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edited March 2010 in General Charlton
Just watched the highlight(couldnt face it till now)

and my good god, that is the most inept display i have seen three goals his fault.... and the pass, the pass, the one to no one that also meant th attacker had 40yards square of free space, my lord...

on the radio it sounded like we played it just right for the first 40 mins, going in at 0-0 would have had us set for a sneaky win I felt... but we balls it, and then our defence looked absolutely appalling.... Parkinson should have come on the pitch and taken lera off by the scruff of the neck, then smacked in him full in the face just to send a message...

what did parkinson do after the game... does parkinson get angry??

Does parkinson has a hairdryer....

it feels like dowie after wigan all over again... disastarous defending, someone needs to get the message across and publicly...

that has made me really angry, god know what you feel like you lot where there...


  • One of the things I remmebr from a city addicks meeting with Lennie Lawrenace and he was talking about Curbs, and was saying that curbs was always comfortable diggin someone out on the pitch if a mistake was a made...

    I just feel we need an old head now, and experienced old head, when hodgson went Fulham I thought that was a good move for them, even megson to bolton(he kept them up, guarrantee them another 30million), Billy Davies really was the guy wasnt he and he fricken rejected us, at the last and we end up with the ugliest man in the world, I understand this was a long time ago, yet we havnt had anyone who is even competent(parkinson is the closest to that)

    We need someone who has been around the block and can get these guys in line and playing to their potential....

    Im just rambling now...
  • Whos Lera?
  • edited March 2010
    LLERA has had 2 awful games for Charlton, that is a fact.

    However, let us not make LLERA the scapegoat (again) for our whole season. There are other players out there who deserve a hell of a lot more criticism than him and have consistently been playing bad which adds up to far more than Llera's nightmares.

    E.g. Bailey: Consistant giving the ball away, lack of leadership, disgraceful playacting / Dailly: Very poor performances lately, not commanding at all with his experience / S. Sodje: Reckless to say the least / Richardson: getting worse every week, out of position and slow / Our whole midfield: devoid of any nous/tactics or passion to win a 50/50 ball / Our whole attacking line: Pussies.

    So you see we can pick holes in plenty of other players - not just one. Okay Llera had a bad game (inthe second half) vs. Millwall but don't call for his head. Recently that lad has been the only player trying his f@@' guts out for our shirt for 90 minutes.
  • fair enough red, its very hard here as I dont get much info, listening to that stupid girl on the commnetary and then seeing 4 mins max of the actual game....

    the highlights really dont make good viewing, he looked awful...

    I am not trying to scape goat I was just shocked at quite how all over the place he was... SHOCKED... have a look for yourself...
  • Fair enough mascot88 - it wasn't aimed at you individually - there have been a lot of threads about Llera and not as many for other culprits including Dailly and Bailey who I feel deserve MORE criticism than Llera, who I feel is singled out more (perhaps cos he's a Spaniard)!

    And Dailly was nearly as bad and has been for the second half of the season. Dailly scored an own goal and was responsible for 2 goals in the 4-4 fixture at the Valley.

    As for Bailey - he is starting to piss me off big time, there was no need for him to react like that to llera - he should f@@''' look at his own game lately, for me bailey is too big for his boots now and needs dropping to bring him down a peg or two.

    I think some of our supporters are blinkered to Bailey, yeah he scored some crucial goals (much needed too), but at the moment he is doing far more bad than good.
  • Llera is very like Kish was.

    Gives everything he has but prone to the odd error. A proper Charlton player in the best sense of the words.

    If we had a few more with his attitude we would be top two in this division.
  • no worries red....

    and Len I reckon you speak the trtuh and have seen it all before....

    the other thread about curbs has really changed my perspective, its strange Ive suddenly gone all Macro...

    just like the financail crisis, instead of throwing he babies of the roof,Ive gone a bit zen, but that might also be to do with the pint of wild turkey I just poured myself for a laugh....
  • Pernsonally, im not into this 'atleast he gives 100%'. I know we arent gonna get outstanding players at the level but Llera can try all he likes....He cant pass the ball over short distances, he cant tackle, his clearances are wild, he heads at different angles and is slow beyond belief. I do get more frustrated with players that have the ability but dont try....but lets not use this to let Llera get away with being an awful awful player.
  • Thought he actually had a reasoable first half for you. Threw himself at everything. He capitualted with the rest of the team. Probably a bit unreasonable to blame him solely when everything in front of him was just as useless.

    That said, i've only seen him play once....
  • If Llera keeps givng 100% and playing like he has, I cannot imagine how bad he would be if playing onlu 75%
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