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It's not all bad.

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
Steve Waggott used to report Millwall for the local press, and he would have been able to re-new some old friendly relationships. It may well have been along the lines of:

"How's it going Steve me old mate, pwoper norty you werkin for them mugs at Charlton innit?"

"Nah canny lad, it's canny, joost waiting fer when the boat comes in and ther season tickets ter be renewed, ah need at least 400 adult re-newals ter pay mah wages why aye mun, once thats banked ah can sit back an dreeeem about extendin mah house"

"Sounds pwoper tasty Steve me old mucker"

"Yeah, there is the odd coont like Seth Plum who may not buy it, but you can allus ride away on the loyalty of some sad southern soft Charlton supporters to keep payin' oot'.

So hope you had a good day yesterday Steve, if anybody deserves it, it's you.
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