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ten and a half things you never knew about.....Gillingham

1. Gillingham was once one of the Cinque Ports but was voted out and replaced by Sandwich in 1789

2. In a curious echo of this Gillingham FC are one of the few Clubs to have been voted out of the football league (in 1938) but to then return (in 1950 when the league was expanded to 92 clubs).

3. Gillingham FC have no hatred of Charlton and see Swansea and Maidstone as their main rivals

4. Rik Waller, the obese Pop Idol is Gillingham's most famous son but is not expected to win when he stands for the Lib Dems at the next general election.

5. Gillingham is the only town in the UK where life expectancy is higher for men (56) that for women (55)

6. Medway Council have refused permission for the opening of a "95p" shop in the high street after the 99p and the 97p shop complained that it would effect their trade.


  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]6. Medway Council have refused permission for the opening of a "95p" shop in the high street after the 99p and the 97p shop complained that it would effect their trade.

    Has the 98p shop gone?
    Damn, some real bargains in there. :(
  • ANYONE who expects to find that Gillingham is a Mystical Wonderland Kingdom of Fairy Princesses and that its streets are paved in sherbert dip, will be sorely disappointed. It is in fact a sh!tehole.
  • Where they gonna park all their caravans and will the potholes get done while they're here?
  • [cite]Posted By: creepyaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]6. Medway Council have refused permission for the opening of a "95p" shop in the high street after the 99p and the 97p shop complained that it would effect their trade.

    Has the 98p shop gone?
    Damn, some real bargains in there. :(

    I bought some vouchers for the 99p shop at the 95p shop and made an absolute killing.
  • 7 - Gillingham is often confused with Gillingham which is silly as they are pronounced differently.
  • edited March 2010
    I'll be going to the game in my Maidstone top tomorrow, so when we win, it will annoy them off even more !
  • 8. 1667 a Dutch fleet sailed up the River Medway and having landed at Queenborough on the Isle of Sheppey, and laying siege to the fort at Sheerness, invaded Gillingham in what became known as the raid on the Medway. The Dutch eventually retreated, but the incident caused great humiliation to the Royal Navy.

    9. David Frost was educated in Gillingham

    10. Gillingham is mention in the Domesday book - it's a sign!

    11. Kent Anger Management is based in Gillingham
  • Gillingham has been twinned with Le Neubourg for the last 30 years. Apparently the French town were rather oversold the attractions of Gillingham and have been trying to divorce the Gills since the mid 80's.
  • Their badge depicts the prancing horse, and is placed on the rear window of all horse drawn transportation in the parish.
    This is so the chavpikes can show others that they pimped their 'vans
  • 13. Gillingham once had a 98% majority of Kent's football fans, until Charlton Athletic's Valley Express was put in place when the percentage was reduced to 6%.
  • Sponsored links:

  • The Victorians use to bathe in the waters of the Thames at Gillingham but alas the town did not get the Royal Charter as Queen Victoria decreed it was a dump full of vagabonds and tramps since then the town has spiralled slowly down to its current state. The bathing carriages have long gone to be replaced by chaving caravans and old Ford Transits.
  • 15. A typical Gillingham fan diet consists of house bricks and pints of Tesco value anti-septic.
  • Gillingham is on the way to Yeovil when driving from London.
  • 16. It's always raining in Jillingham.
  • Gillingham is in South East London
  • Priestfield has one less seat in the away end than at the start of November.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Priestfield has one less seat in the away end than at the start of November.[/quote]

  • Gill Ingham is actually quite a nice lady who moved to Dorset years ago
  • I had my honeymoon night in Gillingham dont !
  • Gill Ingham also took her dog "Lucky" and her daughter "Heather" with her to Dorset.
  • Sponsored links:

  • 18.5632: on the outskirts of Gillingham, legend has it, is a large mound. Inside this mound is the grave of a long dead saxon dignitary. He was buried with 1500 ceramic jars of vinegar. He was a great believer in the medicinal properties of the substance and insisted that all his followers drank at least 1 pint every day. He himself imbibed hughe quantities of the liquid. Contemporary chronicles seem to point to the cause of his death being due to a TIA caused by overdoses of acetic acid. In simpler terms he died of a vinegar stroke.
  • 19 1/2. Allot of Gillinghams supporters sisters are infact there mothers, a large percentage of fathers are also there brothers.

    According to Jeremy Kyle they are actually sleeping with one another.
  • edited March 2010
    Also, according to Jeremy Kyle's people......"Jillingham, stop applying to appear on our show, give other tin pot shit holes in the Uk a look in AND no, we will still be informing the Job Centre that you were unavailable for work that day !"
  • People from Gillingham look up to people from Chatham and Rochester.

    People from Chatham and Rochester avert their eyes.
  • "5. Gillingham is the only town in the UK where life expectancy is higher for men (56) that for women (55)"

    those are some really short lives...
  • Evolution has led to people of Spanish origin being unable to pronounce 'Gillingham' correctly. In the last decade 12 unfortunate Spaniards have lost their lives attempting it. All of them drowned in their own phlegm.
  • edited March 2010
    In 1938 having lost its league status and with nothing going for it, Gillingham decided to emulate its Pikey inhabitants and move to Norfolk, and is currenly living about five miles away from where I live near the Suffolk border. Rumour has it that there was no shortage of caravans for transportation.

    The good folk of Norfolk embraced them, but being tinkers themselves changed the pronunciation to a hard "G"....;-)
  • edited March 2010
    Unbelievable fact - Fans at Gillingham were subjected to celery searches in 1996. A craze had started for waving sticks of celery while chanting an obscene song. So anyone caught in possession of the vegetable was threatened with a life ban.
  • [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]Priestfield has one less seat in the away end than at the start of November.

    Make that two.
  • The name Gillingham is taken from the old Romany "gilla ingaham" which literally translated means "the land where dwells the chav". In modern parlence we would say "Chav land".
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