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Does Robbie need a rest?

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
Elliot may divide opinons and has certainly had some shaky moments this season. However he has also been very good on occassions and could turn into a very good goalkeeper. He is a very good League 1 keeper and has the ability to play at a higher level one day. Keepers do not reach their peak till late 20's and Robbie is still relatively inexperienced.

Nevertheless do people think a rest may do him good, just for a couple of games?, Randolph although maybe a bit error prone has shone he has ability aswell, Lets not forget, he was probably rated higher than Elliot a few years ago. Also Randolph would be keen to do well so to prove a point to Parky and put himself in the shop window as I cannot see him signing a new contract.


  • We need committed Charlton players at the moment and Robbie is that.

    All 'keepers make the odd mistake but overall he has done well.

    I don't rate Randolph too highly I'm afraid as a first choice.

    So my answer to your question is NO
  • Fair point about us needing committed Charlton players. Agree he has done well overall, I just thought with a massive April, a couple of games out of the firing line could be of benefit.
  • If he plays v Millwall in the play-offs , their fans are bound to be singing
    ''eight goals went past Robbie, went past Robbie Elliot...''

    If it goes to a shoot-out, it just doesn't bear thinking about.

    But I've seen very few better in div three and Randolph definitely is not one of them...
  • He is a pisshead, abit like Weaver was, always getting drunk.

    Made far too many mistakes and looked abit dodgy in recent weeks butv i agree with Len, I don't rate Randolph highly enough for him to be our number one at this stage of the season.
  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Mike_CAFC[/cite]He is a pisshead, abit like Weaver was, always getting drunk.

    Made far too many mistakes and looked abit dodgy in recent weeks butv i agree with Len, I don't rate Randolph highly enough for him to be our number one at this stage of the season.

    And your learned opinion is based on what exactly? Before he was anywhere near the first team I used to see him in The Portrait in Sidcup on the odd Tuesday, never pissed I might add. He looks the fittest I have ever seen him at the moment so that doesnt add much weight to your claim either...... if you are going to post things that are at best offensive to a player that has come through the ranks and had a good season and at worst bordering on lible, you really need to be able to back it up.
  • I read here that he had been seen drunk in Canterbury a while back but everyone is allowed to have a night out. Does not mean he is a pisshead.

    Weaver, not so sure, I saw him in Blackheath and he was a little worse for wear but again not sure if it was a one off. Weaver was a big unit though, Robbie has got himself in shape in the last year.
  • thru his legs for millwalls 3rd ....
    but oh no he's alright cos he is charlton and he stopped a couple that were at him.....
    as far as his goalkeeping ability goes atm he really is 'the emperors new clothes' for us .....
    the worse regular keeper in my 34 years of watching charlton by some distance
    if weaver had put in the displays he had this season he would have been lynched ....
    i'd be farking comitted for charlton but i'm pony (although i'm good at catching!!)
    i feel sorry for randolph his ex bird has upgraded him for a jls fella and he sits on the bench watching goal after goal fly past the much excused robbie , give randy a chance!
  • "I read here that he had been seen drunk in Canterbury a while back but everyone is allowed to have a night out"

    He was out there last Tuesday week. My brother had a chat with him.

    If he needs a break from anything it would be from clubbing and going out on the lash. I don't begrudge any player having a bit of R and R during the season but with our run in the last thing I want to hear is stories of him going out round Canterbury on a Tuesday night.
  • edited March 2010
    Can't argue with that. Bet he is not the only one though!
  • Yep, not the only sluggish looking player. He let a similar goal in against Southend.
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  • Makes you laugh ! When we had Nicky B & Leon McK at a meeting recently ( a Thurs night) we were told by Wendy Perfect that Kins had said the players should leave at they had an important match on the Saturday ! They just said that we'd all know when it was time for them to leave the building ie when the questions & chat dried up.

    I nearly asked whether they had their pj's on under their top clothes !
  • He may get one now, hope the injury is not too serious otherwise we may have to bring in a loan and any availble funds need to go elsewhere.
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