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a manager is only as good as the board backing him? Discuss

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
A lot of anti Parkinson comments recently. No surprise given the performance last weekend. But is a manager only as good as the board who employs him.


  • edited March 2010
    What makes a board a good board? One that always gives the manager money to spend, or simply just supports the manager? Something else?

    Surely a good manager is a good manager, regardless of who the board are. A good board helps, but a good manager will get the best out of what he has, and a poor manager will get very little out of players.
  • if the manager has no money what do people want him to do. he is not being back by the board as they still dont know if they will be incharge next season. they dont want to put there hand in there pocket. people can blame the manager as much as they want but they have to look further than him. the man has done a good job with no money.
    if he was able to have a transfer budget i think well know things would be different. people should get of his back and start looking towards the posh seat in the west stand we are still 3rd so lets get behind the team and the manager. and ask the board where the money is and why we are where we are.
  • a good manager in my opinion is someone who motivates the team. easy enough when your winning but a very hard task when you are loosing which is what we are seeing now. obviously tactics, signings etc come into play but a good man motivator and a good man manager always has the extra edge. i don't think parky is awful but he is not great.
  • Answer in a word...No.
  • Its a bit of both really. A manager has to be able to motivate a team when things don't go well, be able to try new things, to adapt to your surroundings rather than the "We have always done it this way". However they do need the backing of the board financially and the players as well to succeed. I'm still not convinced he has won over the dressing room. But we have to realise our board are broke, they have pumped in 7m of their own money again to keep us afloat but with the hope we go up (which at the moment on form and confidence does not seem very likely, i fear the play offs and pray for sneaking the 2nd spot). If we don't go up we are pretty much screwed as a team. We will lose our better players and will have to rebuild completely from scratch. You thought things were bad before, they will be worse next season if we don't go up. Mid table if we are lucky.

    I believe Parkinson's contract is up in the Summer. If the board has any sense they will keep it that way until they know which division they are in. We can't afford to sack him so there is no point. He has done nothing majorly wrong, however he is not a confident manager in my eyes and he doesn't promote confidence to the team or the fans. I don't see the point in sacking him but i also wouldn't be bothered if he didn't extend his stay at the end of the season whichever division we are in.
  • Madz - Parkinson got a 1 year contract earlier this season, so his contract expires summer 2011.

    I do agree things could be a lot worse next season if we don't get promoted. Expectations will have to be lowered if that happens as it could take years to build up a good enough squad.
  • Dammit. i must have blocked that extension notice from my mind. Thanks for making my evening :-(
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Answer in a word...No.
    Answer in three words. No. no. no. If Parky was half as good (no, 1 tenth as good) as our current board we would not be in our current predicament.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Red_in_SE8[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Answer in a word...No.[/quote]
    Answer in three words. No. no. no. If Parky was half as good (no, 1 tenth as good) as our current board we would not be in our current predicament.[/quote]

    'Our current predicament' I would say is down to bad spending by previous managers (which the board do have some responsibility for?) plus our current predicament is third in the league, still automatic promotion to play for/play offs at least. Which isnt too shabby seeing as few of us predicted anything better. We've spent very little money indeed (please correct me but the only fee we have paid was for Spring?!).

    Yes we need to go up or financial problems will significantly worsten, the financial situation is a predicament which isnt down to Parky. Yes we have put in some awful performances and have no consistency, but we are still there and thereabouts which cant be bad.
  • If we dont go up many players will leave,then whoever is in charge needs to earn there corn.Personally I think our scouting is shockin,there are players out there in the lower leagues who have a hunger and we need to find them.
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  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]If we dont go up many players will leave,then whoever is in charge needs to earn there corn.Personally I think our scouting is shockin,there are players out there in the lower leagues who have a hunger and we need to find them.
    Maybe when they see representatives form Charlton all the good players put on comedy glasses and moustaches?

    Because they don't want to get boo'd by Charlton fans. ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Thommo[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Red_in_SE8[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Answer in a word...No.
    Answer in three words. No. no. no. If Parky was half as good (no, 1 tenth as good) as our current board we would not be in our current predicament.

    'Our current predicament' I would say is down to bad spending by previous managers (which the board do have some responsibility for?) plus our current predicament is third in the league, still automatic promotion to play for/play offs at least. Which isnt too shabby seeing as few of us predicted anything better. We've spent very little money indeed (please correct me but the only fee we have paid was for Spring?!).

    Yes we need to go up or financial problems will significantly worsten, the financial situation is a predicament which isnt down to Parky. Yes we have put in some awful performances and have no consistency, but we are still there and thereabouts which cant be bad.

    Yes, you are right 'predicament' is the wrong word to use when we are third in the table and looking good for the play offs.

    My issue is with the very poor quality long ball football we have played most of the season. Very rarely have we dominated teams in terms of possession. As I have stated on here many times I believe we have one of the best squads, in terms of individual player talent, in the league (I think the same was true last season). I feel we are third in the league simply because we have better players than most of the other teams in the league. In other words, we are third in spite of Parky not because of him.
  • [cite]Posted By: Red_in_SE8 Yes, you are right 'predicament' is the wrong word to use when we are third in the table and looking good for the play offs.

    We are where most sensible people thought we would be and where we should be, allowing for the usual overreaction when we either lose or win a couple of games.

    Predicament is the word because if we don't go up we will have to rebuild again as we have for the last four seasons and that has been the main reason for our decline. Particularly in this astonishingly bad division, if you can get a settled team of even mediocre players who understand their roles then you have a chance. That could take a couple of seasons yet.
  • Thanks for the comments. For me the answer to me has to be no, a good manager is a good manager full stop. However a good board can give an average manager enough time to become a good manager.
  • [cite]Posted By: Red_in_SE8[/cite]

    Yes, you are right 'predicament' is the wrong word to use when we are third in the table and looking good for the play offs.
    I'd suggest that having gone from the Premiership to League One in two seasons, a huge amount of debt, losing our better players and slipping from top to fourth (despite a much bigger budget than most of the teams around us) with a number of teams snapping at our heels; that it's not a bad term
  • itsmyball. You are phil parkinson! I been tryin to work out who you are for ages. The fa hearing an train one set off my radar. ps if you are sorry about the hand signals the other week... Heat of the moment. X
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