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Jonjo Shelvey song?

was it just me or were some fans singing a shelvey song in a similar style to the torres song. Does anyone know the words?


  • Was it the wonderkid one?
  • There wern't no words apart from "jonjo shelvey , charltons wonderkid" replacing fernando torres liverpools no 9
  • I didn't hear that in the ground so it might be different
  • yeah just kept singing Jonjo Shelvey Charltons Wonderkid haha no other verse!
  • There was words, only a few knew them though
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: S_E_7[/cite]There wern't no words apart from "jonjo shelvey , charltons wonderkid" replacing fernando torres liverpools no 9[/quote]

    There was but only if you were standing just behind the drummer,that bit was quiet as the only loud bit was the bit you said lol... just after 30 seconds, too quiet to hear whats being said though :)
  • yer i was sitting abit behind the drummer and could only hear the jonjo shelvey charltons wonderkid bit
    there were definatley words but only about 5 or 6 people singing them everbody else just got involved when the last bit came along
  • Perhaps it should be sung before the next match if he fails to start?
  • Might be better to sing it if he IS playing. And, if he's not, support the plyers who are.
  • y the boy is class and should be playing
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  • The more I think about it the more I think it's complete sheeeite that Shelvey is not involved is he's fit. Bailey has some off days, but I can't think of anyone in our squad that carries quality like Jonjo can.
  • Loved the little 'keep the singing going' gesture to the fans as we were about to whip in a corner, I want to see him play every game when fit. I'm confident he can take on players unlike some of our other players... C'mon Parky, let him hit his best form for the playoffs or hopefully to take us to 2nd!!
  • Im not an anti-Mooney person, i think the workrate he has given us and some of the build up play which has set up some vital goals has been top draw and i really feel sorry for the lad. But Jonjo is just a different gravy, he has to start tomorrow, whether its with Mooney and Forster or just Forster, Parky surely had to spot his immediate qualities against MK Dons.
  • can anyone shed new light on the words to this song?
  • main bit went...

    He's big, he's strong, he's tall, he's hard, he scores a goal from 40 yards,
    JonJo Shelvey Charltons wonderkid.
  • The tune is "the animals went in 2 by 2, hurrah" referring to Noah's Ark.

    The original lyric is:

    the animals went in 2 by 2 hurrah, hurrah
    the animals went in 2 by 2 hurrah, hurrah
    the animals went in 2 by 2 the elephants and the kangeroos
    and they all went into the Ark
    all to get out of the rain.

    It is the last 2 lines that were sung as "Jonjo Shelvey, Charlton's wonderkid".

    Can't remember why I know this though !
  • edited April 2010
    [quote][cite]Posted By: Folev the red[/cite]was it just me or were some fans singing a shelvey song in a similar style to the torres song. Does anyone know the words?[/quote]

    Not sure if its the same thing, but J block were singing.....

    ....To the tune of one those Snow White songs.

    Jonjo, Jonjo his bound to score a goal. He's dressed in red and has a BIG bald head Jonjo, jonjo jonjo jonjo


    Thank you and sorry
  • shame about the swear word, which doesn't even scan.
  • I thought the song was sung to hi ho hi ho it's off to work we go.....

    And words were: jon jo jon jo he's bound to score a goal, he's dressed in red with his big bald head jon jo jon jo jon jo jon jo???? Could be wrong tho!
  • Should be big bald head. No need for the swearing IMO.
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  • The first one, the animals went in 2 by 2 was sung a few times at MK Dons.

    The second one, the 7 Dwarfs one was the one that was sung on Monday at home.
  • So, we are still none the wiser to the lyrics of the Jonjo wonderkid song?
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Should be big bald head. No need for the swearing IMO.

    You know that this will be on every other message board by tonight with

    "typical Charlton Life, telling us we can't swear at football, bunch of nancy post 96 ers who are killing our game blah, blah wibble, wibble, nurse give me my medication please".

    : - )
  • I thought it was with a big bald head and not with his bald head.

    ; - )
  • i wasn't in the north upper so didn't hear any of that little number. Sounds like work in progress to me so can i offer up ..................

    He came through the ranks yes he's a red
    just give him the ball and he'll knock you dead
    he's big he's strong he's tall he's hard
    he'll score a goal from 40 yards
    he's Jonjo Shelvey, Charlton's wonderkid.

    Agree with Chizz though, it's best sung if he's actually on the pitch. Otherwise just get behind whoever's out there, even Mooney!!!
  • he goes past one, he goes past two
    Shelvey, Shelvey
    forever charlton through and through
    Shelvey, Shelvey
    he's big he's strong he's tall he's hard
    he'll score a goal from 40 yards/passes is for 40 yards
    Jonjo Shelvey, Charlton Wonderkid

    and agree should only be sung if he is on the pitch!!!
  • i think this song should show up on the video then you can hopefully work out the words
  • The 7 dwarfs one is that I suggested on here at start of season in a previous thread with the words tweaked a bit.
    Think I suggested:

    JonJo, JonJo,
    He's gonna score you know.
    A legend in red,
    With his bald head
    JonJo,JonJo JonJo....
  • Nice that everyone's coordinated in this ?
  • tbf I like Onelungs suggestion
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