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Parky set to wield axe after Lions debacle


  • News,
    Was he saying that he has dropped Semedo and he reacted well, or that was what happened when he dropped him previously?

    Enjoyed the stuff about playing Reid on the right, almost Pardewesque.
  • Previously I think. Looking at the programme I'm guessing he might be talking about when he was dropped after the 2-2 with Nowrwich at Carrow Road. Can't answer that for certain though.
  • Was Semedo not injured after the Norwich game and Spring played for a few games, the only time I can think he has been dropped was after the Tranmere game when he did not start at Walsall.

    Hope this means that on Sat, Akpo, Mooney, Llera, Racon and maybe Dailly will be dropped.

    I can see a team like: Elliot, Richardson, Sodje, Dailly/Semedo, Borrowdale, Sam, Bailey, Spring, Reid, Shelvey, Burton
  • Concerning that Reid is an injury doubt.
  • edited March 2010
    Well I hope we switch to:

    Richardson---Dailly --- Llera --- Borrowdale

    McBean (if we sign him we need something fresh)
    Sodje. A

    Sam Sodje will get himself sent off if he starts!
    Mooney looks worse the more he plays?
  • Seriously Llera to start?
  • [cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite]Concerning that Reid is an injury doubt.
    gotta agree but we have waggy who can play at lm or rm and sam also (not as good players but i'm sure you get my drift!)
  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: cafcdan18[/cite]Seriously Llera to start?
    Yep he has one howler since colchester and fans get on his back? in my opinion he has played v.poorly TWICE and we have lost those games but how many times do people let dailly and Sodje off for playing badly?
  • "Phil Parkinson has revealed there will be changes against Gillingham"

    So Borrowdale in for Solly and that'll be it then!!
  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: cafcdan18[/cite]Seriously Llera to start?
    Yep he has one howler and fans get on his back? in my opinion he has played v.poorly TWICE and we have lost those games but how many times do people let dailly and Sodje off for playing badly?

    One howler per game you mean!
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  • [quote][cite]Posted By: cafcdan18[/cite]Seriously Llera to start?[/quote]

    Was thinking the same
  • Its not that Dailly or Sodje get let off. Just that Llera is a very poor player who has more bad games than good ones.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: cafcdan18[/cite]Was Semedo not injured after the Norwich game and Spring played for a few games, the only time I can think he has been dropped was after the Tranmere game when he did not start at Walsall. [/quote]

    You could well be right
  • [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: cafcdan18[/cite]Seriously Llera to start?
    Yep he has one howler since colchester and fans get on his back? in my opinion he has played v.poorly TWICE and we have lost those games but how many times do people let dailly and Sodje off for playing badly?

    You can't have been to many games this season, the amount of times an oppo player has made him look a fool is laughable. On Saturday you could see that he was an accident waiting to happen and was having an absolute mare in the 1st half, then he went and passed the ball to the invisible man for Millwall to score.

    Sodje is a liability but he surely has to start ahead of Llera Saturday.
  • Llera's only positive attribute is a left footed cross field pass and I can't knock him for that. But he simply cannot defend, i'm never confident when the ball goes near him and neither can Elliot and the rest of our defence. Aside from his woeful displays at Colchester and Millwall, just off the top of my head i can remember giving a needless penalty away at home to Hartlepool, a needless dreadful tackle from behind in a recent home game that got him a booking and him being all over the place at home to Brighton.
  • Charlton’s only injury doubt for this weekend is Reid (tight hamstring), who has missed training this week and will face a fitness test tomorrow
    That's a worry, really don't want Bailey on the left again and I don't know who else could play there.
  • Llera is ok, but should only be used in short bursts of two/three games, in those he plays and defends well, but he tends to get one game too many and the mistakes creep in and that costs us games and points.
  • [cite]Posted By: Newsshopper[/cite]Parkinson’s decision to play Kyel Reid on the right and switch skipper Nicky Bailey to the left at Millwall perplexed many Addicks fans.

    But although the manager conceded the move had not worked out, he was also adamant it wasn’t why Charlton had fallen short on the day.

    He said: “Kyel Reid has played on the right before in his career while on loan and for West Ham.

    “I felt Nicky Bailey is obviously more comfortable on the left and that young Chris Solly needed protection by having an experienced player playing in front of him.

    “I felt with Kyel Reid cutting it in with his left foot with his shooting ability, and Bails on the other side, we had a goal threat.

    “It didn’t work out on the day but I don’t honestly feel that cost us the game.

    “I think we made mistakes and basically gifted Millwall goals which cost us the game.

    “We weren’t resolute enough in our team shape or defending.”

    So the reason we lost so badly last Saturday was nothing to do with the manager, or the tactics he used on the day, or the way he prepared the squad for the match. It was all down to errors on the pitch by individual players! He had the opportunity to admit what everyone knows, i.e. he got it totally wrong on Saturday, but chose to accept no blame whatsoever and, instead, blames it all on the players. I did not think it was possible but he has gone down in my estimation by a few extra notches as a result of that article!
  • “I felt with Kyel Reid cutting it in with his left foot with his shooting ability, and Bails on the other side, we had a goal threat."

    Yes, but surely he is more of a threat on the right where he played against Southend away, setting up one goal and scoring another from left midfield!? Pardew esque indeed.
  • Parkys comment "Bails is more comfortable on the left" say's to me he'll play left mid on Sat.

    I reckon Sodje will come in for Dailly or Llera, prob Llera, Borrowdale starts LB, Spring replaces Racon in the centre and Shelvey sit's just off Burton up top.

    Richardson Dailly Sodje Borrowdale
    Sam Semedo Spring Bailey
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  • If Kyel Reid is fir then I'd start with this team:



    Richardson Dailly Sodje Borrowdale

    Wagstaff Racon Semedo Reid


  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: drawnablank[/cite]Parkys comment "Bails is more comfortable on the left" say's to me he'll play left mid on Sat.
    He means compared to the right doesn't he? Surely Reid will play there if fit.
  • [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]
    Charlton’s only injury doubt for this weekend is Reid (tight hamstring), who has missed training this week and will face a fitness test tomorrow
    That's a worry, really don't want Bailey on the left again and I don't know who else could play there.

    He'd just start hopefully with the team which did well at the start of the season

    Sam Racon Semedo Bailey
  • [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]Llera is ok, but should only be used in short bursts of two/three games, in those he plays and defends well, but he tends to get one game too many and the mistakes creep in and that costs us games and points.
    Good analysis. I think it's been the story of Parky's season. Get a big warning and get away with it, but fail to act. The adage about good teams winning when they don't play well is only half true. Good teams change things when they win and don't play well.
  • '“I felt with Kyel Reid cutting it in with his left foot with his shooting ability, and Bails on the other side, we had a goal threat." “It didn’t work out on the day but I don’t honestly feel that cost us the game.

    It didnt work and you took the whole game to work it out, well done Parky, brilliant, what a tool he is!!!
  • [cite]Posted By: Red_in_SE8[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Newsshopper[/cite]Parkinson’s decision to play Kyel Reid on the right and switch skipper Nicky Bailey to the left at Millwall perplexed many Addicks fans.

    But although the manager conceded the move had not worked out, he was also adamant it wasn’t why Charlton had fallen short on the day.

    He said: “Kyel Reid has played on the right before in his career while on loan and for West Ham.

    “I felt Nicky Bailey is obviously more comfortable on the left and that young Chris Solly needed protection by having an experienced player playing in front of him.

    “I felt with Kyel Reid cutting it in with his left foot with his shooting ability, and Bails on the other side, we had a goal threat.

    “It didn’t work out on the day but I don’t honestly feel that cost us the game.

    “I think we made mistakes and basically gifted Millwall goals which cost us the game.

    “We weren’t resolute enough in our team shape or defending.”

    So the reason we lost so badly last Saturday was nothing to do with the manager, or the tactics he used on the day, or the way he prepared the squad for the match. It was all down to errors on the pitch by individual players! He had the opportunity to admit what everyone knows, i.e. he got it totally wrong on Saturday, but chose to accept no blame whatsoever and, instead, blames it all on the players. I did not think it was possible but he has gone down in my estimation by a few extra notches as a result of that article!

    Hard to disagree.
  • I say back top 4-5-1 with something like this:


    Richo Sodje Dailly Borrowdale


    Sam Bailey Shelvey Reid


    I'm afraid, as much as I like Llera, I think he's palyed in 2 games against top 6 sides and we've been mauled in both with him having a mare in each game. He's a good lad but Sodje's a better defender imo. Plus we need some pace to help handle Jackson.

    Semedo needs to sit and defend and Bailey needs to do the box to box bit, but I want him more concerned about getting in their box than ours. He needs to be looking to play the simple pass too, not the hollywood ball all the time. Shelvey gets a semi-free role to get on the ball and try and get his passing going cos we really miss a player who'll split a defence now and again, but he needs to work hard to get up alongside Burton once he's got a move started, as does Bailey.

    If Burton and Shelvey can get the ball down and get it to Sam and Reid's feet in their final third then we can cause them problems. If everything is lumped over the midfield's heads then we're f***ed and I don't want to hear any excuses about a poor pitch - Norwich picked apart a very direct and physical Colchester side around Christmas, on an absolute quagmire of a pitch and we need to be trying to do the same - we always play better when we pass the ball.
  • Feel others are being a little harsh regarding Parky's words above. I think what he was trying to say was that it wasn't the positioning of Reid and Bailey that lost us the game; we all agree it didn't help, but it would be hard to argue that this was the main contributor to our poor performance. The shocking defending, individual mistakes and bottling it were the main reasons.
  • I reckon the following team will play:-


    Solly -- Sodje -- Semedo -- Borrowdale

    Sam -- Racon -- Bailey -- Jonjo -- Reid

    -------------- Burton --------------------

    Dropped: Mooney, Akpo, Dailly, Llera, Elliot, Richardson. That team would cruch Gills too.
  • Guillotine would be better than an axe,with his head on it.
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