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Nicky Johns at the Colchester game - Tragic story

From the OS

"Three-time player of the year winner Nicky Johns will also be present at the Colchester game as he hands out leaflets to raise awareness of bowel cancer. Johns lost his son Stephen to the disease two years ago at the age of just 26.

An extensive interview with Nicky on this subject, plus his eventful Charlton career, will be available in Tuesday's Valley Review matchday programme."

How terrible.

I believe Nicky himself suffered badly after a car crash a good few years ago.


  • Very sad. After the full members cup final we saw Nicky Johns at Charing Cross with his young family, all with Charlton flags in hand - suspect Stephen was with him.
  • i really hope we have the chance to stand up and give nicky johns a standing ovation,when i think of charlton goalkeepers i think johns bolder kiely
  • Oh how bloody awful...I hope I see Nicky tomorrow night and can shake his hand.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]i really hope we have the chance to stand up and give nicky johns a standing ovation,when i think of charlton goalkeepers i think johns bolder kiely[/quote]

    Charlie Wright, john Dunn
  • dont rember them but along with the great sam b we did have some good ones.
  • Had a poster of nicky on my wall, he with bob were my heros as a kid. Will dig deep if there collecting for the chairty.
  • my favourite all time charlton keeper, when I first started playing sunday football over 20 years ago he came to take a few training sessions, I think he was doing his badges at the bloke

    hope they get him on the pitch
  • Sad news.

    Nicky was a very good goal keeper. We paid alot of money for him at the time and he delivered. IMO better than Deano (he actually came for corners etc). Touch of class about him as well.
  • And he survived being millwall
  • proper charlton keeper
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  • loved nicky johns, goalkeeper when i started i think..legend
  • we had a charity match last year at orpington rovers for his charity.
  • Hope he's introduced to the crowd at HT. A real shame he missed our 'glory years' in the old first div (Prem). Got loadsapics with him at Junior Red Christmas Parties at The Valley Club and with my brother when he was a mascot once. Bumped into him a few times when he lived in Petts Wood. All the best Nicky
  • edited April 2010
    Awesome keeper. Another Addick who should have got England recognition (though not that many caps, admittedly, with Shilton about!). Still recall one of my earliest memories - we were playing at home in a midweek game against Orient in one of the cups - Nicky threw the ball out to the halfway line (to my namesake) and I couldn't believe anyone could throw a football that far.
  • edited April 2010
    Nicky Johns could bring off the most blinding saves, the real wonder stuff.

    Remember watching Millwall and thinking they had a really class keeper. Couldn't believe it when he signed for us.
    He was our No 1 keeper under Lenny when we were promoted, and began that first season in the top flight as first choice.

    Can't quite remember why Bob Bolder took over part way through that year - was it because of a back injury to Nicky but when fit again, Bolder kept the shirt? Can't quite remember.

    Tragic news about his son. Dreadful.
  • very tragic news about his son. Recent events mean this is pretty close to home actually. As for Nicky, best keeper I've seen since I started in 1972. Remember one game at The Valley against Chelsea where he was absolutely awesome.
  • Wish Nicky all the best for his aim to raise awareness.

    Have grown up watching Nicky in goal for the addicks, when I was younger, and played with and against his son's all throughout my years playing.

    Was at Chelsfield Old boy's with his other son when news first unfolded of this awful situation, a lot of the lad's were affected. Was a very close knit side.

    Nicky Johns = Top keeper, Amazing bloke!

    Wish him and his family all the very best, from here in Perth WA. Obviously wont be at the game tonight, but my thoughts will be with the Johns' as well as with addicks!

  • I used to work with Stephen and his Brother in print a view years back, good lads the both of them.

    Stephen was still their when he passed away and got a great turn out for his funeral.
  • My favourite Charlton keeper.

    I won a Junior Reds competition to meet the players in the changing room before a match/seats in the directors box etc (unfortunately when we were at Selhurst) and he was the nicest bloke in the world to an 8 year old lad who had just met his hero.

    Wish him well
  • Used to love watching Nicky play. When I was a kid, I lived just down the road from Theo Foley and was mates with his sons. Theo was managing Milllwall at the time and Nicky came down from Bristol (I think) and was staying with Theo and his family, I remember him sitting in his room crying as he was homesick, and us boys sniggering about a grown man crying, well he was a grown man(of 17 or so) to us.
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  • Great keeper - skiniest legs ever seen on a footballer!
  • The greatest individual goalkeeping display I've ever witnessed was a night game at The Valley V Chelsea....I will never forget it....the Chelsea players couldn't believe it....they murdered us but Nicky somehow someway made save after save he was simply incredible that night.
  • A tragic story indeed.

    In my time supporting the Club we've had 4 really good goalkeepers in Charlie Wright, Nicky Johns, Bob Bolder and Deano and one might have been in Graham Tutt.

    Hard to choose between them really but Nicky Johns is my number 2 to Deano mainly because Deano played at the top level. Very close call though.

    I hope I am lucky enough to see Nicky later tonight and tell him what a great player he was for us.
  • Saw Nicky and spoke to him.

    Very pleasant, modest chap.
  • seem to remember when he took goal kicks, his standing leg knee used to scrape the ground on the follow through.

    re the bowel cancer awareness, got a leaflet outside the ground, but couldn't hear a thing nicky said at half time.
  • Saw him and shoke hands with him. Modest as ever.

    Signed an autograph for my nephew. When he told Nicky that he was also a keeper NJ gave him an email address to contact him so he could send a signed photo. for more info on bowel cancer.

    While most cases are in people over 50 the habits you adopt early in life can have a big effect on your risk later on
  • I would recommend the run for more in July, I have done this twice after my aunt got bowl cancer and raised over £1,000 it is a very good cause. I also beat David seaman haha!
  • at chelsea
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