as well?

    Must admit i didnt test it. Well, they can easily think up trickier ones if necessary. Doesnt look like its needed for now.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Thank you for your kind answers
  • These must be selling well. I bought a large number yesterday and couldnt get my usual row which is annoying. I needed a few more but wasnt allowed with just one red card - had to ask nicely.
  • I'm bringing a gaggle of Addicks with me. North Upper here we come. :-)
  • I went to the ticket office to buy my season ticket seat but apparently they'd already sold it?! How can they do this to me?! ;-)
  • that is a disgrace RedArmy. It really peeves me off when they do that. I mean it's my seat and yet when you ask for it they say it's already sold. Funny thing is I buy one elsewhere but whenever I look no-one is sitting in my seat. I mean, what idiot buys a ticket and then doesn't use it. May have well sat there myself after all.
  • Hallow to the freins in Chaltun...

    I am living it in Sunderland and is too wanting to having a one ticket for
    the dirty Leeds game...

    Pleasing to mp me with the good news of getting a one....
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