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Millwall v Charlton - Player ratings

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
Copy and paste the list below (easier to add marks in the same order), half marks allowed:

Elliot -
Richardson -
Dailly -
Llera -
Solly -
Reid -
Semedo -
Racon -
Bailey -
Akpoe -
Mooney -



  • Elliot - 5
    Richardson - 6
    Dailly - 5
    Llera - 4
    Solly - 7
    Reid -5
    Semedo - 7
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 5.5
    Akpoe - 4.5
    Mooney - 4.5

    Sam - 6
    Burton - 6
  • can i use minus numbers?
  • Elliot - 3
    Richardson - 2
    Dailly - 1
    Llera - 1.5
    Solly - 4
    Reid -3
    Semedo - 5
    Racon - 3
    Bailey - 3
    Akpoe - 2
    Mooney - 2

    Sam - 1.5
    Burton - 2

    easiest one ive ever done.
  • Elliot 6
    Richardson 6
    Dailly 5
    LLera 5
    Solly 7
    Semedo 7
    Racon 6
    Bailey 6
    Reid 6
    Mooney 4
    Sodje 3
  • Elliot - 6
    Richardson - 4
    Dailly - 5
    Llera - 4
    Solly - 6
    Reid -5
    Semedo - 7
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 5
    Akpoe - 4
    Mooney - 4
  • Elliot - 5
    Richardson - 4
    Dailly - 3
    Llera - 2
    Solly - 6
    Reid - 5
    Semedo - 5
    Racon - 5.5
    Bailey - 6
    Akpoe - 3
    Mooney - 2

    Sam - 5
    Burton - 5
  • Elliot - 5
    Richardson - 5
    Dailly - 3
    Llera - 3
    Solly - 5
    Reid - 5
    Semedo - 6
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 5
    Akpoe - 4
    Mooney - 4

    Sam - touched the ball once in the couple of minutes I saw of him
    Burton - didn't even know he came on
  • Elliot - 4
    Richardson - 4
    Dailly - 4
    Llera - 3
    Solly -4
    Reid -5.5
    Semedo -5
    Racon -5
    Bailey -4.5
    Akpoe -2
    Mooney -3
  • Elliot - 6
    Richardson - 5
    Dailly - 5
    Llera - 4
    Solly - 5
    Reid - 6
    Semedo - 7.5
    Racon - 7
    Bailey - 6.5
    Akpoe - 3
    Mooney - 5

    Sam - 5
    Burton - Already left when he came on
  • Elliot - 5
    Richardson - 5
    Dailly - 5
    Llera - 5
    Solly - 5
    Reid - 6
    Semedo - 6
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 6
    Akpoe - 5
    Mooney - 5
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  • Elliot - 6 - made a decent stop in the first half, don't know that he could have done much about the goals.
    Richardson - 5 - seems to have stopped doing those overlap runs
    Dailly - 4 - not a good day for him at this dump as usual
    Llera - 2 - appalling lack of pace, vision and control
    Solly - 6 - no complaints under the circumstances, not an easy game for a novice
    Reid - 5 - again, no runs or bits of skill, just an average performance
    Semedo - 7 - looked like he really wanted to win the ball every time.
    Racon - 6 - too many stray passes
    Bailey - 5 - below par, by the standards that he has already set in previous games.
    Akpoe - 2 - very poor, won zero headers, and blazed a good chance high and wide. No threat at all.
    Mooney - 2 - ineffective, doesn't win tackles or challenge properly for the ball. He is a marshmallow (looks hard and colourful on the outside)

    Sam - 6 - I am not a fan but I thought he had a fair go.
    Burton - 5 - why bring him on when we were three down - pointless.

    Parky/Breaker - 2 - total lack of a plan B or any type of variation in our play.
  • Elliot - 5 done ok
    Richardson - 3 dredful passing, likes to run into players when he has the ball for some reason
    Dailly -3 too slow
    Llera -1 total shambles of a defender
    Solly - 5 done ok, feel sorry for the boy because he shouldnt be playing left back (poor parkinson decision)
    Reid - 3 made to play out of position (poor parkinson decision)
    Semedo - 7 worked his socks off and was up for the battle shame none of the other players were. MOM
    Racon - 6 played well lack that killer ball though
    Bailey - 4 no where to be seen, played out of postion (poor parkinson decision)
    Akpoe - 1 Shit player (poor parkinson decision)
    Mooney -1 shit player (poor parkinson decision)

    Sam 3- should have started (poor parkinson decision)
    Burton 3 should have started (poor parkinson decision)
  • Elliot - 4 letting in 4 again is not ok,no bonus marks anymore for being a charlton fan
    Richardson - 4 not too good
    Dailly - 3 what was the point?
    Llera - 3 again,what was the point?
    Solly - 3 and yet i liked him
    Reid - 5 looked better than the rest
    Semedo - 5 okish
    Racon - 4 hmmmm
    Bailey - 4 didn't really lead
    Akpoe - 3 not a footballer
    Mooney - 3 nonexistant
  • Elliot - 4
    Richardson - 4
    Dailly - 3.5
    Llera - 1
    Solly - 6
    Reid - 6
    Semedo - 6
    Racon -6.5
    Bailey - 5.5
    Akpoe - 1
    Mooney - 1

    Sam - 2
    Burton - 4
  • Elliot - 5 didn't really have much chance with the goals
    Richardson - 3 poor
    Dailly - 1 very poor
    Llera - 0 very very poor
    Solly - 7 Actually thought he did well
    Reid - 4 continually kicked the ball off for a goal kick to Millwall
    Semedo - 6 battled away
    Racon - 6 thought he played quite well and couldn't understand why he was subbed
    Bailey - 5 poor distribution
    Akpoe - 1 non league player
    Mooney - 1 Sunday league player

    Sam 1 came on and we shipped 3 goals!
    Burton na - i left as he came on.

    Parky 0 Hopeless
  • Elliot - 6
    Richardson - 5
    Dailly - 5
    Llera - 3
    Solly - 5
    Reid - 5
    Semedo - 6
    Racon - 3
    Bailey - 5
    Akpoe - 4
    Mooney - 4

    Sam - 5
    Burton - 5
  • Elliot -6
    Richardson -5
    Dailly -5
    Llera -3
    Solly -5
    Reid -5
    Semedo -5
    Racon -5
    Bailey -5
    Akpoe -3
    Mooney -3

  • Elliot - 6 Just for the 1 on 1 save
    Richardson - 3
    Dailly - 3
    Llera - -10 Sod off
    Solly - 5 Did his best amongst a team of utter shite
    Reid - 3
    Semedo - 3
    Racon - 3
    Bailey - 3
    Akpoe - -10 Sod off
    Mooney - -10 Sod off

    Sam - Nice boots 3
    Burton - Playing injured 3

    Manager - do one
  • Elliot - 5 - made a decent stop in the first half - slow distribution
    Richardson - 4 - runs into dead ends and overhits the ball...
    Dailly - 4 - needs a rest. Tried but looked tired - hopelessly outpaced.
    Llera - 3 - appalling lack of pace, heads straight up, just lumps it up there (reminds me of Fortune sometimes)
    Solly - 6 - not an easy game for a novice - shouldn't have been playing (maybe Richardson on left & Semedo on right)
    Reid - 5 - an average performance - hopelessly out of position on the right. Looked better whan Sam came on.
    Semedo - 7 - Wanted to win the ball every time. Was comitted and strong.
    Racon - 6 - a few stray passes and dwelt on the ball a bit - but otherwise one of the better players.
    Bailey - 5 - bit below par but still showed he cared. Out of position to protect Solly - needed to be in the middle.
    Akpo - 3 - very poor. No real threat.
    Mooney - 2 - ineffective, swans around, didn't seem to care on top of woeful ability.

    Sam - 5 - had a bit of a go - all too late.
    Burton - 3 - why bring him on when we were three down - should have been on for Mooney (not Akpo) at half time.

    Parky/Breaker - 2 - poor strategy, no plan B (or A) and some terrible decisions - Reid on the right? Bailey on the left? Why no S Sodje after Llera's recent form?

    Policing - 2 - Kept the fans apart but their plan was probably OK for an away support of 500 - but dangerous and ill thought through for 3000!!
  • Elliot - 5
    Richardson - 4 Getting worse and worse each week
    Dailly - 3 As above
    Llera - 3 Done for pace, good assist for their 3rd goal
    Solly - 6 Thought he did alright out of position despite their 2nd,
    Reid - 4.5 Played on the right which doesn't make him effective, does Parky not realise this?
    Semedo - 5 Don't know if he hates them, but he must hate playing against them the way he played
    Racon - 6 Thought he was alright, at least when he got the ball he tried to bring it down on the floor
    Bailey - 5 Not the best left winger
    Akpo - 2 Won zero headers, didn't hold the ball up and the one shot he had blazed it into Row Z awful
    Mooney - 2 Was he playing? He just doesn't do ANYTHING

    Sam- 4 Game over when he came on
    Burton- 5 Game was over when he came on
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  • Elliot - 5
    Richardson - 5
    Dailly - 5
    Llera - 4
    Solly - 5
    Reid - 5
    Semedo - 7
    Racon - 5
    Bailey - 6
    Akpoe - 3
    Mooney - 3

    Sam - 5
    Burton - 4
  • Elliot - 5
    Richardson - 5.5
    Dailly - 5
    Llera - 4
    Solly - 5 (out of position wasn't that bad but had tendancies to just lump the ball forward whenever he got it)
    Reid - 4.5
    Semedo - 6
    Racon - 6.5
    Bailey - 6
    Akpoe - 3
    Mooney - 3.5 (little more then akpo but equally poor)

    Sam - 6 (didnt really have enough time and came on when we were out of it, should have started)
    Burton - 6(again not much time didnt really do much either)

    Bare in mind the above scores i did leave 10 minutes early so Sam & Burton would be unfair to include

    Parky-0 (wrong team, substitutes too late & ineffective, motivatation nil points, cant see anyone else doing a better job for now but this game shows he is out of his depth managing a league 1 side)
  • Elliot - 3
    Richardson - 3
    Dailly - 2.5
    Llera - 2
    Solly - 4
    Reid - 3
    Semedo - 4
    Racon - 3.5
    Bailey - 3
    Akpoe - 2
    Mooney - 2.5
  • Elliot - 5
    Richardson - 5
    Dailly - 4
    Llera - 3
    Solly - 5
    Reid - 5
    Semedo - 6
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 5
    Akpoe - 3
    Mooney - 3

    Sam - 5
    Burton - 5 - can't really comment on Burton as i'm pretty sure i'd left before he came on. So he gets a token 5.
  • edited March 2010
    how can anyone rate that pile of shite.

    apart from solly they can all have -0
  • Elliot - 5
    Richardson - 5
    Dailly - 4
    Llera - 4
    Solly - 6
    Reid - 5
    Semedo - 6
    Racon - 5
    Bailey - 6
    Akpoe - 2
    Mooney - 2

    Sam 4
    Burton 4
  • Elliot 5

    Richardson 5
    LLera 3
    Daily 3
    Solly 6

    reid--- 5
    Racon 6
    Bailey 6
    Smedo 6

    Akpo 4
    Mooney 3
  • Elliot - 5
    Richardson - 4 vulnerable defensively, hopeless going forward
    Dailly - 4
    Llera - 3 - I like him but he was absolutely terrible. At fault for 3 goals.
    Solly - 6 - our best defender
    Reid - 5
    Semedo - 7 MOM - the only player with any bite or composure
    Racon - 6
    Bailey - 5
    Akpoe - 4
    Mooney - 4

    Sam 4
    Burton 4

    Parky - 0
  • Elliot -5
    Richardson -5
    Dailly -5
    Llera -4
    Solly -6
    Reid -6
    Semedo -7
    Racon -6
    Bailey -5.5
    Akpoe -4
    Mooney -4

  • Elliot - 6 Not especially convincing but was left exposed.
    Richardson - 5 Tried hard but his passing was terrible. If anyone jumps with him he can't win a clean header.
    Dailly - 6 Own goal won't have helped his confidence but he's not as bad as some people are suggesting.
    Llera - 5.5 Without the errors I'd have scored him 8 because he was fully committed, won his headers and tackles. Not going to blame him for getting roasted out wide (I remember Jorge Costa getting done by a Villa player same way) but losing his man at the corner and trying to be too clever for the 3rd was bad.
    Solly - 6.5 Didn't do a lot wrong. Full backs get beaten occasionally by wingers so no problem there for me. Shows a good touch and is up for the physical stuff. He's going to be the real deal.
    Reid - 4 I know he was out of position but he looked like a novice. Such a shame because the boy is a good player and I expect him t be back to his best on Sat.
    Semedo - 9 Thought he was easily the best midfielder on the pitch. Won pretty much everything and did his job (limited though it is) superbly.
    Racon - 7 Best I've seen him play for a long while. Looked up for the physical side for a change. Had to be sacrificed to get some balance into our attacking play but it was no reflection on his performance.
    Bailey - 6 Skipper tried so hard but to no avail. If anyone was ever going to score it would have been him.
    Akpoe - 4.5 Sorry but he was back to his worst despite his efforts. The rushed shot over the bar in 2nd half said it all.
    Mooney - 4 Ward had him in his pocket...and probably didn't even notice he had anyone to mark.

    Sam - 5 Didn't have time to do anything wrong!!!
    Burton - 5 Same as Sam!
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